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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 45
Bisexual Female, 46
0 miles · West Midlands


Sorry Dean and friends,
Tried as hard as we could but something has properly put the nail in coffin of us attending.
Was all going so well, something had to happen!
Hoping you all have a great time despite us not being there sad and will be sending big wishes for sunny days and balmy nights for you.
Love to all and sorry again,
Matt & Clare xxx
still trying to work things out with Clares work but still hopeful - might be a last minute entry and we have onesies as some of you well know! Grrrrrrrrr ;) x kiss
Yeah Yeah Yeah - I know "nothing new there I hear you cry ;)
This time though I mean, have already booked off the last weekend in June just in case camp went ahead. Will have a look at changing them now. Keep us posted Deano - look forward to it as ever but know September will be a little more difficult for us so fingers crossed we can make it.
As you say though, can stay on the list for Cov instead drinkies
Matt & Clare x
Quote by MidsCouple24
Chams will be fine for you, I'm sure. And no pressure to play unless you want to. It's a great club.
If you've not been before I suggest you give them a ring beforehand & ask what info you need to bring with you (in terms of ID, etc) and what's the best time for them so they can show you round.
The place is a bit of a rabbit warren though, so you'll still get lost!! lol
I rarely go on a Saturday, but I'm sure it will be a great fun night - for watching or for joining in. Just remember that if anyone tries it on, or you get a wandering hand, you just need a simple "not just now - maybe later" and they will back off straight away, but you won't even get that unless you're in the thick of the audience for something, i would guess.
Let us know how you get on...?

WHAT you need to bring etc
On arrival at reception you will be stripped naked and served up in the round room for anyone's pleasure.
Ok not quite but you will be given membership, that is automatic for couples and single females but there can be a waiting list for single male membership. UNLESS you are deemed to have had too much to drink before you get there. (worth mentioning because it does happen with the "nerves and dutch courage" thing.
Membership done you will be shown to the couples changing rooms upstairs and a brief tour of the club facilities (because half the fun is the exploring on your own)
The dress code is: for women, either the towel (supplied) or lingerie, sexy theme outfits (nurse, schoolgirl etc) even sexy low cut mini dresses are acceptable but for outdoor clothing it does have to be very sexy. for men, the towel (supplied) or boxers.
The towels are supplied in your locker where you can leave your "arrival clothing" and valuables, if anyone requires a larger towel they can be requested in reception on arrival, towels will be changed free of charge as many times as you require throughout your stay on request at the bar (especially after drying off from the jacuzzi's, sauna or steam room or simply because you want as towels are very handy for squirters using rooms(has to be said).
ID required for both members of a couple and should have 1 form of photo ID (passport, dvg lic etc) and one utility type letter with your address on, if you do not live together you will need one for each of you. NO contact is ever made to your home address by the club and your information is NEVER given to any other person or organisation but UK law requires that as a member of a Private Members Club they have to have this information.
Chameleons is a BYOB club ie bring your own alcohol, this is held behind the bar for you and you simply request your drink by giving your locker number to the staff. Soft drinks, meals and snacks are available at the bar.
The club has it's own on site hotel rooms which are called "The Skylight Hotel" which is the name that would appear on any credit card bill or reciept for hotel rooms, you can pay for your soft drinks, admission, membership by credit card at the end of the evening and this shows up on your credit card statement as "Nicks"
The club has a heated outdoor partially sheltered smoking area and dressing gowns are provided.
If you have any other questions about the club feel free to e-mail me, The club is rated No1 in the UK by the latest Swingers Club Guide (Sex in the Cities published late 2011)
and is open 7 days and 7 nights a week closing on only Xmas Eve and Xmas Day.
NO means NO and the club has an excellent reputation for the behaviour of it's members, there is always an idiot in all walks of life, if you should have a problem with anyone have a quiet word with the staff who will deal with the matter firmly but discreetly at all times.

Wow - theres some great info there pubman - wish we'd had that sort of repy when we posted about it as that covers pretty much all bases. We honestly prefer xstasias but know many who prefer chams. Its all personal choice at the end of the day and you've got to suck it and see, you'll never know till you try.
Deep breathes, Good luck and most of all - Enjoy yourselves and remember that one bit NO MEANS NO - do what you want and dont do what you dont want to and you'll be fine. xx
Quote by jon_foxy
Sorry guys, cant make this one as Jon is away in Liverpool on a charity golf thing. Hopefully next time........

