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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 57
0 miles · Merseyside


Quote by RobBucks
This is the normal physiological response in men post-orgasm and it signals the start of the refractory period during which it's not possible for him to have further orgasms. At the point of ejaculation, oxytocin and prolactin are produced by the body. Prolactin suppresses dopamine which is key in sexual desire, hence the rapid loss of feelings of desire.


i've always wondered what the score was regarding this unhappy state of affairs.. used to drive the wife nuts!! almost feel like texting her now with the explanation.. sorreee ex missus x lol ;)

half expected mj to pop up.............

"'s just a thrillllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

gotta say big respect to morgan for finally gettin the idea! 

and janis.... pfffffft

i'm quite enjoying it meself..i know where the story's going, so happy to sit out the drama.. my only problem is with the "up up's".. so cheesey and totally unnecessary.. who ever decided that people would lose the ability to use long sentences after about 4 years of a zombie apocalypse is beyond me but hey. it's fantasy!.. and i did chuckle at her doing naked cat sculptures.. so all's not that bad...still lamenting the death of shiva tho! pfffft... shoulda been the king!

hawkwind - space ritual

public image ltd. - metal box

frank zappa - joe's garage

mf doom - mmm food

the future sound of london - accelerator

lee perry - time boom X de devil dead

klf - chill out

lemon jelly - ky

talking heads - remain in light

prince - sign o' the times