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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 60
Straight Male, 60
0 miles · Greater Manchester


Can you add us to your list .. sounds like a delicious evening to me. xxxxxxxxxx knows us if you want to check us out surprised)
Tazbabes n Mike
Mods Edit - descretion - please dont name other people in public
hi there, just noticed your post on the forum for tomorrow nite.
Would you look at our profile and see if we are accepable for you. Regards Tania n Mike x x
We are a genuine but busy couple so don't get much time to go online..we have been to Cham's a few timees now and really enjoyed it...I an really into the group sex thing with groups a black guys.
Could do with knowing a better B&B near there as well. e syaed at the green room..turned out to be a gay club!