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"The last throws of the dice, but will be the outcome?"

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HORNMANJI:  The last throws of the dice - Part 5.  The finale.

So here we are.  After delay and delay and endless struggle you mucky pups finally get an end to this five-part filth-fest.  May you enjoy the salacious and saucy goings-on as this journey completes.  So, without further FAFF, let’s get on with it.

ALL’S END THAT’S WELL END…ISH (yes, that’s deliberately like that).

  The tension in the room had now reached levels that no-one seemed to know how to de-escalate.  Usually after sex I tended to feel relaxed and at peace, but after fucking Emma from behind, after watching my wife Amy delight in winding up adulterous Marla by fucking Titus, whom she’d had her eye on all night…I was feeling pretty frigging insecure and it was clear I wasn’t the only one.

  Marla was staring at Amy like she wanted to start a hair-pulling fight in the middle of the front room, Tia was eyeing Marla and her other half, Titus, with a vengeful stare, Emma was switching her gaze between Elias and myself, Matty was staring down as he seemed to realise his relationship was over with Wendy looking around puzzled and Will avoiding everyone’s gaze after he engaged in oral bisexual sex with Elias.

  Pretty far from your normal Saturday night get-together.  

  But the worst thing was that in spite of all of this we all knew that the only way to bring this to a close was by concluding the game, by getting just one player over the finish line.  That would do it, that would safely see us to the game’s end.  We were playing out of necessity rather than enjoyment.  

  “Will.  I believe it’s your turn,” I remarked, breaking Will from his solemn introspection.  Will chucked the dice with little enthusiasm and it only took a couple of bounces before the tiny game boxes stopped and revealed their numbers…a two and a three, his piece moving across the board and stopping at ten.  The ten of us then crammed in tightly together to spy on the next poetic challenge.  Would we have to be anally taken by our other halves?  Were giant bats about to fly down?  Were we about to be consumed by hyenas, laughing as they ripped the flesh from our bones?  The tension was unbearable.

The hungry, hungry hippos need feeding their dinner.

The turn is over once there is a winner

  “Well, I guess this was to be expected,” Will quipped.  We all nodded, seemingly resigned to the fact that this was something we all knew would occur ever since animals started being involved in the game.  There was a rumble that resembled the wildebeest stampede but seemed less motored, more scattered, and, as three hundred melons rolled into the front room we understood why?

  “How does this work then?  Are we all competing with each other?” Wendy asked, somewhat logically.  I hadn’t given it much consideration till she mentioned it.  

  “I think they’re competing and we’re the feeders,” I informed Wendy as the sound of four very hungry hippos stomping through the house greeted us with about as warm a welcome as the smell of off-milk before you pour it on your cereal.  All of us grabbed a watermelon and held it ready to throw at whatever came through the door.  


  The hippos burst through the doorframe shattering the woodwork and masonry and sending shards of it across the room.  Once this game was finished it was gonna take a shitload of money to repair the house.  The four gigantic mouths mawed into the air and it looked like we had four remnants of the prehistoric era in our front room, they were so massive.

  Elias stepped forward and threw his melon into the mouth of one of the hippos who chomped enthusiastically onto the gigantic food-ball, but then left its mouth open wanting more, as the other three beasts stepped hungrily forward, jaws flapping as they moved ever closer.  Amy hurled her fruit towards a set of jaws and it voraciously chewed on the sweet circle of goodness, which caused the rest of us to start chucking the sugary grub.

  Goodness, gracious, green balls of food were spinning across the room into the gaping mouths of these whacky yet intimidating behemoths that accepted everything we threw their way, the air getting dyed with the juice from the melons creating an iridescent pink mist hovering in the air as green bits of undigested munch wound up all over the floor and on our naked bodies, making us all look like we were part of some new exotic tribe whilst we undertook the most bizarre aerobic exercise I think I could ever recall.

  "I've got to admit this is more like the game I thought I'd be playing," Will chimed up as he thrust a big globe of fruit at one of the yapping gargantuan mouths.

  "What are you gonna bring next time, Art?  A haunted Ker-Plunk?" Elias fired back as he flicked another sphere of sugar forward to be snapped by jaws that could snap a person in two.

  "Literal snakes and ladders that lead up and down a building on fire?" Amy chirped in, laughing with everyone else at her sarcastic quip.  I stopped for a minute and stared at my wife who was now taking pot-shots at me too.  Amy continued propelling the green circles, oblivious of her words made me feel as they slashed across me like blades.  I stood still as the other nine folks jockeyed to get as many watermelons into these intimidating gobs as possible.  Before this evening I thought that Amy and I were tight and nothing could come between us but this evening had thrown us out of whack.  Before tonight I’d gaze at my fiery-haired beauty in wonder, but now I wondered if we’d make it past tonight.

