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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 54


:eeek: :eeek: :eeek: :eeek: :eeek: :eeek: :eeek: :eeek:
Bloody Hell!!!! No wonder my ears have been burning whilst I've been out!!
waif! young lad! fishnets!!!(actually.....quite like the sound of them! lol )
Think I'll stay out of this debate whilst you discuss my fate!
But looking at your site Blue - I think you could teach me a lot :evil2:
I could be your Luke Skywalker to you - Yoda & learn to be a Goodi (shag) night!! rotflmao
somebody adopt me ------------please sad :cry: :cry: ?
Well.......I have been to London several times - Isn't there a rule that if you've stayed south of Brum - you can adopt a Northerner??
I'm very well-behaved, nice temprement, house-trained & need plenty of excercise 69position
so worship can anyone find me a home???
Hi, I'm still a swinging virgin. I've been close but fell at the last hurdle! banghead
Would any of you experienced swingers take me in hand (not liereally of course.....but then again.....!!) & be my mentor? I'm not a bad guy, probably a lot like Fred Elliot (NOT in looks :eeeksmile, fall in love too easliy & always end up getting hurt. I just want some fun, laughs & anything else that comes with it. I'm straight, not into pain, just whatever makes us both happy. When I say mentor, I don't mean someone to have sex with - just someone to chat to, share their experiences, be at my graduation! ( :small-print:) & feel proud that they helped a virgin become........a swinger!! :cheers:
wow, cheers Bella - you must know me well if you know it tumbles out of my trousers!! rotflmao
Seriously though, I think you've hit the nail on the head & summed up perfectly the point I was trying to make!
Thank you! :wave2:
Hmmm, not really trying to put an act on Blue - just trying to touch first base!
Most people would say that I am worth knowing & those that don't.......well.......I am who I am!!! lol :lol:
OK - mixture of both right?
I put myself between :smile2: & :taz:
,,,,,,,sort of Mel Gibson (i wish!!) Lethal Weapon ( :eeek: weapn gedditt!! lol) character
I'm good underneath, but love to go a little crazy & I do have the cuffs!!!
Off to work now to catch a few bad guys/gals!!
Let's be careful out there!!
What do ladies really like in a guy? Are they looking for a :rude: or :rose:
I'm very :confused: about which way to play it. I'm not really a bad cop as I don't particularly want to harp on about how horny I am & how much I want to etc etc.. I am sort of good cop, but not into worship either! I'm just a decent (ok you don't know that!) guy looking for laughs, chats & maybe any fun that may come my way!!
Just trying to connect with you guys in a Trisha/Rickie type of way!!
Are there any ladies logging onto this site, bored & fed up of watching Eastenders tonight? Well, why not reply to this & have some fun?
:eeek: passionkiss :smile2: :crazy: :embarrased2: :smoke: :sleeping:
Really sorry about that for you mate. mad
I just wonder if there are any genuine swingers on this site sometimes. I've had some replies to my ad. We start chatting by e-mail, then suddenly Im left hanging in mid-air dunno :confused: :confused2:
Anyway, hope you have better luck next time
I would just like some luck (that's LUCK not F :censored: !)
Hi Newbie,
I spoke to you a while ago - you told me what lol was! redface
Well, I'm still no nearer. Have had 2 ladies who I've e-mailed, thought was getting somewhere - then nothing. I'm really losing heart with all this. I'm genuine, from North West & looking for fun. Is it too much to ask? :cry: :cry: :cry:
Hi Kate,
I'm sure you will have a lot of fun here lol
Just watch out for the :small-print:
Thanks Jo - sounds like fun to me! x
xAx wave
There's a lot of you reading my ad - what do you think dunno :sleeping: :kissmyarse: sillyhwoar:
why not tell me :small-print: ?
:notes: :welcome:
I'm still very much a virgin to this swinging lark & have so far been very frustrated by my attempts to meet a nice lady!! :wanker: banghead :confused: :confused2:
I understand that there are thousands of blokes wanting the same thing - but there is an ad section that says women for men. :violin: I've tried to contact a number of women, but with not so much a :small-print: :taz: I'm not asking for much not into smackbottom : whip :moon: or even :kick: - maybe a hump kiss blast or even :censored: But most important I want :rose: :inlove: :love: & loads of :beer: :cheers:
enough of these silly pics.
I'm 35, from Manchesterish area. I'm decent, clean & like to think I've got a good sense of humour!! Why else would I be here :silly: !
But to be serious for a mo - I was very badly hurt last year & it's taken me a long time to get over it. I'm therefore looking for fun as this year has been a nightmare!
Anyway, enough of that crap - bring on the fun!!
What do i want: lady, 30-40 (not rigid...ooeerr missus!), good sense of humour, kind & can take me places I could only dream of!!!!!
Am I asking the impossible? :giveup:
I was joking Shelly!!
Doesn't mean I'm not thick though I suppose. loon :
But if you're making my cock hard - we wouldn't need to be advertising on here!!! :censored:
Still nice compliments about the cock - cheers! worship
Shelly - I thought you were taking the pics!!!!
Guess my ad isn't so bad after all Shelly? Just need to work on photos !!!
:karaoke: :karaoke:
Went to see Duran Duran last nite - what a fantastic gig. If you're going to see them you are in for a treat!!! Would love to remake girls on film with a couple of nice blondes!
Guess nobody does
I'll take my bat & ball home with me then!
Morning anyone - feeling a bit delicate this morning - too many shandys last nite!! Still - you have to do something when you're not getting any sex I suppose!! :taz:
Yep - the old geezer was me. Wish I'd picked a better pic now! Looked at it myself & I look like Shrek!! Better stick to dick pics then!
You're not a good photographer then?!!!
Or did you mean the other one! :doh:
Would be really nice - where's me camera!!
you a good photographer then??!!!
Did I guess right? :twisted:
Just caught that Shelly
It sounds a really nice idea :shock: !!
Not sure which I'd like best!!! Depends if your hands are cold or steady!
Thanks Shelly - I'll just get my coat & cry into my beer!!
Seriously, It isn't me to go whe-aay, heres my big cock waving at you - come and get it!! But was just trying to get attention.
I am fairly decent - like to think theres a bit of :twisted: in me (but only in a nice way!) though. You seem nice as well.
I'm going to have to log off now, though I really do need to do some work!!!
It was really nice chatting to you Shelly - maybe we can chat again soon?
Take care xxxxxxxxx
Cheers Mal & student thingymejig!!! Catch you later
Taking a pic of your own dick is not very erotic!!!!
How would you change my ad
It's ad number 70622
I'm a bit of a magician as I can cut myslef in half as you will see!!!
How do they get their dicks to pop up???!!
I'm more than happy to send a face pic, but wouldn't want to have it on my ad - so thought tasteful dick pic might look nice
Anyway if its tacky, suppose better remove it