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Over 90 days ago
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Sadly we are NOT stuck in Amsterdam :doh: we don't have that sort of luck lol
Happy to help you with this event in anyway we can. We have been organising camping socials for 3 years for the southcoast room and they are always a great laugh, next one is in April and is on the events page. As ours are normally around 60ish people finding a venue is quite easy, i would suggest trying to hire a whole campsite for the weekend where you will have shower blocks, toilets etc on site.
Going on previous experience it seems that most SH members are happy to help out if they can. Any idea's of where and when yet?
southwest7 x x
Quote by Suze43
my deepest sympathies - i know exactly how mrs BB will be feeling... caring thoughts coming your way
Suze xx

My deepest sympathies with you too hun, so sorry for your loss. I read your post as i was about to do this one.
southwest7 xx
Quote by evaglen
please pass on our love and sympathy to mrs bb. Mr bb was a lovely man alway had a smile on his face and cracking jokes everytime we saw him at the socails he will be dearly missed.
is there going to collection for flowers? please let us know so we can contribute
all our love and sympathy our thoughts are with u mrs bb
Eva and Glen

Yes Evaglen i am happy to do a collection, if anyone wishes to contribute they can mail me for info. xx
It is with great sadness that i have been asked to let you all know that Mr Bigblonde passed away this evening. Mr & Mrs Bigblonde were a huge part of the southcoast room for many years and he will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
Myself and Mr southwest7 will be attending the funeral on behalf of the southcoast room and swinging heaven and will be happy to pass on any messages from anyone who wishes to mail me. Evaglen have suggested that i do a collection for some flowers to be sent to Mrs Bigblonde, if anyone wishes to contribute anything no matter how small please mail me for more info.
southwest7 xx
Quote by tfl
hi mate, before you go to the dam go to halfords and bye a bell off a bike, keep it in your pocket at all times . when you want a laugh ring it and watch all the bodies move out of your way. its very funny when your stoned .lol
have a good time and be carefull

Must try that next time we go, made me laugh thinking about it lol
Quote by Danbigboy
Hi SouthWest
Got all the equipment and raring to go... got a big tent too! Room for more??

Hi Danny, certainly is, i will mail you some info. I am going on hols tomorrow for a week but will reply to anyone who is interested as soon as i get back.
southwest7 x
Hi folks, just to let you know the location has now been changed. We will now be camping near The New Forest. I have mailed everyone on the list with the new information.
southwest7 x
3 weeks to go now :shock: . Thanks to all who have confirmed, full location details will be sent on 26th July, please do not pass this information on to anyone surprised
Quote by Zarzar_rob
as its our 1st camping seems good idea

Your names have been added to the list, full details will be mailed nearer the time. Look forward to meeting you both.
southwest7 x
:haha: Since you asked so nicely i am sure i can manage that smile Look forward to seeing you and Mr C again xx
We did an overnight camp last year for people in the southcoast room in Winchester, it was a huge success & we have been asked to do it again this year biggrin . We have arranged to have this year's on Saturday 2nd August. Last year was mainly people from the southcoast room that attened but all members are welcome.
Obviously there will be a charge but the cost is very cheap and includes a BBQ in the late afternoon/early evening followed by a disco & cold buffet then breakfast in the you need to bring is your tent and some drinkies
For those who attened last year please keep the location details to yourself wink . Anyone interested in going should mail me directly via SH mail for details of how to book your place.
Full location details will be sent approx 7-10 days before the event.
Many thanks to those who have confirmed so far.
southwest7 xx
This must have something to do with Gra's fear of the ladies lounge (his name for kitchen) rolleyes
congratulations to both of you, we must catch up soon, hope you are both well xxxx
congratulations to both of you, we must catch up soon, hope you are both well xxxx
Great to have you back Mrs BB, it was lovely seeing you both on Sunday. I will be in touch soon with regards to having a night at ours for you both.
Take care xx
Quote by Hungrypussy69
Thanks for the update Southwest, glad to hear things are going well. smile

You are very welcome x
Hi again folks,
Myself and mr sw have been down to visit BB and they are both doing well considering all they have been through. I have given them all your best wishes and told them how much we all wish them both well.
Southwest7 xxxx
Hi all,
Good news to cheer you all up, Mrs BB is on the mend and was discharged from hospital last night. She was very pleased to hear all the good wishes being sent to her.
I would just like to say a big thank you to everyone and wish you all a very merry christmas and a wonderful new year. :cheers:
Southwest7 xxx
Sorry i havent been around much ( too busy working) but the good news is that Mrs BB seems to be on the mend. All going well she could be home this Friday, fingers crossed.
Thanks to everyone for their kind words, i have sent a get well card on behalf of sh members to let them both know we are thinking of them. As far as i know Mrs BB is still to weak to have an operation but hopefully she will be well enough to have it soon. I will keep you posted on her progress.
southwest7 xx
Good news folks,
Mrs BB been taken off life support today. Just got told so thought i would share the good news with you all.
southwest7 xx
Quote by blondie37140
Hi please give our love and best wishes and tell them both that we are thinking of them love jane and paul xxxx
ps/thanks SW for keeping us informed xxxxxx

no problem at all blondie, i know they have many friends on SH who would like to wish them both well. xx
hi folks,
Just a quickie tonight to let you know still no real change, i will keep you all informed as i get more news.