  “Are you gonna throw that or what?!” Marla shouted my way.  I broke out of my sorrowful introspection and saw I was the only one holding any food and all four hippos were stomping ominously my way.  Shit!  I chucked the food at the nearest mouth and watched in fear as it reared up on its hind legs in front of me like some kind of chubby stallion, hoisted up in triumph making this strange, victorious bellowing sound before it wobbled forward, it’s legs cracking the floor as it landed sending dust and a myriad of other particles into the air as all four mighty beasts stayed practically motionless staring blank-faced at the other ten beings in the room.

  All of us remained motionless, an unnerving stand-off taking place between all of us and all of them.  Were they going to charge us or kill us or eat us?  All we could do was wait and watch, before slowly, almost imperceivably, began to back away down the room, into the hallway and slinking off into the house.  I bent over and let out a huge breath.  These adventures were becoming ever more terrifying and the thought of dying in one of these challenges was starting to genuinely frighten me.  I felt my head go light and as I straightened up, the room began to swirl and slur around my head until my legs gave way, consciousness abated and darkness swallowed me whole.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

  “Art?  Art?” a female voice lilted toward me as if being carried by the wispy breeze of a dream.  

  “What?  Huh?” I muttered as I began to get up but found that even raising myself on my arms was a logistical nightmare.  “What…did I pass out?”

  “Uh-huh,” Emma replied, my head resting on her lap, my eyes transfixed on the underside of that sizable cleavage, her hand stroking my hair as my body relaxed under her loving touch.

  “I’m sorry about all of this,” I drawled, my mouth somehow managing to get the words out.  “I just thought it was a regular game”.

  “I know.  You couldn’t have known,” Emma replied, genuine affection oozing through her words and voice.  I tilted my head and saw that the remnants of the watermelon mist was still just about hanging in the air, giving the room a tender-pink-glazed hue.  I scanned the room and could see that Emma and I were alone.  

  "Where's everyone else?" I asked as I shimmied my shoulders up Emma's thigh, moving slowly so as not to slip back into some kind of unconscious stupor.

  "They stood around for a bit but then I said I'd take care of you and they scattered," Emma replied.  I instantly knew what that meant.  Our fellow gamers splitting the room meant our fellow gamers were fucking each other throughout the rest of the house and I needed to know where and with whom these shenanigans were unfolding.

  "Come on.  I could use another drink and by God, this has to be an alcoholic one," I stated as I slowly regained my footing, helped with the buxom Emma grabbing my arm and helping me regain my footing.  We made our way to the kitchen and as we did the unmistakable sound of sex could be heard from upstairs.  Sighs, moans and the slapping of flesh all combined together to create a depraved and degenerate mix.  Emma stalled as she heard the noises and I turned back seeing her wide-eyed and astonished at what was going on in our absence.

  "It's okay.  Let's get a drink first and then we'll take a peek.  They'll still be going then," I assured her.  Emma nodded politely and we two naked and fruit-splattered friends made our way into the culinary centre of the house to whet our whistles before spying on our perverted partners and their chosen lascivious cohorts.  I poured a strawberry vodka and lemonade, waved the bottle at Emma and once she let me know, poured a second, I took both drinks over, handing Emma’s to her and enjoying the feeling of her fingers meeting mine as they slid around the glass.

  “Cheers,” I stated, clinking our glasses together.

  “Cheers,” Emma repeated, her eyes staying on mine as we both knocked back the sweet, yet sour drink, the bubbles cascading and swilling over our taste buds as we gazed at each other.  It was as though tonight had wrestled free feelings we had held on to, yet held back at the same time.  I’d always had a bit of a thing for Em, but here and now with the two of us naked and in close proximity, pretence that we had to hold on to civility seemed not to matter at all now, especially as the grunts and moans of our partners were reaching our ears even down here. 

  "Now, shall we investigate what our other halves are up to?" I asked Emma, who bit her lip and nodded at me provocatively and with that we downed the remaining liquid as quickly as we could and held hands as we stepped mutedly into the hallway before carefully and deliberately making our way up the stairs.  Every time the stairs creaked we would look at each other semi-petrified that someone would hear us before a muted moan would  carry out of one of the rooms and reach us on the steps, reassuring us that no-one was listening out for us.