Awwww - come anyway foxy, its starting to look like a bit of a sausage fest at the moment! ;) x
Hmmmm.... that time has come again and the renewal reminder has appeared on our home page.
In the current climate, we have to question whether we stay or go as have dabbled with the other site and found its not all that much different and a lot cheaper.
We have to say that SH was our first insight into swinging and has helped us to discover ourselves a bit more sexually and opened our eyes to alternative lifestyles. Along the way, we've met and played with some very lovely and sexy people and hope we dont lose touch with you all if we dont renew membership.
Got a couple of weeks to ponder but if we disappear - you'll find us on the other site or those that have us on our joint fb page - keep in touch

^^^^ Quite a good bar on Broad street with an R&B feel to the music later on ^^^^

^^^^ Bit of an old fashioned pub but opens upstairs into more of a club feel after hours till about 5am
Try the Gay quarter if your not scared of mixing with the Gay, Lesbian Bi crowd , always a good night - loft loung, purple bar and Nightingales till late.
For more main stream bars - broad street , brindley place are close together and wide selection for you to pop into. Just down the canal (you can walk it from broad street) is the mailbox with again nice selection of bars then you can stumble down into china town/arcadian where theres a more clubby feel to the place and stagger from there to gay quarter which is next block down.
Welcome to Brum and have a good one ;) x

:thumbup: Up for this - although having taken part in Movember and taken photo's throughout to chart progress, thinking GUgust would make for interesting pics lol
Quote by Jiggle
Excuse my Southern ignorance but where is Broad street ? Thanks

Broad Street is located in the centre of Birmingham, one of the main night life spots. got a good few bars, clubs and restaurants located on it
Booooo Jigs - spoil our fun lol
Quote by Gorgeouslyyours
Excuse my Southern ignorance but where is Broad street ? Thanks

just next to narrow avenue ;) x

Penetration without a condom is not something we would ever consider with anyone, apart from each other, and although I dont particularly like the taste or feel of them, we would never play without one. Using condoms and getting checked out regularly, in my opinion, should be something that all sensible swingers do. It helps to keep us 'safer' and also the people that we meet. Although condoms are not 100% guaranteed to keep you free of desease, its like crossing the road, looking both ways does not guarantee you wont get run over, but it certainly reduces the odds of it happening.
Hi naughty wigan couple - indeed you have a great profile for informing potential players what you're into and how you play whilst remaining deliciously sexy.
Just wondered whether you actually do get checked regularly and how often? Know this is probably a bit personal to post in here and maybe a bit nosey on my part to ask but interested. We were checked quite a while ago out of precaution rather than need to be as a result of any issues and agree - it is simple, painless and a great way of making sure everything is as it should be. What we dont do is make this a regular thing and wondering if its as easy as it is, why we dont so just wondered how often people get themselves checked?
I must have my sensible head on today as actually a little bit surprised to see a set of photo's posted on another site from a recent arranged group meet.
I've got to start by saying what an incredibly sexy looking bunch of people they look in the photo's - very seductively dressed and made up for the occasion complimented by some fantastic quality and artistic photography - hats off to organisers.
The one thing that did occur to me whilst viewing (perving) the pics that in all the pics of penetration and those that show action in the background was that there was not one condom in sight. Now this could be the decision of the photographer that these are not as appealing to the viewing (perving) audience and they were actually used in the most part but got me wondering. Worst case scenario could be that no condoms were used and one or two of the attendees at this sexy gathering could unknowingly be carrying some sort of disease or infection. In the pics, it clearly shows that there was a lot of swapping as some individuals appear with more than one partner and a lot of cum play and swallowing.
If, for example there was a group of 50 or so swingers and all enjoyed a fair few swaps with no protection - how many would end up having some bad news a few weeks/months/years later?
At this point I should point out that I'm in no way judging how people play and each to their own. I know we've been carried away on some meets where caution has been thrown to the wind. That being said, we normally play with people we've built up a friendship with and know and trust. We've never played in an orgy scenario where I'd imagine the likliness of playing with complete stranger is higher.
Not entirely sure of the point of this post other than to put my thoughts into words but its certainly got me thinking about how careful/careless we occasionally are.
Heres hoping that I'm under some sort of dark cloud today and these negative thoughts amount to nothing and all those that attended are fit , healthy and ready to swing another day.
Matt x
Quote by like2share
we're thinking of possibly going to Libs on sat night (18th). Is it busy these days? We haven't been since Feb last year and it was really dead.
Would love to hear any thoughts as we'd have to renew our membership if we went and we want to know if it's still worth it...

