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"The party finally gets in full swing"

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Finally we’re here and oh my word what a ride it’s been.  This is the last part of Martin and Michelle’s first swingers’ cruise.

Without any further unwanted palaver…let’s get into it.


  Once Michelle and I got back to the cabin we immediately stripped as we fell to the bed, the two of us hungry to tell each other our adventures whist we fucked.  Me sliding into Michelle’s already well lubricated cunt whilst she got to enjoy my steadily rock-hard cock as I talked about Dan and I double-teaming Pam whist Michelle told her tale of how she got railed by Terence whilst sucking on Bob’s fat cock.

  Although we had started the day wishing to abstain from sexual activity it was clear that the day’s activities had provoked us to a state of frenzy.  The last time I’d been so into fucking my wife was probably our first night together.  After an hour the two of us were drenched in sweat and needed to shower which was little more than an excuse for us to run our hands over each other’s bodies.

  Somehow after all this we managed to get our minds out of the gutter long enough for us to get ready for our evening meal.  I opted for the suit jacket, T-shirt and trousers look that I’d seen Terence rock earlier in the week but minus the socks or underwear (a tip he mentioned to the group that I figured made a lot of sense).

  After that I waited eagerly outside the bathroom for Michelle to get ready.  Flicking through the TV channels, spending a brief moment considering the porn channels till I realised those movies weren’t actually as good as real life.  I was still yet to see the dress that Michelle was gushing over and I was forbidden to see since she bought it with the bathroom firmly shut.  

  I would mix endless channel hopping with looking at my watch for a good hour and a half before I heard the bathroom door unlock and watch Michelle emerge and, to be honest, it was almost like I was looking at a different woman.

  Her long black hair was curled loosely so that it ended in sumptuous waves of hair that flowed down her back and looked just amazing, but that was nothing compared to the dress.

  The dress dropped down the front in a scoop just below her breasts, the front was long, stopping just above her ankles but had two long slits up each side that went all the way to her hips, which revealed to all that could see her lack of any underwear.

  “What do you think?” Michelle asked after spinning around.

  “It’s amazing,” I replied breathlessly.  “I can’t help but notice you don’t appear to be wearing any knickers.  Is this correct?”

  With that Michelle lifted the front of her dress to reveal the absence of underwear beneath.  I licked my lips as I saw her shaved pussy beneath, my tool hardening at sight of her.  Michelle dropped the front of her dress so it hung correctly all the way to her ankles, before she strode up to me, her hand reaching to my crotch and stroking my increasing length in my trousers.

  “Do you think everyone else will like it?” Michelle asked with eyes lowered seductively.

  “Fuck them,” I breathed as I spun her around, my mouth laying kisses all over her neck as my hands went to her free-falling boobs, massaging them beneath the material.

  “Oh, fucking Hell.  It definitely works then,” Michelle sighed as she rested her head back on my shoulder as one hand moved beneath the front of her dress moving to her head that was already starting to respond to my fingers.

  “Fucking Hell it works,” I replied as I nibbled on her earlobe, as I felt her hand unfasten my trousers, my cock springing free as the material fell from my waist, my length nestling between Michelle’s ass cheeks.

  “I can feel your cock between my cheeks,” Michelle giggled.  I lifted her dress up all the way at the back so I could slot it in her cheeks even more snugly.  “Ooh, that feels nice,” Michelle purred as I moved my hips against her backside whilst I returned my fingers to her breast and her clit. I shuffled her forwards towards the bed and bent her over, lining my cock up at her opening as she wiggled her ass provocatively, before she gasped.

  “I’m not even in yet,” I remarked, my prick throbbing and waiting to slide in her.

  “I can’t risk getting a stain on my dress!” Michelle pointed out.  I looked her up and down and as hungry as I was I had to agree, she just looked too good.

  “What can I do with this then?” I enquired, staring down at my solid, protruding length that seemed to be straining to get out of my skin.  Michelle grabbed my rod and pulled me to the bed, led on it and leaned forward taking me into her mouth.  "HOLY FUCK!"

  "No, holy oral," Michelle corrected me as she slid her mouth up and down my length, stopping at the tip to swirl her tongue around it before slurping/sucking on the end as if trying to extract cum from my prick the way she'd get sex-on-the-beach down a straw, before moving her lips back up and down my shaft.  I reached down to her dress to push it aside and get my fingers inside her when she batted my hand away.