  As we reached the top of the stairs we could see light coming from two doors, one of the main bedrooms on the left and the other main bedroom on the right.  We heard a groan of delight from the left and nodded an affirmation to each other before moving to the open door, the two of us peeking in to satisfy more than just our curiosity.

  On the bed was Titus, his legs wide open with Marla and Amy on their knees in front of him, the two women licking up and down Titus' solid length as he rested back on his elbows gazing down as the two women drew their tongues slowly up his meat, stopping at the top as they licked around his helmet as they continued to pump his tool.

  "How do you feel, watching your wife do that to another man?" Emma asked.  I moved her hand around my stiff monster, her hand beginning to move back and forth as she smiled at me.

  "Does that answer your question?" I replied as I slipped my left hand between Emma's thighs, her gooey, wet lips delighting my digits as I explored her luscious inner workings as I slipped my finger further between her lips, exploring her insides,feeling myself get more turned on as we stood there, no longer watching but instead enjoying the sensation of turning each other on till our focus was pulled by the events inside the room.

  "Oh God!" I heard Amy exclaim from inside the bedroom.  The two of us edged forward more to spy on the three people and saw what the fuss was about.  Titus had moved so he was led fully on the bed, his head on the pillows as my wife slowly moved up and down his length, her hands clutching at her breasts, eyes closed in delight as her lip quivered in ecstasy.  Marla watched as her hubby filled my red-headed wife, her boobs jiggling more as she started to move marginally quicker along Titus' pole.

  "That's it, babe.  Give it to her," Marla moaned as she squeezed her hand between her thighs as she watched her friend’s husband fuck another woman.  There was no doubt in my mind that Marla had experienced what my wife was feeling many times before, but here she was able to see that infidelity outside of herself and enjoy what it looked like.  Titus reached out his arm and stroked his wife’s friend’s thigh as Amy rode his stiffy, eyes tightly shut as she savoured the cock inside her.

  “I want my mouth on your pussy, babe,” Titus said to Marla.  Marla reached her hand out to her side-fuck and intertwined her fingers with his, kneeling into the bed and swinging her leg over his head so her juicy, honeyed innards where directly over his face, poised for his tongue to move between the delicious fleshy folds and explore her sopping hole.

  “Oh, yeah.  Go for it,” Emma whispered as she gripped my girth whilst we watched, her eyes locked on the scandalous trio moving together in unison.  My wife Amy bouncin on Titus' hips as Marla writhed on his face.  The two women had been at loggerheads all night vying for his attention and affection but were now enjoying his body at the same time, staring at each other no longer as rivals as the delightful sensations ran through their bodies.  Amy leaned forward, her hands outstretched and placed them on Marla's impressive breasts, mauling the flesh as Titus tongue delved deeply inside her.

  "That's...that's nice," Marla smirked at Amy as she squeezed her boobs, the two of them locking eyes, Marla's lips quivering as she rode the face of the man she was cheating on her husband with.  The two women moved closer and closer till their lips were millimeters away, before they moved even closer and pressed their mouths together, their tongues swirling against the other,  Marla reciprocating Amy's efforts as she reached up for my wife's tits as Amy's hands groped her own.  Emma's hand around my dick seemed to tighten even further as she observed the three of them, my fingers easing even easier in and out of Emma's wetness.  We could have stayed there even longer till a sound from down the hall echoed towards us. 

  "URGH!  HMMM!  HURRR!" a woman groaned.  Emma and I exchanged a glance, removed our hands from each other's bits and headed down the landing, stopping just outside so we could peer inside.  On mine and Amy's marital bed Tia and Wendy, strangers at the beginning of the evening, were led on their side, their faces between each other's legs, feasting on their gooey centres, moaning into each other's pussies as their tongues pleasured each other's boxes.  Every now and then their noisy lapping would stop and they would moan in delight at the feelings elicited by the other woman's tongue.  Around the bed, Elias, Will and Matty all stood about holding on to their junk as they lustily observed the two women. 

  Even bearing in mind everything I had witnessed tonight, the combination of the sight and sounds of these two women meant that this was the most erotic thing I had seen all evening.  I knew that no matter what happened that this visual and aural treat wold stay with me for the rest of my life as Wendy and Tia made a virtual beast with two backs, every now and then one of them would cause the other's hips to spasm and twitch involuntarily as they dined on each other's snatches.

  "Did you know Wendy was so inclined?" I asked Emma as my fingers sloshed inside her.

  " be honest...I didn't know I was so inclined," Emma confessed as her hand rode up and down my rod, her hand gripping tightly as she moved her digits deliberately up and down my length. 

