I'm hoping to go see the Wurzels next year.
I often find myself going around humming Wiggles Songs- especially the one about Food !!
It will be good if we can dispense with the binge drinking culture and go over to a continental style. I think if people are constantly making such a big thing of drinking it tends to glamourise it and encourage people to do binge drinking to shock and to look 'cool'. At least with the weather we are having at the moment it might allow a phasing in of it all. The real test will be next year in the summertime.
Brought a tear to my eyes reading this thread.
As a teacher and now a head I have always taken part in the 2 minutes silence and ensured that the children I teach did too. We have always taken the time to explain to them why we did this and although they have no personal experience of what those that have fought or lived through the wars have gone through, they were able to connect in some small part - through thinking of times when they were sad, scared and missing relatives/friends/ pets who have died. They were all silent yesterday for the 2 minutes (ages 4- 11), and I was proud of them. The older ones later talked with me in more detail about it all and I just hope that their thoughtful attitudes continue. There is hope for the younger generations.