  "Remember, no stains.  Not even from me!" Michelle admonished me.  I removed my hands and stood back, letting her suck on my end, her head bobbing back and forth up and down my pole, her black wavy hair moving like the sea as she did so in that incredible red dress that clung to every part of her, with those incredible slits all the way up the sides to reveal that she was wearing no knickers...the visual treat, her mouth on my dick, all of it was too much and I knew I was helpless to cross the finish line in record time.


  "Oh...FUCKING HELL!" I yelled as the cum exploded from the end of my cock, Michelle just sucking on the end, slurping my cum down like she was sucking down an oyster, her mouth never leaving my end till there was no more cum to suck out and no chance of any stains being made on that stunning dress.

  "Well.  That's that," Michelled remarked, wiping her mouth and getting off the bed, straightening down her dress as if nothing had happened whilst I stood there, legs apart, pants open and cock out looking and feeling shell-shocked...cock-shocked?  Shell-cocked? Whatever, all I knew was that I was feeling somewhat bamboozled by what had just occurred.  "Martin...wipe up after yourself and put that away, we've got a dinner to attend to".

  Ay Caramba!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

  The walk towards the dining hall was hugely entertaining as every couple we walked past (and one throuple) eyed-up Michelle like they wanted to devour her.  I’ve often noticed men looking at Michelle but the open envious ogling on display tonight was like nothing I’d known before.  By the time we got to the dining hall I felt like the luckiest guy on the ship as she wore the Hell out of that red dress.

  We approached our table but as we neared it we noticed something was terribly amiss.  It was already eight spaces filled and worse than that, none of our new friends were there.  Michelle and I felt somewhat panicked at this point, fearing we’d done something wrong to offend everyone, or worse, we’d been ditched by all of them now they’d had their fun.

  “There they are, MARTIN!  MICHELLE!” 

  I heard the unmistakable voice of Terence and turned to see him run over, gesturing wildly as to where everybody was already sat.

  “I am SO sorry.  I have everyone’s cell numbers for the group chat except yours,” Terence explained.  “You weren’t worried were you?”

  “A little, yeah,” I nodded, as did Michelle.

  “Well don’t be, you’re part of the group now,” Terence continued, hustling us towards an even larger table with a few faces we didn’t know.  As we approached I saw a gentleman I’d never seen before but knew instantly. 

  It was the Captain.  We were at the Captain’s table.  

  Only two seats remained, and as we approached the Captain stood and walked over to greet us which amazed me.  I felt like in a matter of days we had gone from being unwanted guests to VIP’s.

  “You must be Martin and Michelle.  Terence has told me all about you,” the Captain stated, shaking our hand.  He was just as I’d have expected the Captain to be on this vessel; lean, white-haired, bald on top and with a calm, measured way about him.  “Please, sit”.

  With that we made our way to the table sandwiched between two couples we were unfamiliar with, one was the Nordic couple from the pool earlier.  For a minute I felt kind of smug that we’d seen then naked already before recalling they’d seen is naked too.  The other couple I knew half well as the guy with white hair and beard and his silver haired wife.  I turned to the left to the couple on my side to introduce myself.

  “Hello, I’m Martin, this is my wife, Michelle,” I said shaking both their hands.

  “I’m inga, this is Sven,” said Inga, introducing the two of them.  I could see these two were younger even than Dan and Pam but still appeared to be older than Michelle and I.  They appeared to be in matching white outfits, Sven in a white/cream suit and shirt combo and Inga in a white figure-hugging dress with two gaps exposing flesh on either side just above her hips, but still no match for Michelle’s outfit.  I turned to Michelle to continue the introductions just as she did the same.

  “This is…” we both began before laughing and then trying work out who would go first.  I introduced Inga and Sven and watched as Michelle went as red as her dress when Sven brazenly ogled her body.  Eventually she shook her head letting her hair cascade beautifully over her shoulders and continued with the introductions.

  “This is Jeremy and Monica,” Michelle stated as I leaned over to shake hands on the other side.  Jeremy was wearing a grey waistcoat and pants combination over a white shirt and his wife was wearing a dark blue dress with her hair just above the shoulders with volume to spare. There was a little confusing back and forth before I settled in to talking with Sven and Inga whist Michelle’s attention was taken with Jeremy and Monica.

  The only other person I didn’t know was the captain’s partner but as we were sat across from them it seemed a formal introduction at that time would be impossible.  Drinks flowed to the table and tonight there was a far more touchy-feely vibe with all the guests aware of what we all wanted and most definitely putting on a show about it.  

