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Over 90 days ago


hello all...
male or females...
Im cleanly shaven and dirty as hell tonight!.. and ill do whatever is wanted.. as i like to be instructed!
anyway.,.. iill be on cam in 5 mins wink ..
all is welcome
"meat and two veg"... but then thats not really a sexy name is it? ..erm... back to the drawing board. confused
trim the frank and shave the beans. cool
Just make sure you cream too
Im surrently at home... sat on sofa and bored.
So suddenly thought id have a work out!. Should anyone like to hear by way of a phone then id be in the mood for some masturbation.. I could get the oil out for more Audio value wink
Pm me
Kirsten hun.. i think this post may be moved later as it may well be suited more to the "Lets meet up" section. So if its not here try there. wink
Quote by JonJon
In the opinion of one delightful emailer (rolleyes)
So there you go, a definitive answer as to what constitutes 'thick' ;)
*all spelling and grammatical errors writer's own

I quite chuffed then because when i was about 20 i remember trying that for some obsurd reason and i couldnt fit into one hard!.
Wetslide Pats self on back!....... biggrin
Does anyone know?. :shock:
I RECKON that its some secret Oragnisation. What do you reckon?... Or are you a reckoner :!:
Well its that time of the week again!...
Any big plans for the weekend guys?
Just a thought... i was speaking to a friend today who always says "they reckon" before saying something, for example "THEY SAY you should only do that after dinner" or "THEY SAY your face will stay that way if the wind changes"
Just who are "the reckoners"?
Wslide lol
lucifer... surely thats a double dangy!.. i mean its a good thing that youve had a god time but by the same token its crap coz you will not be seeing her anytime sooncome here mate :therethere: (thats a manly blokish hug ofcourse)
lil bunny.. thats a positive view point! biggrin
I gotta get me some toys!. wink my gf can tell when her toy has been moved!.
arrrw poor fruity... i was having a crap morning too, until one superb music video came on TV and then i had one of them funny 5 mins... ya know that sudden burst of energy? even filmed myself on my phone!.. deleted that straight away though as seeing myself singing (well shouting) like i was auditioning for the X factor never really done it for me.. i did laugh tho.
Anyway, now the sette is where its at. For the next couple of hours anyway.
Well mal. with out being rude... the word "judgemental" springs to mind.
but just so you do know... after submitting that post i did think i should have thought about the holiday date issue..
But then im just a "chancer" smile
Im 2 mins down the M23 but im only free for the next two days... ie 13th and 14th...
I know you mentioned the invite was for couples.. but should you alter that invite id be v interested!.
Well hey.. back to my relaxing monday!. wink
hi all...
well im horny as hell right now!... Girl friends.. going out in a minute.... Wondering if anyone wants to see a shaved balls being smacked against my hand as i wank off furiously and finger my arse?.
ill get my cam in 5 mins... thats 1915 hours wink you may be suprised!
PM me for details