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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 78
0 miles · Highland


Slim’s looking for female’s anywhere in the Highlands, any age, build, for correspondence leading to who knows what. Am 57, slim and looking for fun. Can travel. Email for more. Discretion assured. Slim.
The silly thing is, I'm straight, but I don't want to miss out on this!!

biggrin :D Me tooo, its a long way for me to come but I would love to see this :wanker:
Hi all, Slim. Welcome all new Scotties wave. Been away for a while. I thought much the same as you guys when first joining but if you have a good look around WE ARE HERE, just out numbered. I know Inverness cpl are here with me but are there any other Highlanders out there, I'm feeling lonely sad
Why do you have the nickname you have

Well mine started at school. I was always called Slim, but can't remember how "Jim" came into being. As for the 57, simple really its in my ad rolleyes :roll:
500 posts, aye, no wonder the veggie plots like a bog, get out there man, the sooner you get stuck in the sooner you can tackle up and try for the big one, no JCB then. Do I detect a hint of a melancholy Arti brought on by “several bottles of good stuff”, (not the home-made vino is it ), and we’ll have less talk of “pitching tent and moving on” there’s very few of us what can right like you and me and tell a tale or three (yes Will & Sapho I know your there too) and that German guy Harry, who’s english I feel is improving. Yes Arti, and all out there we do need that “hunger”, we also need a place to escape too and this site I think (partly) does that. And anyway we’ve had enough “older” hands leaving, tail it off for a bit get ya plot under control and hang in there who else is there to tell the tale of the one that got away and you’ll only wet the appetite of Sarge to come and get you back in line. Slim.
haven't heard from you for a while.
I could indeed sow later crops, possibly 2008? I could then tackle up and go fishing: how are the 'brownies' looking this year?

Been a bit busier than normal and been watching events taking place on here. Bit confused by it all mad
Must be bad if your talking of years rather than weeks, try a JCB :grin:
Bit cold yet, bloody freezing in fact and not looking too promising, few rivers in spate worms needed, couple @ pound & half last week bit thin though, got my eye on a spot for this week-end.
Still in need of some female company at night can't all be city folk on here dunno have resorted to 2 drams instead of the usual one to keep chill out of course rolleyes
Don't go daft now and watch the back you never know when you might be called into action (hope you have better bloody luck than I am) smile :) Off too catch some of the golf. Slim
First class Artificer, the best of luck with the spade, if you had said so before we could have arranged a work party for you. I’m sure enough mixed recruits could have been found, might have been a working munch. Now there’s an idea :jagsatwork: can’t you let better weather dry out said plot and sow a later crop, that way you could have week off. Although its freezing up here I’m off for a couple nights camping/fishing soon and I’ll be thinking of you getting stuck in (literally), only problem is I’m going on my own again. :upset:
Hi all, Slim. I too have been away for some weeks and have no idea what's been
happening buts its very unfortunate for all concerned and for us that things have
turned out this way. I hope in some small way my M.P. to Alex will encourage her
think things over and who knows we'll be having the crack with her again in time. :love:
Alex we thought you Lancashire lasses were made of sterner stuff.
Don't let yourself be pushed out by the feelings of what can only be a minority of people on here. As a member, you have every right to post on the forum, just as those who don't wish to read your posts can choose to ignore them. Simple really
We don't read all the threads on here so don't know what has gone on in the past, but we think you should reconsider leaving the site completely.
Maybe you could step back and take your breath again whilst your feelings are bruised, but to leave altogether would be silly. If you enjoy it on here, then stay.