  In the room the Wendy and Tia were getting more twitchy as they created more sounds of joy, muffled by their mouths being pressed against the other person's quim, the two of them gripping each other's bodies as they held on to each other's bodies diligently as the orgasms eventually took over.

  "URRM, HRRM, HURR, Oh god!" Tia cried as she threw her head back, her thighs quivering around Wendy's head as our black haired friend slurped over Tia's mound, gripping Tia's ass cheeks as she brought about her climax.  "Okay okay okay, stop stop stop!" Tia begged, as Wendy withdrew her face, a huge wet grin across her face as she looked up, proud of her efforts.

  "had enough, have you, hee hee," Wendy giggled as the two of them remained locked in position.  Tia gazed along the length of her body at Wendy, a playful, yet vengeful look dawdling across her features before she moved her face back between Wendy's thighs, her head rolling back and forth as she slavered over Wendy’s juicy snatch, the brunette, collapsing back onto the bed from Tia’s efforts.  “Oh, fuck!  Don’t stop!”’Wendy begged as she moved her hand down and placed it in Tia’s hair, gently keeping her face in place.

  “My God!  This is incredible,” Emma breathed as my fingers moved deeply in and out of her pussy.  The sensation of her dampness on my digits and her hand around my solid cock was turning me on no end.  If someone had told me this is how the evening would have turned out a few hours earlier I doubt I’d have believed them as Wendy’s thigh muscles twitched under Tia’s ministrations, the slender woman noisily munching on Wendy’s gooey centre as Wendy’s head killed back, the veins in her neck popping.

  “Jesus, Tia!  Oh that’s just…HMMMM, HUH! ERGH, OOOOH!” Wendy exclaimed as her thighs shook and she gripped Tia’s head, letting her know her lapping efforts should come to an end before the two of them completely disengaged, lying on the bed, legs agape as they recovered before Tia, shy and timid Tia at the beginning of the evening, raised her head to stare at the three guys standing round the bed still beating their meat.


  “Boy, if only there was a cock or two around here we could enjoy,” Tia intoned, sarcastically as she let her head rest against the bed.  Elias did not need asking twice as he knelt on the bed, grabbed Tia by the ankles and flipped her over onto her stomach.  “AAAGH!” Tia screamed, excitedly as Elias pulled her back end up so she was on her knees and slid his cock into her sopping hole “oh, ho ho ho!” Tia chuckled, dirtily, eyes closed and a grin moving across her lips as Elias rammed hard inside her, filling her with his thick length.

  “Lucky girl,” Emma remarked as her hand glided up and down my pole, her grip firm as she stimulated my organ.

  “Well, you’d know,” I reminded Emma, after all she was Elias’ other half.  “You sure you’d rather not be in there?”

  “No.  I’m happy out here, HURR,” Emma breathed as I moved my fingers deep inside her, our eyes connecting as we stimulated each other before we allowed our attention to be drawn back inside.

  Will was now positioned on the bed in front of Tia running his hand up and down his tool as he eyed Tia.  Tia gazed up at Will as Elias pliers into her and opened her mouth, just waiting for Will to push his rod forward.  Will, not being stupid, removed his hand and pushed his hips forward allowing his tool to be taken in by Tia’s waiting lips.

  “Ho…my stars!” Will said as leaned his shoulders back, relaxing as Tia sucked him inside, trapping both Elias and Will inside herself.  It was difficult to believe this was the same shy person that Marla and me had somewhat seduced in the kitchen who seemed so nervous and timid embracing her raw sexuality.

  Wendy looked over at Matty still stroking his tool looking at her lying wide open across the  bed, the two of them sharing a smile before Wendy beckoned him onto her with a “come hither” finger.  The younger man did not need asking twice and climbed onto the bed, moving between Wendy’s thighs and sinking himself into her waiting quim.

  “Hmmm,” Wendy sighed as she locked her legs around Matty’s waist, her hands moving over his back just behind his shoulders as she held him firmly in place.  Emma and I observed as she pushed his head down to her neck which he began to kiss as she whispered inaudibly in his ear as Matty ground deliberately and steadily between Wendy’s thighs.  

  “I wonder what they’re saying?” I whispered to Emma as my finger diddled her clit, her hips waggling against my finger as she breathed more heavily.

  “I dunno, but I can’t wait to find out,” Emma replied as she slid her hand down my rod much faster.  Tia was still locked between Elias and Will with both men pumping themselves inside the slender brunette as Matty and Wendy communicated in secret as he thrust his staff inside the older Wendy, the two of them seemingly locked together by way more than the lust of the moment.  I could tell that all seven of us where near the end as Emma’s stomach began to ripple its muscles beneath my arm, my cock pulsed beneath Emma’s touch, Tia moaned between her mouthful of prick and pussyful of cock and Wendy and Matty egged each other on before all of that stopped due to one sound.