  I passed food in my mouth to Inga which resulted in a quick kiss as our lips met, as did Michelle and Jeremy, hands disappeared beneath the table for squeezing, fondling, groping and fingering.  At one  point I looked over at Michelle and could see Jeremy’s hand beneath the table at an unusual angle and Michelle rocking her hips slowly back and forth meeting his fingers as they no doubt played with her shaved bare pussy as her chest heaved as her breathing shallowed due to his fingers efforts.  I was so caught up in watching Michelle it was only when I felt fingers trying to remove my cock from my pants that I recognised that my fly had been unzipped.  I glanced at the table and then across at Inga who was looking straight at me, her hand under the table and a smile on her face.

  “Hey,” I remarked as she slowly started to move her hand.  I glanced around the table at the other guests who you were either providing or receiving under the table manual stimulation from the person next to them.  Terence seemed to be trying hard to stave off a particularly heavy orgasm as silver-haired Monica appeared to be giving him an enthusiastic hand-job as her arm waggled about vigorously.

  “Hey.  That’s good thickness you’ve got there. I like that,” Inga commented as her hand slid up and down my cock.  I leant nearer to her and placed my hand on her thigh, moving it deftly under her skirt as she raised her eyebrows at me as my fingers moved over her warm thighs and cresting down over the other side, riding up her leg and then moving down over recently shaved stubble and feeling her pierced clit.  It was now my turn to raise my eyebrows.

  “A piercing!  I did not expect that,” I stated as I moved my fingers over her ringed-nub.  Inga opened her mouth in a wide smile before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.  This entire table was starting to get horny as Hell, twitching and sighing in our seats like we had insects scurrying under our clothing…or lack of clothing.  I saw Terence bolt upright and adjust himself before speaking.

  “So, how about everyone come back to mine for a few drinks?” Terence invited, his voice tripping between high and low as he tried to get in charge of his breathing.  Around the table adjustments were made to clothing and people shook themselves back into some kind of respectable shape before we all stood up, each of us eyeing each other in a “I-know-what-you-were-just-doing” way.  The Captain got up but advised us he’d be needed on the bridge, however his wife elected to come with us back to Terence and Anne’s cabin.

  The walk back was surprisingly quiet as everyone knew what we were heading back for.  The word ‘orgy’ seemed to be in everyone’s thoughts but no-one was saying anything.  As we entered T and A’s room I was struck by just how spacious these upper balcony cabins were before remembering that this is where Michelle fucked Bob and Terence earlier in the day.  Everyone filtered in with seven people managed to sit, slouch comfortably on the bed (including Michelle) two others sat in seats in the lounge area and two others sat in the kitchen area on stools, leaving myself Anne and Terence standing so we busied ourselves pouring and handing out drinks to everyone there.

  “A toast.  Let’s have a great night,” Terence suggested.  This time no-one contradicted him, with universal touching of glasses before the drink was taken.  “Has anyone got any suggestions for what they’d like to do?”

  “Strip poker!” Michelle suggested, causing many people to burst out laughing, including Michelle herself.

  “There’s 13 of us here!  How’s that gonna work?!” I laugh as Michelle puts her hand to her mouth as she snort-laughs, causing yet more chuckles.

  “I have an idea,” Anne announced, sharing a look with Terence.  How about a variation of a drinking game I’m sure we’ve heard of…never have I ever”.

  Everyone looks around at each other fearful yet excited for what’s to come.  I was pretty sure that if Anne would have said “let’s strip and fuck,” most people would have been game but this would definitely build the sexual tension in the room even more.

  “How would it work?” I asked, as no-one else was doing so.

  “The same way it works with the real game.  If you have done the thing, you take a drink, BUT, you also remove an article of clothing.  Are we all in?” Anne asked.  No-one disagreed or showed dissent.  “Very well.  The only rule is you can only suggest a topic you haven’t done and I’ll start…never have I ever…dressed up as a sexy nun”.  


  We all looked around at each other to see if anyone would need to make a move before Betty bent down, unfastened her shoe and took a drink, seemingly embarrassed.  Monica then removed her shoe, waved it above her head and took a far bigger gulp of drink.  

  It had begun.

  “You go next, hun.  One for the guys,” Anne remarked.

  “Okay, very well…ah.  Never have I ever…dressed up as a…sexy firefighter,” Terence said.  We all looked around the room and no-one made a move until somebody coughed.