Could not have put it better J & TJ.
Hi all, Slim.
Can anyone remember the smell you used to get when you went to the picture's straight after they opened the doors, some sort of cleaning material I think
always reminds me of Suzie Robertson putting her hand up my shorts. biggrin :D

Someone, somewhere must remember going into the Sat matinee to see part (week 20) of the original Flash Gordon, handing over thruppence (or sometimes
jam jars). redface surprisedops: and getting that distinctive smell. dunno :dunno:
Gmann I know you have been dying for someone to ask, but what the F*** is
ROTFLOAO confused :?
Bluexxx wrote
"I'm the least computer literate person in the world."
OH NO YOUR NOT. Your getting that title as well. smile :)
Hi all, Slim. Can anyone remember the smell you used to get when you went to the
picture's straight after they opened the doors, some sort of cleaning material I think
always reminds me of Suzie Robertson putting her hand up my shorts. rolleyes :roll:
A guy’s walking along the beach one day when he comes upon a mermaid
on a rock.
Starts talking too her, as one does. biggrin :D
Tell me, he says too her, have you ever been kissed, no she says, would
you like too says he, ok she says passionkiss
Tell me, he says too her, have you ever been felt or groped, no she says,
would you like too says he, ok she says sillyhwoar:
Tell me, he says too her, have you ever been fucked, no she says,
well you have now the fucking tide’s gone out. hump :hump:
Hi all, Slim. Hello Jodie wave just get stuck in and have some fun wink
Right team, have been away for a bit have not had time too check posts out as yet, is Alex back confused: :?:
MOIST, did you have a soft landing off of those cliffs. If your ok get your walking boots out and plenty of marshmellows if heading this way. lol :lol:
lol :lol: :lol: Could you make that mint imperials please :lol: :lol: :lol:
LMFAO you lot of freaks...

Ill give you freaks smackbottom Its not us thats thinking of paragliding off of cliffs (anyway put cliffs out of your mind dear girl,theres plenty of munroes around here with better views) .
(And anyway you'll get all wet). :haha: :haha:
ever had marshmaloows heated over an open fire flipa
Hi all, Slim. Jags Wrote
Just some translation needed for the assorted Brits and overseas visitors amongst us - for the Scots word 'jags' read 'injections' - he didn't mean that you don't need me!!
Thanks Jags Kit-Kat, should I lapse again please be free to keep our wider audience up-to-date with a proper translation. :jagsatwork:
Moist Wrote
HA HA Calm down I am not a PC but a comms op...a civvy but we are now called Police Staff...can get a uniform though - no trouble....
Dont give a monkeys bout the weather or I would not spend loads of time in wales...only downside is I dont have a uniform or truncheon so does that mean I cant visit now then?? MMMMMmmmmmmmmm wil have too think this one out confused :?
redface surprisedops: :oops: Silly me :oops: :oops: You'll need to bring your
uniform and trunchion :oops: :oops: biggrin :D :D Slim wink
Come on up here Moist, (have a look at your Hobbies thread) no jags needed, no
passport (YET) remote, a few days of doing nothing wink :wink: that will relax you.
Problem though, can't guarantee good weather dunno :dunno: Slim
It appears that artificer and I are the only country guys in here