  Emma and I shared a look and hurried down the stairs as quietly yet as quickly as we could with me lying down and Emma getting on her knees so I could rest my head, trying to maintain the illusion that we’d not witnessed the debauched threesome and fivesome upstairs.  We could hear footfalls and various noises as people tried to harrumph themselves into sounding normal, and failing miserably.  The first to emerge was Amy, Marla and Titus, all entering the room like they’d been caught smoking behind the bike sheds at school.  

  “Hey, Hon.  How are you?” I asked, slurring my words as if I’d not seen her and Marla sucking on his cock before the two of them rode on his loins and his face.  

  “Good, good!  We were just…” Amy began, before trailing off as turned to face Marla and Titus and lost her thread as she recalled what she’d been up to.

  “Chatting,” Marla concluded with a smile.  Titus, Amy and Marla all nodded at each other, the three of them silently conspiring together to cover up their debauched behaviour.  I smiled innocently at my wife, whilst holding on to the jealous rage/arousal that was flowing through my veins like adrenalin.

    "Hey, you guys.  Are we ready for the next go?" Wendy chirruped, her voice scaling highs and lows as if she had not yet gotten over having Matty’s cock buried inside her with the younger man following behind her like an adoring lapdog, with Tia, Elias and Will finally bringing the last members of the horny cheaters back in the room.  "Whose turn is it anyway?"

  "Mine," Emma replied as she motioned to get up and get near the board.  At this stage I could barely remember whose go it was bit was just happy that we were getting ever nearer the conclusion of this fucked-up game.  We all shimmied our way to the table as Emma grabbed the tiny sporting blocks and tossed them over the board as they shuffled and bounced before landing on a double six.  

  "Whoa!  That's awesome!  Good one, Em," Elias enthused, only to get a frosty look from Emma as the image of Tia being impaled on Elias' cock...her cock, was still fresh in her brain.  Emma's piece moved to the front of the pack, standing proud at number eighteen but still miles away from the finish.

  "I wonder if we get an easier challenge because it's a double six," Will suggested, optimistically.  I wasn't about to hold my breath.  We'd been consistently pulled hither and thither by the game so far and I was in no mood to think that something good was going to happen any time soon.  We all huddled closer to the orb, awaiting it's next random command or demand, however as the mist cleared so we could see the words, Emma leapt back and covered her mouth in shock, which caused us all to stare at her in shock before moving closer to the dome in the centre of the board to see what had spooked her.

For your dice-throw the challenge is a repeat

You must again perform your raunchiest sexual feat.

  "No, no, no, no," Emma repeated, shaking her head, her arms folded across her chest.  Elias tried to put his arm around her shoulder but Emma shrugged it off.

  “What’s going on there?” Amy whispered in my ear.

  “We saw Elias ploughing into Wendy before,” I whispered back, pulling away from her and letting her digest what I was saying, where we’d been and what we’d seen.

  “What is it, honey?  Is it a bukkake or something?” Elias said.  I raised my eyebrows in surprise, not expecting Elias to be aware of what that was.

  “What’s bukkake?” Wendy asked Will.  Will just shrugged and then leant back over to his wife.

  “I think it’s some kind of Mexican food,” Will offered as an answer.  I made a mental note to go with them next time they went to a Mexican restaurant.  I then looked at Emma, all our eyes trained on her as we awaited her reply.

  “Emma…we need to know,” I stated, as matter-of-factly as I could.

  “It was…it was…back in college…before I met Elias,” Emma began.  We all waited, keen to hear exactly what sordid secrets our mutual friend was about to offer up.  “I’ve certainly not done anything like it since”.

  “Oh, spit it out, woman!” Amy shouted.  

  “It was three guys at the same time,” Emma replied meekly.  My eyes went wide in surprise as did everyone else’s.  None of us, even in the curious circumstances of tonight could quite believe that Emma could have been so debauched in her younger days.  

  “Where did everything go?” Wendy asked, prompting everyone to turn and face her, before she put her hand to her mouth as she figured it out.  “Oh”.

  “Who would you like to…you know,” Elias commented, a queasy look on his face as he considered what was about to occur with his missus.  I rolled my eyes as I prepared myself for what was about to occur.