  “AH-HEM!” Michelle coughed at me.  I thought back and remembered three hallowe’ens back I’d wore a fireman’s outfit because I’d left it too late to get a costume.

  “Oh shit, yeah,” I replied, to laughs from around the room, taking a sip of whatever the Hell they’d put in my glass and removing my jacket.  I looked about the room and could see everyone staring at me.  I then realised they expected me to go next.  “Oh right…er…never have I ever…ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich”.

  Again the room erupted into chaos but I just waved those criticisms away and watched as all but myself, Michelle, Inga, Sven and the captain’s wife (who I later learned was called Tai) remained immune to losing an item of clothing with shoes being the most popular lost piece of clothing with some guys being bolder and losing their jackets too.  I looked at Michelle who thought for a moment.

  “Never have I ever…got drunk and peed in the wrong room,” Michelle stated.  I grimaced at that one and hung my head low.  I removed my shoe and took a drink although Bob, Jeremy and Terence also had to forfeit to that one.  Shoes missing all round.  Michelle turned and looked to Betty who was sat next to her on the bed.  

  “Never have I ever…masturbated whist listening to a couple having sex next door,” Betty said, grinning.  Strangely enough I couldn’t believe that was true, but I trusted her honesty as I lost another shoe, as I went to take another drink I noticed various other people lost clothing including Terence, Anne, Inga, Sven, Jeremy, Dan and Bob.  At least I wasn’t feeling too alone so far.  Bob crossed his arms for a moment and raised his hand to his chin, gesturing deep thought before speaking.

  “Never have I ever…eaten fish and chips,” Bob suggested, looking over at Michelle and I and licking his lips.

  “Goddamit!” I replied removing my shirt, leaving only one piece of clothing already with Michelle removing her other shoe leaving her in the same boat.  We shared a look as to precarious predicament.  Sure we wanted to get naked, but preferably with other people.  Bob looked over at Dan and Pam with Pam stopping to consider her question before looking at her no shoed-hubby.

  “Never have I ever…been fucked with a strap-on,” Pam stated, which caused more outrage among the group, which she waved away pointing out that everyone there had used other toys but not that particular toy.  Anne lost her knickers, Terence, surprisingly , removed his shirt (as he foolishly took his jacket off on entering the cabin), I figured that it was probably Anne who did the honours with our host.  Betty and Inga both lost shoes whilst Michelle and I sighed at each other and Dan got up and removed his shirt before all of them but the bullet and had a drink.

  “Anyone fancy another drink?” Terence asked looking at his now empty glass.  No women had lost skirts yet, but three guys were down to skin top halves already with Pam and Sven one shoe down and Tai seemingly immune to losing clothes so far.  I was determined that this would not stand.  Terence poured people more drinks and during the confusion I managed to sneak a spot on the bed with Jeremy and Monica winding up standing with Terence and Anne.

  “So who’s not gone yet?” Anne asked.

  “Me!” Dan replied, somewhat aggrieved.  He was clearly miffed his wife had stripped his shirt from him and revealed a secret.  Obviously now he would have his revenge.  “Never have I ever…wore stockings”.

  I licked my lips as I looked around the room knowing this might get interesting.  The first person to move was Tai, daintily bending down and removing one shoe with Pam removing her second, shoe.  Monica moved her hands under her dress and removed her panties with Betty removing her first stocking which left Inga and Michelle.  Inga stood up, pulled her skirt from the bottom and revealed her naked body beneath.  Some people cheered, oohed and whooped.  I just stood and took in the blonde’s delightful form.

  “All right, all right.  Most of you have seen me naked before,” Inga pointed out before having another gulp of her drink.  All eyes moved to Michelle as most people figured she would have worn stockings before.  It was Michelle’s turn to stand up and removed her stunning red dress, folding it over and handing it to me before she tucked a big gulp of her drink with more whoops from everybody, with my eyes being torn between the blonde Inga and my brunette wife, who seemed to be getting ever more brazen as she moved one hand over her boob and slid another up between her legs, opening them briefly causing everyone to stare before she crossed her legs and leant back.

  “Okay, I’ll go next to try and even things up,” Inga announced flicking her hair back.  “Never have I ever…peed standing up”.


  Not only did that mean the trousers were coming off but I imagined a few of us would now wind up very naked.  I unfastened my pants and let them fall, causing my cock to spring free to “whoops” from the ladies, but I wasn’t alone.  Dan lowered his pants with his back to everyone showing his bare arse as they went down, the two of us raising a glass before downing the drink.  Sven lost his other shoe with Jeremy and Bob losing a shirt.  Anne, surprisingly, rolled down a stocking and twirled it in the air before downing her drink.

  “How?” I asked, puzzled.

  “I was in a club once and the ladies was queueing so I went to the gents, lowered my knicks and backed up against a urinal,” Anne boasted.  I should have known this would be the case.  All eyes however turned to Terence who was standing there with a sheepish grin on his face.  “I said it might be a bad idea”.

  Terence unzipped his pants and let them drop, his trouser snake already halfway to happy.  Cheers again came from the ladies as Terence took a chug of whatever concoction he’d created.  Five people were now naked so this meant that stripping would not be an option.  Was I bold enough to ask what came next?  Truth was, I didn’t need to be.

  “What happens now some of us are naked?” Michelle verbalised my thoughts.  All eyes went on Terence and Anne.  Anne’s eyes glistened mischievously as she smirked.

  “Forfeits, but let’s cross that bridge when we come to it,” Anne chuckled.

  “It looks like some of us will be paying that bridge toll pretty fucking quickly,” Michelle replied, getting more laughs from everyone.

  “Well, let’s see what the next question brings,” Anne advised before we all looked around to work out whose turn it was before everyone’s eyes went to Jeremy and Monica.  Monica smirked as she looked around.

  “Never have I ever…been to Italy,” Monica stated.  I looked at Michelle and she shook her head.  We were both safe, but Jeremy was looking at his wife with angry eyes.

  “You bitch!” Jeremy stated to her face, getting guffaws of laughter from her as he undid his pants making the count four guys naked.  I also notice Betty and Anne remove their stockings, Tai removed her second shoe (big woo) and Pam remove her knickers as the stakes went higher again as it became very clear that forfeits would be paid sooner rather than later.  Jeremy looked at his wife, crossed his arms and spoke.

  “Never have I ever…been on the receiving end of a DP”.

  “You bastard,” Monica muttered under her breath as she then got up and removed her dress, revealing nothing underneath, following suite was Anne, Pam and Betty, leaving only Tai with her dress on and Bob with a shirt as the rest of the room was now naked.

  “We’ll I guess Bob and yourself are the winners,” I remarked pointing at Tai with cheers going up from everyone else with the guys being half-mast or higher and the women having nipples that were so hard you could hang your coat on them.

  “Not necessarily, we could move onto forfeits now, I’m thinking…” Terence began before Anne got on her knees and took his inflating member into her mouth, stopping his words in his tracks as he leant against the breakfast bar to steady himself as she sucked down his schlong, with Tai licking her lips, before removing her dress, slipping out of her red panties and getting on her knees next to Anne as they both took it in turn to please Terence.  “I give in.  Tai won!”


  I watched as the two women slurped their way around Terence’s end, Anne stroking Tai’s body as the two of them knelt together, their tongues crossing as they slid around Terence’s helmet, his head back in ecstasy as they worked his tool.  I turned to the bed to say something to Michelle then found the words just stopped in my mouth.

  On the bed Betty was pulling down Bob’s trousers to get to his rod, shuffling them all the way to his ankles before she gripped his rod and placed it between her breasts, running them up and down his length, which was a spot he clearly he enjoyed being. 

  Jeremy was kneeling between his wife’s legs, the same wife he’d just called a bitch, his hand between her legs as he fingered her cunt, his mouth sucking hungrily on her right boob, whilst she held her head back, clearly thrilling at the efforts of the man she’d called a bastard moments earlier, her eyes flickering as she savoured his tongue and digits working her body.

  Dan was led on the bed with Pam astride him, her hungry hand reaching down to get his already solid length planted deep

Inside her as he moved his hand up and cupped her breasts, their eyes locked on each other as moved in synch, his hips moving up as hers moved down.  They were mouthing at each other but I couldn’t tell what they were saying over the sighs and moans in the room.  Their words were clearly close, intimate, only meant for each other.

  Inga and Sven were both stood up, his fingers between her thighs as her tiny hand wrapped around his curved pole, rolling her hand up and down his girth as they kissed.  The blonde couple finding no spot on the bed and making do as best they could to turn each other on, their mouths moving against each, tongues lashing, eyes closed as they were lost in their own pleasure.  

  I turned my attention back to Michelle who was also staring at Inga and Sven before her attention turned back to me.  Michelle smiled and stretched out her arms, as I grabbed her hands she pulled me onto the bed and onto of herself.

  “Hungry much?” I asked as she looked at me with eyes that looked like she wanted to devour me whole.

  “Ravenous,” Michelle replied, before moving her his so I was positioned right outside her opening.  Before entering her we both looked around the room to see what was going on.  Terence was now seated with Anne stood next to him. Her naked, model body on full display as Terence moved his fingers inside her with Tai bobbing her mouth quickly up and down his length, her bobbed black hair moving wildly back and forth as her wet lips caused Terence’s impressive pole to glisten with her saliva.

  Bob and Betty meanwhile had switched positions with his head being between her legs as he lapped noisily at her pussy whilst she moaned in appreciation, her arms above her head as a relaxed smile made its way across her features.

  I returned my gaze to Michelle who was staring in the opposite direction, mouth agape in wonder.  I turned to see what she was looking at.  Monica had her face at the business end of Dan and Pam as they fucked, her mouth clearly working both parts of our new friends whilst at the other end the two of them were licking up and down Jeremy’s shaft as he sat getting his dick worked over by the two of them, his chest moving slowly up and down as the couples two tongues tingled his member.  Clearly Dan’s bi-side was as much a shock to my wife as it was to me.  Her eyes flicked back to me as I jammed my cock inside her.

  “Oh fuck me!” Michelle moaned in blissful protest.

  “That’s the plan, sweet,” I glibly remarked as I slammed inside her, any need to go slow and steady removed by the heaving euphoric sounds emerging around us.  Our eyes locked as our eyes seemed to focus on the noises around us.  We could hear Anne moan in delight, Terence muttered his appreciation for Tai’s blowjob, Bob sloppily munched on Betty’s love-box as she cooed in vocal approval.  On the other side we could hear Inga affirm Sven’s actions as his fingers flicked over her bean, whilst the slapping of Dan and Pam’s hips added a wicked percussion to the room’s lurid concerto.

  Our focus on each either was heightened by the noises around us, every time I slammed into Michelle’s delicious twat, it was met by an array of aural accompaniment, my hips smacking against hers to a senses-tripping state around us, it’s like the room itself was having sec with us at the same time.  Eventually however it got to the point where I couldn’t take it any more.  I needed to see what was happening around me, and I could tell Michelle felt the same.

  “Change position?”

  “Hell, yeah,” Michelle replied as I moved off her and she flipped round into all fours giving us chance to take in the entire room.  

  On the floor Anne and Tai were lying on their sides, their mouths between each other’s legs, feasting on each other’s cunny like they were scooping out oysters with their tongues, hands gripping buttocks holding them firmly in place, the two women moaning into each other almost mournfully as they competed to bring the other to orgasm first.

  Over on the bed Terence was double-teaming Betty the same way they had double-teamed my wife earlier, no doubt.  Terence was holding onto Betty’s cheeks while he rammed his cock inside her, Bob by comparison was lying back on the bed whilst she gobbled on his thick tool, her drool coating Bob’s rod as he watched his wife suck hungrily on his dick.

  I turned to see what was happening on the other side of the room.  The positions over there had also changed somewhat.

  Inga and Sven were still standing, hands twiddling each others bits, except now their attention was drawn to the four people in front of them.  Pam and Monica both had their elbows on the bed and knees on the floor but although they were getting royally fucked but neither of them was receiving that fucking from their spouses.

  Dan was ploughing into Monica slapping decisively against her arse, her silver hair lashing around her head as her face contorted under his efforts as his dick smacked deep inside her.  Next to Monica, holding her hand, was Pam with silver-maned Jeremy fucking her with even more gusto, his body red, sweat dripping down through his silver chest hair as he was shagging Pam that hard her boobs were wobbling wildly.  The two women’s faces bore gurning expressions of delight as the guys railed them both with wild abandon.

  “That’s fucking hot,” I heard Michelle say as  I rammed into her from behind, watching the new combination with eager eyes, wanting to experience that new pussy, suck on those new nipples or in Michelle’s case suck on those new cocks.  The sound of sex in the room seem to swim around us with us caught up it’s swell, Anne moaning into Tai’s pussy, Terence groaning as his cock slid in and out of Betty’s cleft or the Jeremy/Pam, Dan/Monica frenzied fucking foursome, as I slammed into Michelle I could feel the cum surging up through my balls, Michelle sighing in delight at the end of my tool till eventually I could take no more.

  “I’m cumming, babe,” I told Michelle, with that she moved off my cock, grabbed it and moved her her hand up and down my length as she pointed it at her boobs.  A few seconds later my dick shot my load all over her chest and chin.  I lifted her head up and kissed her, I wasn’t sure I’d ever loved her more.  As I moved my face from hers she flicked her eyes sideways indicating to me that we had company.  I turned and there was Inga and Sven staring down at us excitedly.

  “Do you fancy coming back to ours?” Inga asked, her long, blonde hair, disheveled across her face, her cheeks red and a giddy smile drawn across her features.  Michelle gazed at me, a devilish smile across her features as we both turned and nodded.  We went to collect our clothes but Inga grabbed both our hands and pulled us over to the door.  

  Sven took a peek outside then nodded at the three of us and we ran after him down the corridor, hiding anywhere possible when we heard others coming before we managed to make it back to theirs undetected, chuckling manically as we entered before Michelle ran and jumped up at Sven, wrapping her legs and arms around him like some kind of sexual octopus, his hands holding her in place gripping her arse cheeks firmly, their mouths mashing together passionately as Michelle moved her hips against Sven’s body, yearning to feel him inside her.  Inga turned to me, pushing her hair back into place as she smiled.

  “Well, that’s us put in our place I guess,” I joked as our respective other halves snogged like teenagers.

  “I’m sure we’ll figure out something to do,” Inga simmered before gently moving into my orbit, her face next to mine, her perfume and sweat intoxicating me as our faces brushed against each other, our mouths toying across our features before our lips eventually moved across and into each other.  Her kisses were gentle and tender but filled with longing, compared to Sven and Michelle’s lust-filled efforts as their hands grabbed at each other’s bodies.

  Inga and I moved slowly to the bed and eased softly onto it although I felt pretty fucking far from soft, her body tight but malleable to my touch like a potter’s clay as I moved my hand over her hot skin, sliding my hands to her perky yet firm boobs as she slid her hand down my stomach to my tool, moving her hand up the stem, mid-way before beginning to slowly move her hand back and forth.  She was magnificent, but our attention was taken by sounds behind us.

  “Oh, Michelle,” Sven sighed as Michelle twirled her tongue around his end, her hand sliding up and down his shaft before rhythmically moving her head up and down his girth, spectacularly.  Whilst watching I moved my hand between Inga’s legs as she continued to work my tool, Inga’s sighs in my ear, encouraging my fingers to explore her succulent crevice, feeling her bean on the outside before meeting the warm welcoming wetness, like my fingers were monkeying around from a rock into a volcanic spa.

  “Your wife is wild!” Inga commented as we both watched Michelle swallow down Sven’s mighty length.  

  “I’m starting to find that out,” I replied as I pumped my fingers in and out of Inga’s snatch.  I brought my attention back to Inga, her blonde beauty captivating in a different way.  I couldn’t really imagine a women of this beauty wanting to be part of this lascivious lifestyle.  Her glamorous features seemed to make me think model then mom, the kind you see on social media posing with her bump, she had that look about her, but right now she was naked and next to me and I was not about to take that for granted.

  The two of us laid back on the bed, our slow and lucid love-making in contrast to Michelle and Sven’s sexual frenzy.  Inga’s love tunnel felt wonderfully tight around my two fingers as I moved them inside her, my thumb rotating round her fleshy nub on the outside, her breathing encouraging me to take my time as her right hand gripped my shoulder, holding the two of us in place together and her other gripping my cock like she was gripping a microphone, my big hope being she was gonna be taking it nearer her mouth.

  “UNGH!  Fucking yeah!” Michelle cried out.  We both turned to look at her and could see her bent over with Sven behind her slamming into her hips, the two of them rutting, fusing at the waist, Michelle’s boobs jiggling about with each thrust.  “HURR, UNGH, OH FUCK!” Michelle exclaimed, I looked away and back to the blonde beauty next to me, looking deep in her eyes as they widened in response to my digits playing with her pussy, I wanted to do so much with her now, taste her, suck her, feel her, slide inside her that I was almost overwhelmed.

  “I want you in me,” Inga sighed, I gazed down upon her and smiled, moving my hand from her quim I grabbed her by the waist and flipped her on top of me, her hair cascading down towards me like a shimmering curtain.  Inga reached down and grabbed my cock that was poised waiting for her and positioned me just outside my opening, but before she moved herself down my pole she placed her face next to my ear and whispered “I’ve been looking forward to this since dinner”.