Sorry Harry got side-tracked by Police Uniforms. :P :P I too am semi-retired, but to combine Atificer's thread "Spring update" I hope Moist does'nt mind, I can't wait for spring/summer. It means off with the heavy duty clothing for one thing, and out with the fishing/camping gear. I'm lucky, 20/30 mins max from here in any direction civilisation ends. No anti Scottish jokes please. I can be in areas where you'll be pushed to see a human for days on end.
Up with the tent, fire going, brew on, rod out, if lucky, trout for dinner. An eagle or buzzard overhead, an otter if your quick, maybe a stag eyeing you up from the hill, you stand and listen.................................absolutely nothing, except the bubbling burn that runs into the Loch, pure and fresh.
A bit of beachcombing, a trek into the hills maybe.
Stoke the fire up at night a small dram rare for me (to keep the chill out of course) a good book, something heavy like Barbara Thiering's "Jesus the Man" or "Jesus of the Apocalypse" there being no distractions. If mid-summer, fish through-out the night. Magic.
Up with the lark eggs and bacon sizzling, brew on the go, you never know what you'll see. If its one of those rare days we get up here especially early morning with a mist/heat haze, the Loch like glass it really is magical.
Your viewing it all with cuppa in hand thinking how lucky you are to be alive and kicking, when WHOOSH a Fucking F16 or whatever screams out from no where, tea goes everywhere heart misses 10 beats you turn white-white, your shaking life a leaf the wildlife have all shit themselves as well and scarpered. After picking yourself up from the ground your just about to shout out "BASTARDS" when his mate makes an appearance (they always seem to fly in 2's) your a bit more ready this time and as the pilot looks down on you, you give him the / for victory sign (vigorously I might add) hoping he thinks its the "keep up the good work but they have to practice low-flying somewhere" sign mad :x And if your REALY lucky, and just when the noise (which seems to go on and on, it echoes around the hills like thunder) WHOOSH the Bastards buzz you again for good measure.
Sadly though :cry: :cry:although I like the remoteness the only thing missing, is someone in a police-women’s uniform swinging her truncheon (only kidding
Moist) wink :wink:
So Harry, Art, there's 3 of us, anymore out there.
Hello Nuzzler, wave seeing your post brings very happy memories of Holidays in Rhodes, or more precisely "Lindos", lovely village, lovely people, and terrific views from the Acropolis which looks down on Lindos. Rhodes is full of history and a visit to the Grand Master's Palace (Knights of Rhodes) is well worth a visit. The "old quarter" as well.
Now as for nudist arears I just found a quiete beach and done my own thing, BUT WARNING watch your bum I ended up with slight sun burn and had to buy a childs rubber ring to use to sit down redface surprisedops: not a lot of people know that.
Hence my job in the police...

Wait a minute, wait a minute, "POLICE", :uhoh: tell me more, are you in uniform Moist :P :P and have you got your own trunchion whip I love young ladies in uniform :love: :love: especially black, driving fast cars sillyhwoar: Am now going for a lie down, its the heart you know. biggrin :D
Hi all, Slim. Hello Moist wave you seem to have the right attitude, its upsetting but F*** them.
What we really need to do is name and shame these people.
Make them feel like the pricks they are
Could not agree more GOHIT
Completely off the subject but did anyone have any trouble accessing Posts last night. I seemed to have a hell of a job replying, and I have noticed Alex's post "Friday has come early" has disappeared. Or have I missed something confused: :?:
Hi all, Slim. Did shumone menshum Sean. He used too do a very poor whisky ad in Japan some years ago, but smiled innocently redface when asked if the fee was ok.
Speaking as an Englishman it just reminds me of our natural superiority!!!

Jags you want too get him first. :taz: :taz:
Hi Craig, wave Misschief is way down south and I'm way up north. How's Ayrshire these days, and if you keep playing on own you'l go blind, keep playing with female friend its a lot more pleasureable. wink :wink:
Hi all, Slim. Being a new boy, I have too say the humour in posts is better than I imagined it to be, but of course I/we are not solely here for the crack boink :boink: (I have explained in a previous post the meaning of "crack") so stop laughing.
The majority of "US" are here because we want too be here. We hope too fulfill whatever it is the individual wants fulfilled. In my case any lovely lady who can satisfy my every whim, dress in the shortest dresses with a low, low sorry, getting silly now, biggrin and can make a bloody good cup of tea afterwards. rolleyes :roll:
Hi all, Slim. Fran may I compliment you on your reply too Player. I think you summed up the Cafe very elegantly if I may say so. As for invites upstairs, mmmmmm, well, will have too see about that kiss
wave Player, there's a lot of newbies here I for one, but go with the flow, you got something too say, say it.
Sorry, another thread put me right off, I think the guy's ill myself. I've seen that condition on horses before. Urrrrr
Im sure there's been papers written about it, scientific study's, government research etc, and its probably been brought up in the forum before, but :!: what IS small, and what IS vwe. And yes I know its not what you've got etc .........