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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 56
Straight Male, 59


I will miss smoking when out swinging :smoke: especially when a man makes me smoke at both ends :laughabove:
:love: Our thoughts are with you both. :rose:
ps Thanxs 4 ur lovely welcome also xxx
Hi Tune I have never posted before, even though I,ve been a member for quite a while.! But I had to let you know what my hubby did at Xstasia 2 years ago. We woke up in the hotel next door to club, got our things together ready to leave but we could not find our car keys anywhere. We searched that hotel top to bottom, knocking on all the upper floor levels (Swingers rooms) asking if they had seen keys. My hubby then says i,ll go an check the car incase I left them in it. TWO long hours later my hubby came back I was fuming at him for being away so long. He had gone to the car and it was open (he had not even locked the car the night before) BUT as he opened the car door in gale force winds it blew off and was thrown over the road, He went after the car door and was nearly killed himself as the gales had lifted him and edged him on to the main road. When he finaly got the door back to the car he realised he had nothing to tie it back on. He had to struggle in gales, holding car door to bend down and take his shoe-laces out from shoes .We phoned a few garages up from the hotel but none were open as it was Sun, 6 hours later a couple where leaving the hotel and saw us sat in the reception looking rather worse for wear. Oh glad we saw u2, here are your keys you left them on the bar & i picked them up thinking they were ours banghead
Birmingham 2 Liverpool all the way down the motorway i had to hold/grip on to that car door, Lorries beeping every 2 min to tell me that my door was hanging off.
But the most embarrassing thing was redface Nobody could believe that a couple of scousers could not hot wire our own car!!! :shock: