Hello, I'm hoping to find single females or couples. I love dogging and am very adept at setting things up as a viewer or participant. I'm intelligent and tactile, know how to enjoy myself and how to please a lady. I have no ties and you can be assured of absolute discretion.
If any ladies would like to engage with some dogging, but feel slightly intimidated then possibly I'm your man. I would be pleased to introduce you to the fun to be had, whether you are an absolute newbie or a bit of a player. Arrangements can be made to meet up first in daytime or evening whatever may suit you best to see that we are both comfortable with each other, ok to bring partners male or female so long as they know...! I am always happy to be involved either as a participant or as an accompanying non-participant, it is always for the lady to decide.
I am pretty well knowledgeable with regards venues from the downright 'busy' to the very quiet and dark car parks, Surrey, Middlesex and West London are the most suitable distance wise. I am available both daytime and evenings. I do very much hope to hear from you soon......