  “Okay, well…obviously you, Elias…Matty and…Will,” Emma stated.  I was motioning to get up but had to disguise it that I was merely altering my seating position.  I turned away from the faces of everyone else to try and mask my disappointment, but as I rotated my head back I could feel Amy glaring my way.  I did my best not to flick my eyes in her general direction.  All four people stood about for a moment trying to work out who would go where, with all the guys bending and pointing and generally getting in each other's way before Emma took control of the situation.

  "Just stop!  Amy, do you have any lube?" Emma quizzed my wife.

  "Yeah, we do.  I'll go grab it," Amy replied, darting out the room and upstairs, leaving all eyes on me to try and work out what we needed it for?  Was I too big?  Was it for anal?  Did Amy have difficulty becoming aroused?  After the night so far I hoped everyone was answering no to all but the first question.  Just as I was starting to feel awkward Amy skipped back in the room, lube in hand.  "It's from Superdrug.  Is that all right?"

  We all laughed at that question, including Amy herself as she handed over the gooey substance directly to Emma.  

  "Okay, Elias.  You're lying on your back," Emma instructed.  

  "Okay," Elias replied, getting on the floor and grabbing his length, firming it up awaiting Emma to mount him.  Emma scooched down  across Elias' hips, reaching down for his tool and centred it between her legs, sinking down upon it, a look of pleasure easing across her features as she did.  We all stared at the spectacle, wildly aroused by the show progressing in front of us.  I glanced at Amy who had had her hand between her thighs as she watched matters unfold.  I returned my gaze to Emma, who'd smeared the lube over her fingers as she moved up and down Elias' rod, before she reached back and applied it around and in her backside as she bit her lips in delight.  

  "Mmmm.  Keep moving, hun.  It helps me relax and loosen up," Emma advised her hubby.  Elias gripped her hips and began grinding her onto his tool, rubbing his hips against her nub causing Em to close her eyes in delight as she lost herself in the moment.  I looked down to see my hand gripping my girth so hard it was discolouring my end.  I eased my fingers as I watched Elias and Emma rock together before she turned to face Matty.  "Apply some lube to yourself," Em advised the younger man.  

  Matty nodded and smeared the goo along his length as he watched the couple in front of him till the liquid was dripping off his prick.  Emma nodded at Matty and he moved behind Emma, cock in hand as he moved ever nearer her backside, till he steadied himself with a gentle hand pressed against her back.  I could see Emma exhale as she felt his head at her entrance, before Matty placed his hands either side of her arse and forced his way in.

  “EURGH!  HUR HUR HUR…Mmmm!” Emma purred as Matty settled himself inside her, then moving gently back and pushing himself in again as Emma led on Elias’ chest quivering before she lifted her head up, eyes flickering as she bit her lip in an attempt to regain composure.  “Oh God…yeah,” Emma whispered as Matty ground his hips slowly against her cheeks, a slutty smirk creeping across her features.

  “You okay, hon?” Elias asked Emma as he gripped her shoulders.  Emma’s grin contorted wildly as Matty began to move in and out of her backside more easily.

  “Oh yes, yes, yes.  I…I want you to…to see-saw me, boys,” Emma instructed, deliriously.  The two men signalled each other with Matty moving back and Emma moving herself slightly off Elias to give each guy some room before Elias moved his hips up and then withdrew from her quim as Matty slid back inside her ass, Emma's face revealing her delight as the two men double-teamed her.  I turned to Amh worried she would be scowling in my general direction.  Instead her eyes were locked on the spectacle, her legs wide as she moved her fingers inside her pussy that was now oozing over the living room carpet, with Wendy also sat, legs agape, observing Emma's brazen actions.  

  "Will, come round to my mouth," Emma asked, unaware of his general position as he continued to watch all three of them with his hand around his length.  Will moved to Emma's head, his legs spread so his cock was low enough for Emma to spy it on her right.  I saw her stare at his bobbing head and lick her lips, wantonly, before she moved her lips forward and wrapped them around his staff.

  "Oh, fucking Hell!" Will exclaimed as Emma slid her mouth up and down Will's length as Matty and Elias pistoned in and out of Emma's other holes.  Emma's eyes flickered as her body satisfied all three men at the same time.   Part of me wanted to shout out that they should stop, that they'd fulfilled the task from the game, but I also wanted all of them to cum, for them to dump their loads inside Emma and for her to shudder to orgasm with them.

  Will moved his hand to the back of Emma’s head so he could get a better thrust, moving his hips an inch or two forward as Emma did the same with her head, Elias was watching this, a look of pure disdain mixed with heady arousal across his features as he could do nought but pound into Emma as she submitted brazenly to what was occurring ti her.  Matty, however, in her tightest spot was arriving at the end of his journey as he ground into Emma’s ass.

  “That’s it…I can’t…no more…” Matty yelled as he removed his cock from Emma’s backside as he spurted all over her butt cheeks.  Emma’s eyes went wide as she felt the sticky mixture hit her glutes.  

  “HMMMPPH!” Emma exclaimed in shock as the goo splatted against her arse.  Will looked on as Matty creamed over Emma’s butt and closed his eyes, his body becoming still as his tool exploded in Emma’s mouth, his body being near the finish from Tia’s blowjob from earlier.  He stepped back and slumped to the floor leaning only Elias and Emma bouncing away on each other as the rest of us looked on, with Marla, Amy, Tia and Wendy all with their hands between their legs as Titus and I rubbed our meat as we looked on enviously.  

  “You ready to finish, huh?” Emma asked, almost daring Elias to come inside her as the husband and wife stared ferociously at each other, both extremely turned on yer feeling a certain degree of animosity towards their respective other halves; Emma for watching Elias with Tia and Elias for being one of the layers in four-part Emma sandwich, the two of them in full-on angry fucking mode as their skins slapped together noisily as their thrusts met each other loudly, the clapping sound being like some filthy metronome.

  “You really are a dirty bitch!” Elias retorted as his hands dug into Emma’s back as he consciously stayed away from grabbing her ass and getting Matty’s cum in his fingers, the two of them moving faster, Elias balls flicking up and down with every thrust, Elias moving his head and attaching his mouth to Emma’s tits sucking and nibbling on their rubbery ends before Elias stiffened beneath Emma.

  “Fuck me!” Elias uttered with a resentful sneer as he came inside his wife.  Emma collapsed on top of him, filled but even after all that not sated.  Us non-participants began to desist from our organ stimulation with the women closing their legs whilst leaving their hands locked in place and us two guys just moving our hands to the base of our junk, looking about 

  “Well, I had no idea you’d ever done anything like that before,” Amy stated, coldly, her words full of judgment.

  “I guess we’ve all done things before or tonight that are far from the norm haven’t we, Amy?” Emma replied, pushing herself off Elias.

  “And what’s that supposed to mean?” Amy responded, snarkily.  I could see Emma seething at that.  I stepped in to try and de-escalate the situation, unsure who exactly it was I was protecting.

  “Look, why don’t we all just calm down and…” I began, feeling that as soon as those words left my lips they were almost certainly the wrong ones.

  “Why should I calm down?  Since the beginning of the night Emma’s had her eyes on you.  Why don’t you just ride him like you did your hubby?” Amy threw back at Emma.  Emma eyed her former friend with nothing but anger before she retorted.

  “Like you were riding Titus before you mean?!” Emma hurled back, causing Amy to merely stare back open-mouthed before flicking her eyes towards Tia to see how she felt.  Tia momentarily glanced at Amy before turning her look of derision to her other half.  “But don’t worry though, Tia.  It wasn’t just Amy riding him, was it Marla?”

  Marla’s eyes went wide before she returned her gaze towards Titus and Tia, seeking some kind of redemption or forgiveness from them both.

  “How long?” Tia probed, hungry to know just how long this deception had lasted.  Amy pushed herself up and off and headed into the hallway, covering her face in her hands, distressed as to how the evening was going.  I moved off in pursuit of her feet flip-flapping against the wooden floor, catching up with her and turning her around to face me.

  “Hey!” I said as Amy studied me with eyes that looked as though they’d never seen me before.

  “What has happened to us all?” Amy asked, her words hollow, the fear and worry gone from her voice, replaced by a cold dispassionate tone.  I couldn’t really have a go at her for it as I felt the same way.  My words now as dry as kindling as my lust for someone else has consumed me.

  “I don’t know.  I guess now we just need to see how things work out?” I commented.  My pretty redheaded wife wrapped her arms around me and held on to her for, what I was fearing, would be the last time.  I gazed down and planted a friendly yet passionless kiss upon her features.  I wanted to offer some words of comfort that we’d be okay but we’d all opened up an Aladdin’s lamp of desire and the Genie’s will was coursing through us all.  I closed my eyes so I could savour Amy in my arms before the sound I’d dreaded echoed through the house.


  Amy and I removed our arms from each other and made our way back to the front room.  Everyone was now sitting in silence.  The arguments had died but so had the sense of friendship that our night of debauched infidelity had wrought on us all.  We all wanted off this ride now but were trapped on it, not knowing our whereabouts.  Where we midway through, or near a tumultuous finish.  Amy and I retook our seats between Wendy and Emma as we looked at the board and the rest of the group.