Think we're right in saying that it has taken a bit of a new direction there under the guidance of a very lovely couple. Never been ourselves but only heard good things about it recently from those we've chatted to and reviews we've seen. One day we'll visit too! x
Pop us down please Try - may need to be a little more sober this time round! Off to look at hotel prices ;) M&C x
Well, great night had, no heavy pigs stolen, some lovely sexy people met, old friends reacquainted and clare has no sympathy for matts hangover or loss of memory :s Thanks to Try and the others that helped xxx
Quote by whiplash
of all the bloody things to get broke in my house fact the only thing to get sodding mask for this...ahh well back to the shop i go...gutted tho i bought this one in barcelona a few yrs bk, so dont think its gonna be the same shop lol....unless someone fancies taking me to barcelona between now n the 11th smile

If I could , I would - any chance to go back to Barcelona!
Matt x
Celestine Prophecy
I read this and the others in the series whilst travelling in New Zealand. Really enjoyed them and was perfect book to read whilst surrounded by breath taking scenery and meeting loads of new people.
Came back to Blighty and after a while saw the film sitting on the new release shelf of Blockbuster. You know.... one of those new releases where there's only one copy in store and they put it on the bottom (sometimes worth looking here I might add).
Against my better judgement (of judging a film by its cover) picked it up and thought I'd give it a go.
Utter Disappointment! What a load of shite - completely ruined it for me and was God awful film. Oh well, you live and learn eh but it might just have been a great film, I'd never have known if hadnt took a chance. Oh well.
sounds like fun - will see what we can do but used up a lot of babysitting credits over xmas and new year x
Quote by spankus
wow at this rate there will be just as many in the hotels as at the venue, nearly as many confirmed on the reserve list as on the proper list - you got to hope a few drop out really lol

sh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol xx
Lets just hope those that know they wont be there but confirm anyway, drop out soon enough to let some of those lovely folk we know on reserve list take their place!
That hotel bar's gonna be busy!!! Race you to the front two's ;)
Would love to experience a very sexy , erotic and intense candlelit oil party. Lots of sexy naked bodies writhing around covered in warmed scented oils - touching and exploring everyones bodies before no doubt ending up in an erotic orgy (Not a complete fuck fest or bukkake party lol - that would scare the shit out of us)
Been touched on before in forums but think venue and facilities a bit awkward.
Anyway, heres hoping! lol xx
Quote by lovems
So is it official?
Is the age of aquarius finally over?

Blimey! That's showing your age!! :shock:
Oops! Mine too! redface
I wish I knew what you are talking about neutral
and us lol
Hey Hey folks - Happy new year to all you lovely lot.
One of our new years resolutions is to wipe clean our photo albums and fill them back up with some new sexy pics with some of you naughty peeps.
Well we're looking forward to meeting new and old friends this year and having some fun.
Whats yours?
Matt & Clare xxx
Quote by Suedey
Will have to confirm i can't make it after booking a hotel !
Have a wedding to attend, no not mine ...
Have fun all xxxx

sad :( Not again?!!! x
Hey Try,
Hotel is already booked so as long as kids can get packed off somewhere for the night, we're all good to go!
Looking forward to it as ever looking down the names on the list.
Matt & Clare xxx
Quote by Bear69
WD40 works well for me. wink

tends to work well on rusty old nuts ;) x
Hey Try,
Loved the last masked ball (couldn't see Mr Two's face ;) ) , can you put us down for this please and I promise I'll go no-where near the pig lol
Has hotel changed? just tried to book but cant find it for some reason.
Matt & Clare xxx
Better get our names down as booked hotel at same time as the last one. Looking forward to it as ever Matt&Clare xxx