  Inga then sunk her snatch slowly onto my pole, holding her position at the base with my fully inside her before she moved forward and brushed her lips on mine, my hands cupping her face as she gently rolled her hips back and forward onto my length.  It was only when I felt the weight of the bed shift that I even remembered that Michelle and Sven were in the same room as us.

  I looked over and lying on the bed was Michelle with Sven moving on top of her and slipping his cock inside.  Michelle closed her eyes and bit her tongue as he entered her, her eyes flicking open to me, watching as Inga rode on my stuffy.

  “Mmmm, Inga…how’s…OH GOD!… how’s my hubby’s…sweet Jesus…cock?” Michelle managed to ask as Sven slapped his length inside her.

  “Great!” How’s Sven’s?” Inga enquired as she ground her hips against mine so her clit rubbed fiercely against my pelvis, every pressure causing Inga to close her eyes in pleasure.

  “Amazing!” Michelle replied through laboured breathing, breasts jiggling from Sven’s frantic efforts.  Michelle turned to face me, a distracted look on her face as she was clearly trying to find the right words whilst simultaneously being very distracted by Sven’s girth.  Eventually she managed to retrieve her thoughts from the faraway place Sven was sending her.  “This…is…OH FUCK…the best…holiday…EVER!”

  Michelle arched her back and gripped Sven’s arms as we both watched my wife cum all over Sven’s prick, as I gazed up at the blonde, naked stunner riding me…it was hard to disagree with her assessment.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

  As the night wore on more people from the other party came to join us at Inga and Sven’s.  By the time morning came there were 16 people in Sven and Inga’s more modest cabin.  By the time we left in the morning we were having to step over and round other people’s bodies.  

  The rest of the cruise past in a blur of sighting and sex, with new people and friends being discovered as the days went by.  When we left to come back home tears were shed, but also with a determination that we would be back here again with our new friends soon enough, enjoying the pleasure of their company and their bodies as well.


= = = = = = = = = = = =  = = = = = = = = = = = =


  “I just can’t believe it”.


  “I know”.

  “How could Terence do this?”

  “These things happen.

  “It’s like a betrayal to all of us…Especially Anne”.

  “Martin,” Michelle replied.  “It’s appendicitis.  You’re acting like he’s having an affair.  It’s not his fault”.

  I shake my head in annoyance.  The sudden onset of the situation and Terence’s stay in hospital meant neither he nor Anne could make this year’s cruise.  We were gutted.  His easy wit and awkward manner always meant he was a firm favourite even though he could be a tad prickly.  Still Michelle and I knew that many of our favourite people (old and new) would still be here like Dan and Pam, Janet and Joe, Inga and Sven and many other people who we’d filtered through over the years.  I was feeling pretty good about the situation in-spite of us not being able to experience the joys of T and A, just two weeks of us being able to flirt, cavort, fuck and suck any time we wanted was just what the Doctor ordered when something caught my eye.  Two people had just walked in the buffet area I did not recognise.  I felt my heart sink.  New people here meant all of our well prepared plans were sunk, all by these interlopers who had no place being on a cruise ship.  I stormed over immediately.

  “I’m sorry, who are you?” I asked, incessantly.

  “Oh, hi.  I’m Alex,” beamed the young guy who looked like he was in his late twenties with his loose fitting T-shirt and ridiculously fashionable shorts.

  “And I’m Mari,” his other half joyfully uttered in her mid-cut top showing off her waist where her tight shorts hugged her hips.  Not only was I missing out on Terence and Anne not being here but I had two people on board who had no idea what they’d stepped into.  I was furious.

  “I don’t wish to be rude but…you’re not supposed to be here,” I remarked, holding in my rage.

  “Wha…what do you mean?” asked Alex, nervously.

  “I mean you shouldn’t be here!” I replied as I took stock of these newbies and complete lack of understanding of where they were.  They looked worried at each other than back at me, their faces full of anxt.

  “Oh, just ignore my old hubby.  Sometimes he forgets his manners with new people.  Hi, I’m Michelle,” my wife greeted the newcomers before placing a luscious wet kiss on both new people.  I had no idea why but I was aware that somehow…this all seemed vaguely familiar.


So there you have it.  What did you think?  Did you enjoy it, did you not?  Have you played the kink game yet?  Did you find any other bits true to life?  Let me know all in the comments.

Written by goodafterboob

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