"C" will you post the story and put everyone out of their misery.
I know the story but it isn't mine so don't feel I should tell it without permission.
Hi Flower
in answer to your original question. Yes both places are still frequented but if you want our opinion then you'd stay well away from both of them, thats just our opinion. I know these forums seem to be full of people moaning that it's not like it used to be in the world of dogging well they are right. If you are after a bit of courtesy manners and ettiquete then find somewhere else.
Sorry for the moan but this is after a trip we had there on Friday night looking for a bit of fun and having it spoiled by 3 wankers turning up in one car and sitting there with their full beam on shining directly into our car. I had to get out in the end to ask them to go away (not quite as politely as that though) and this wasn't even in the usual well known car park. They did move onto that one after. Know now why we've stayed away from there for ages now.
We will apologise to all those guys that don't partake in ruining everyones fun, we hve had some great times over the years and met some really nice people but sadly those times have passed.
Hope you find some fun and don't get put off exhibiting because some guys have no respect for others
Sarge what are you doing up there?????
How could you let a trained soldier like yourself get into this prediciment????
Now did I see something from WBB to check your balls and see if they are smooth, ribbed or bumpy???? I'm sure it was something like that you probably don't want me fidddling with those.
Hang on there I'll go fetch one of the ladies to check.
Be right back
There is lots happening in Northampton, you just have to be in the right place at the right time and with the right people. That does't mean sitting at ******** picnic area all night with 20 other guys waiting to pounce on any couples that come near. Sorry if you aren't in that catagory but lots are.
Have fun and keep watching
Just taken a look for Hartley Hare and he was in "Pipkins" I must say can't remember the title but I do remember the characters and it was an ostrich called Octavia
Hey Jomu I thought that the idea of you retiring was a bit much.
Love the thought of the wife hitting her husband round the head for looking.
I always remember this one for some reason
Peasant 1: Who's that there?
Peasant 2: I don't know... Must be a king...
Peasant 1: Why?
Peasant 2: He hasn't got shit all over him
Monty Python and the holy grail
thats usual at pitsford, or it usually happens to us when we go there. We've been going there for ages now and have only ever seen 3 or 4 women there and that was ages ago
we gave up on the A43 ages ago for that reason. When there are about 6 guys around the car and another 6 walking toward us enmasse we decided it was time to leave and we haven't been back there since
we saw a guy on a pushbike out dogging one night so if he can do it can't see any reason why you can't get involved as a biker
Just thought I'd call by and see how things are shaping up round here
Not looking too good at the moment is it, you might need more than a hundred litres of paint to cover this lot up.
Should I go and get my overalls and make a start? better hurry up though the rugby starts soon, can't miss that
we managed to catch the second half of this: what a bloke he was, all the problems and pain he had suffered but still he managed to put on a cheery face, crack a joke or two and still want to help others.
It certainly puts our own livese and the problems we think we have into perspective. I just hope that he ended up where ever it was he imagined he was going to after he died.
What a lovely welcome you really are a great group of people