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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 59
Straight Female, 54


Quote by Nothwest8inch
Hi folks missed you last night but love to come along another time
Are you out tonight?

if only you read there profile!
or does no single guys not aply to you!
you give the sport a bad name
there are shed loads more questions but the first one is
are you sure your up for it?
some answers
if you only play with one guy then you can control the situation
only open the window if he has been sensible and not asked you to open it
as soon as you open it make contact and tell him to wait until asked (remember you call the shots!)
tell him what you want him to touch and how
if he does not comply then do the window up and drive off there are plenty of doggers but not many good ones but you have the choice.
once you have done it a few times you will know the good guys and build a friendship or two it gets easier from there as they will point out the pillocks!
the key is if your not happy or even not sure drive off dont hang in there it will put you off next time once you think about it after!
best of luck
thanks for looking
we are in brighton thurs day week all day
we want to go to the nudist beach and see whats about and any other sites
around the area so any help would be great.
pm's please so that we dont upset any of the Mods there busy enough
we may see you there?
like to be watched with some soft fun
we will be at th or j18 9pm to late (2am'sh)
depends what happening
white, non smokers, 28-55'sh
come and say Hi
pm for another time
we have not been to the carpark by the river nr hanham in bristol
cart???? on the A303
not been to either for some time so we could do with some info
we have taken pics of wf in both gents but would love to do them again
with a bit more time and thought may a guy or two at the tray
pms only to keep the right side of the aup with place names etc.
can be around fri, sat
we are looking to find a less used place within 15-20 of bristol as the usual spots
are dead and a good dogger to watch us etc
we are also looking for different places to take pics
wf always dresses to please and we dont take things to suriously!
white man 25-55 non smoker with a few words and a pic on your profile
or send a pic would be great
pm's only please
we will be out by 9pm 'ish
any one out later
for what?
must be white non smoker even to talk to
pm is best
i am sure you are a nice guy
but meeting a guy like your self with a minimal profile does not confirm
the fact that you are genuine or not
theres a lot more to it and its much deeper than your original two line post.
were out to be watched, take some pics and maybe do some flashing
drop us a line if you have a place to go some where different from tog etc
white 28-55 none smokers
pm asap
we are out latter in bristol and bath sure you no the places
we like to be watched by white males or posibly a couple 25-55 non smokers
pm if you are out and about
maybe some flashing but looking to be watched tonight
love to see her panties pulled down always wears stockings
by white male or couple over 30yo
but no swaping
pms only
if you no of a quiet place that would be even better as the ususal bristol/bath places are dead so full of guys that run to a car as it comes in.
its only a few years ago when the car parks around Bristol and the downs were full of good couples and gentleman doggers there was respect between all and things were good
now you might see 2 or 3 drive through a night and 1 or 2 stop until pestered to death by the killer lorry driver with 8 bloody hours to kill wearing the latest day glow jacket and very genuine diesel perfume!
the "dogger" thats never seen anything because he balls up to every car with a couple in it and talks the will to live out of them.
solutions anyone!
we are out 8ish and will have a look around the top
if your out drop us a line we are only out for an hour
white none smokers only please pm asap
its the same all around we had a guy we have played with texting us for a meet plenty of times over the weekend when we say ok were on our way all of a sudden he says got family coming i cant make it !!
but monday is ok
we like to be watched by
a single guy or two must
be 25-55 white none smoker
pics on a profile go to the top of the list
if there is one !
dogging is dead around bristol?
or do you know of a good place
pms only asap please
looking for a single guy white 25-55 none smoker
to watch and play but no penatration
a few words and pic on your profile puts you at the top of the list
pms only
last orders 9pm
were out taking pics and would like to be watched and some
were open to sugestions for a place to go if you no of somewhere quiet.
25-55 white none smoker
a pic on your profile would put you top of the list
pms only
asap as were out around 4.-
were out from around looking to take some pics and be watched etc.
none smokers
pms asap
looking for a white 30-60 non smoking male
to watch us and help with some touching but no penatration.
may be some WS it you like it?
pms please asap
take advice
i hope "filthy" has abreveated the proccess because done his way you will pump hot water from your boiler around the panes and loose heat as they will work in reverse and try and heat the sky. they must be a sealed system with a heat exchanger they also need anti freeze to stop them bursting in winter.
i think you will find theres not enough sun in the uk to get a sensible return on your outlay
if your looking at the green angle anything helps
but as with most green things cost is high.
we didn’t go to pubs because of the smoke and certain restaurants because of it.
had smokers and publicans etc. sorted proper no smoking rooms 100% compliance (areas dont work it drifts and prats walk through smoking to loos or to just see someone!). then the law would never have happened.
the big hate is to see a dogger get out of his car light up and walk over to talk to use and when we say sorry we don’t play with smokers they throw it away and think there in!
do they note realise they sink of it breath, cloths ,skin, hair mainly hands anything they touch ends up smelling.
there’s also the guy with profiles that say non smoker they turn up for a meet chewing gum and stinking of smoke and they look all hurt when they get the bums rush!!
total prats!
I have no problem with people being paid for what they do but lets face it the standards in this country are crap!
they have lost control and in many cases they don’t care leaving the good ones to sink and also do a crap job because of it.
parents are a major factor if there kids behaved properly they would learn more the teacher would be keener and the environment would be different etc. etc.
Britain might become great again!
Much of it stems from the fact that the parents got away with it when they were at school. It easy to see if we don’t break the loop its all over.
It time we took the gloves off and cracked the whip again
we may pop down to the 303 usualy c####g#te is there anywhere else between there and bristol whats it like at the moment bristol is dead
pms only please
dont forget no place names in open forum!
if your Bi friends were going for it what do you expect it repulses many doggers and them that might want to watch will not step forward due to peer presure from them that dont as they will be labeled Bi which does not suit everyone.
the light up was probably boy racers. many of them are scared of sex which is why there such prats if they had any sense they would have watched.