It looks as if we all agree that ghettoisation is a bad thing and failure to integrate causes friction.
I'm afraid I don't see holding up ex-pat Brits in Spain as a reason for accepting non-integration, though. Two wrongs don't make a right and that attitude is a big part of why Brits on holiday abroad are so unpopular. Whenever I go to another country I always make the effort to learn some of the language before I go. At least enough to be polite.
Our PC lobby does make it extremely hard to get past the race card in any kind of debate on these matters as anyone who holds an attitude which does not conform to theirs is a racist & therefore to be reviled and ignored.
True, there are racists in every society who do not make it easy for in-comers to be a part of their society, but to tar the whole society with that brush and withdraw into an enclave is no better. To live in a country for 40 years and not learn one word of the native language is not going to endear you to your new neighbours.
Multi-culturalism is meant to be just that; MULTI. Too often it's interpreted as you go play in your corner & we'll stay here in ours and never the twain shall meet. As long as that's the case there'll never be a mutual understanding.
I'd be more impressed if it was all spelt properly.
It should be 'You're looking at...' not 'your'. First thing I looked at, so not a great start for it. The gallery's loading a lot slower, too. Making control over the number of pic's shown at a time a premium feature's a bit mean.
Looks okay, though.
Gem, I'd love to come but my job makes advance booking very difficult. When are you confirming?
All fully updated.
Interestingly, I switched to IE later that night & had it do the same with the pics, so I guess it's summat to do with the site?
Oh and if you can get to a theatre & see The Woman in Black I guarantee you a good scare.
Seems to me that the main reason this became popular is the vanity one. i.e. it makes things look bigger. The initial 'excuse' in America was that it was "more hygienic", though only as much more hygenic as their habit of showering three times a day or after the slightest bit of physical exercise. A behaviour which was encouraged by marketing men to sell more soap & shower gel.
Someone mentioned that since we trim or shave the hair on our heads and/or faces that we should do the same with our balls. The main difference there is that the hair in the first two regions does not reach a certain length and then stop.
Just like pussy-shaving this is a fad. Five years hardly anyone had ever heard of it and it wasn't a problem with anyone. Now it's being used as a reason to filter out potential playmates. It used to be a thrill to put your hand down a lady's knickers to find her shaved or trimmed because it was unusual, now - for me- it's the opposite way around.
But then, I always was a contrary bastard. :twisted:
Oh, and I draw your attention to the recently completed 20+ year study which showed that hairy men are more intellectual. If you believe the scientists.
I'm just glad that a few have pointed out it's not only married men.
I get so tired of sad old sexual stereotypes, only married men pretend not to be, only women are prostitutes, only men are paedophiles and so on ad nauseum.
I'm married; I make no secret of it. My wife knows I play, but doesn't want to any more herself. It's our choice and other than stating the fact I don't see why I should be interrogated about it any further, and I have been on several occasions. One such ended with accusations flying and abuse being hurled because I wouldn't let them phone her to get her permission to sleep with me and I therefore must have been a lying, cheating scumbag. Which is a direct quote.
Sometimes we all need to take it easy. It's not your relationship. If you end up becoming emotionally involved with someone you swing with that's a different matter, but as long as it's playmates it's not really any of your business why.
Having made the switch away from Microshaft's browser I've been having problems with the site tonight. Mainly:
Chatter lists in chatrooms full of holes and missing names.
Profile photo's only downloading 1st few lines then claiming to be done.
Is the site a) not configured to work it other browsers (shame if so since we're all about promoting alternative lifestyles!) and B) if not, will it be in the future?
I'm already shivering with antici..........
Sunni, babe, could I suggest putting a list of attendees on page one of the thread so's we can all see we've been listed? Makes it a bit easier and makes sure no one thinks they've told you, but actually been missed. :idea: