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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 63
0 miles · Surrey


I've added a few additional comments to some locations in Surrey that I personally attend.
Hope they help...
My profile shows me as a single guy, which I am. However, I have a girlfriend who has been talking with me about going out to show and possibly play.
This might happen tonight, but I cannot definately promise.
Preference would be 2-3 guys over 50.
Location will be somewhere off the A3 London side of Surrey.
Would be keen to know where you will be, please pm me.
Hi Fluffy
Are you planning on meeting up at a 'known' location?
Would be keen to be included...
If any ladies out there fancy some fun at the races this week at the Derby festival then let me know.
Male 48, own hair and teeth, known to give a young filly a run for her money.
Love to see the great outfits and sneek a peek at your finest underwear. Do you like the idea of your bum being squeezed or your suspenders being pulled as your fancied runner comes galloping past?
No such thing a sure bet, but hoping to find a dead cert!
Good luck to all!
Whygirl, would be delighted if you would allow 'another' single guy to attend?
Hope to hear back from you.
Going to the Liverpool Chelsea game this coming Sunday finishes around and will be travelling back alone....
Anyone prepared to give my journey home a bit of a 'spice up'. I'm a very respectful watcher/participant, 46 years old, 6'1" tall, all my own hair and teeth!
Looking for a sexy couple to 'show' or even a solo girl up for some fun.
Love sexy knicks, stockings, long haired skinny girls, Thats an ideal but actually love all rude fun with all types..
Thanks for looking, by the way don't support either team, just going for the jolly, with some crack on the sidesmile
Would be keen to be included in this meet up!
As I was recently described as a Dogging Diamond, thought I would take advantage of this tag line and see if there was any interest generated.
Reasonably experianced 44 year old guy hoping to see females and couples who love to show in the Surrey area, can make fairly short notice. Goes without saying that I'm a non pushy, respectful and dare I say semi intelligent too?
I know some people hate the pre-arranged meets, but with so many car parks being inundated with people in and out there seems little chance of stumbling across a great show. Certainly not a discrete one on one viewing....
Heres hoping for a few responses!
Thanks for looking.
Have sent you both a PM, hope for a reply.
Thanks for stopping by anyway, nice to get some response to a post at least.
c'mon as they say in Vauxhall adverts!! Must be a naughty experienced or first time couple looking for some show time.....
A nice number of people viewing this post, would indicate that there is a great deal of interest in the Surrey region. Which goes without saying when you're out and about!
Any couples who would like to make contact with a respectful, non-pusy, but extremely appreciative viewer, or even participant, then please pm me.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Perfect excuse to be out in those little costumes tonight!!!
Very appreciative male viewer or participator, always your choice would love to see some wicked Halloween goings on tonight.
Please send me back a message to let me know where you will be.
I will be out at a few usual haunts myself, trying to put the willys up anyone basically....
Have fun.
I agree with you that the frustration in putting the hours in to be screwed up by the same cars coming in and out of car parks with lights ablaze is a pain.
But what can be done? Nothing much, not unless you discover an untouched, unknown site that you can coerse a couple too, which is a pretty unlikely event.
I have put the hours in, a few all nighters too, the rewards are few and far between. But these 'flashes' do keep you coming back for more.
I guess the bottom line is, no one has a monopoly on any public space, so its a doggin eat doggin world out there.
Just my opinion!
I agree with you that the frustration in putting the hours in to be screwed up by the same cars coming in and out of car parks with lights ablaze is a pain.
But what can be done? Nothing much, not unless you discover an untouched, unknown site that you can coerse a couple too, which is a pretty unlikely event.
I have put the hours in, a few all nighters too, the rewards are few and far between. But these 'flashes' do keep you coming back for more.
I guess the bottom line is, no one has a monopoly on any public space, so its a doggin eat doggin world out there.
Just my opinion!
Pretty much anytime. Am planning to go out tonight from around Is that too short notice?
KK, you start if off then, would be interested to read the tales of naughty behaviour
Any adventurous couples looking for some car park fun in any of the above venues, then discrete, tactful male would be very pleased to see you, all of you that is! lol hump
I know several sites that are quieter and better than the more obvious ones, so a little less disruption.
Hope to hear from you soon.
All the best
Did not even go there on 'Get them out the car park', not sure how you've read into that one?
Every one to their own is what I say. We all know what Bi stands for, and I'm sure that those interested get what they want, I was merely pointing out that to have a cock waived around by my window, before the owner is aware of my orientation sexually is annoying. In exactly the same way that should I get out and get my cock out and start wanking or whatever next to a couple or single female before establishing them as doggers would be rather inappropriate, would you not agree.
The whole purpose of my post was to find out if there was some form of signal to let them know I was not gay, bi or interested in any cock fun!
How this can be considered as having a go at gays is not a viable argument.
I think you summed it up there Kissing K, thats the problem they are taking their brains out, basically in the form of their cocks! I guess horny is as horny does?
The danger to us all is check first then act, there are a lot of intolerant people out there.
Nice profile by the way, shame you're 154 miles away!!
Definately getting better with age. :P
Take care
I was just wondering if there is a sign or something that I am unaware of. The problem is that I am a straight guy and believe that to 'strike it lucky' at dogging sites, then you sometimes have to put the hours in waiting.
I then have the issue of gay guys out cruising believing that becuase I'm there too, then I must be up for gay action too. I am not offended in any way, although lost count of the cocks waved alongside my car window! . redface
It usually ends with me telling them I'm not there for them and they scurry off, with their tail between their legs so to speak! :shock:
I was thinking of a flash of the hazard warning lights might be the warning to let others know, I'd be interested in others comments.
Whilst I'm on any couple who would like an appreciative non pushy viewer then please make contact, Ii could do with a properly arranged meet to cut down on the endless hours and a numb bum!!! rolleyes
Take care all.
C'mon guys, lets get your ladies revved up for a show tonight, time and venue to suit you!
Hope to hear back.
lol :P lol
A few, but was hoping for a few definites!
Still time for you folks to arrange?
Mind you its is getting bloody cold!
I am a 43 year old male, live near Kingston. Looking for any ladies who wish to be 'dogged'. I am 6'1" blonde hair, very discrete and absolutely understand that it is you who controls the situation.
I am truly fed up with the same old faces racing from site to site and driving around with their lights full on. I guess a lot of you are too
I would like to make myself available at any time that is conveniant to you, let me know. Generally most of the sites I know quieten down around 2 in the morning.
Guys if you fancy showing your girl off, then I would be a most appreciative viewer.
Hope to hear from interested parties soon.
N :P lol lol
:cry: So no interest, thats so disappointing. Is it just fellas that constantly drive from site to site then? If any genuine couples or a female on her own want a truly apprecaitive viewer then I'm your man. :twisted: lol
Anything going on tonight, ladies looking to give a show. Appreciative viewer would be delighted to attend. Hoep to hear back!