  “So who…” Titus began before Tia grabbed the dice, got up and placed herself next to Elias and shoved them in his hand.

  “Yours,” Tia stated.  Elias nodded gratefully and just let the tiny squares of destiny tumble from his hand into the board.  They seemed to tumble and bounce forever as they took their journey across the board, spinning through the air in a way that belayed the force of the throw till eventually they remained still.

  “Wow!  Double six!” Marla congratulated Elias.  We all watched as the pieces moved on their own to eighteen.  We then crowded together to see the dome’s misty innards reveal what was about to occur, be it an infestation of scorpions to a hyena attack.  The words slowly manifested through the fog with a surprising message.

You’ve been through much but the truth will set you free

Follow your deepest desires to make the game complete.

  I glanced towards Amy, although inside I knew it wasn’t to check if she wanted me, rather it was to make sure she didn’t.  However, even before my face had made the full journey over to her she was moving over to Marla and Titus, her arms stretching around both of them.  I turned my face back to Em, hoping upon hope that no-one else was making a move towards the blonde, buxom beauty.  As our eyes met we smiled an excited smile at each other as we shuffled ever nearer till our bodies touched and our arms stretched round each other.


  “HMMMM,” I sighed as our lips met, our hands exploring each other’s flesh wanting to delve in and enjoy the good bits, her hands roving over my back as I grabbed at her backside.  I was harder than I’d been in years as the lust for her mounted.  I brought my hands to her front and started to massage her boobs as she reached down and gripped my length that I wanted to bury inside her, but not as part of some game performance but slip it inside her for the joy of her wetness welcoming me inside.

  I moved my face to her neck and began to kiss it whilst taking in the rest of the room.  Tia was sitting astride Elias grinding her hips against him as he dug one hand into her ass whilst the other was on the back of her head going through her hair as the two of them led back on the carpet.

  Amy was positioned above Titus’ face as he drove his tongue into her cleft whilst Marla worshipped Titus’ cock with her mouth giving him a slurpy, sopping Blowjob as she coated his tool with her saliva.  I felt the dwindling ebbs of envy as my hand found Emma’s wet snatch and she continued to pump my length.

Meanwhile the biggest surprise was the three-person daisy-chain consisting of Will, Matty and Wendy.  Matty’s face was between Wendy’s legs, his tongue swirling around her juicy twat, Wendy’s lips were sliding up and down her other half’s tool as her hand rode along his stem, savouring the taste of his meat in her mouth as Will moved hip lips along Matty’s tool.  I’d already seen him sucking on Elias’ tool but seeing all three of them in this Bisex daisy chain was not what I expected.

  Emma then moved herself so that she was led on her back and I was next to her on the carpet, our tongues entwined as she yanked on my rod, my digits probing her moist, boiling insides.  I moved my face down to her pendulous right boob and attached my mouth to the engorged nipple, causing it to stand up even more prominently as my lips sucked on the tasty flesh while my fingers explored her outer lips and her nub.

  “I want you in me and on me,” Emma begged as our hands breathed life into each other, as she pulled me by the cock on top of her, her fingers guiding me to her sloppy snatch that still resisted enough as I pushed inside to her warm self.  “UURGH Yeah!” Emma sighed as I pushed myself fully into her, the two of us just lying there for a moment unmoving while the rest of the room undulated around us, sighing and moaning as Emma and I merely stared into each other’s eyes before I drew my hips back and slammed them inside her.

  “You want that as well?” I whispered in her ear and heard her giggle back at me as her fingers probed over my back.  

  “Oh God, yeah.  Pound that thing inside me,” Emma demanded.  I was not going to deny her what she wanted.  I withdrew my staff so that only the bulbous end was hanging perched at her entrance then rammed it straight inside her, relishing the feeling of her pussy gripping my rod and her moans as I re-entered her snatch.  As I ran my hands through her hair.  Emma recoiled enthusiastically with every thrust as we seemed to be connected buy something more than physicality, something higher and purer as we began to move against each other, a mutual desire rising between us both to get the other person off, for me to feel her pussy throb around my tool and for her to feel my cock spurt inside her.  

  However as we fucked on the floor I began to realise that beside Elias and Tia pounding away next to us, the noises and visuals of the rest of the room were cut-off from Emma and I and so I flipped her up and onto my lap, her cunt still wrapping her warmth around my pole.  Now we could see everything else occurring in the room and boy, was there a lot occurring. 

  Elias and Tia were still on the floor with Elias hips moving up and down at speed into Tia's quim, the sound of their skin slapping together echoing loudly next to mine and Emma's more sedate love-making, but even though it seemed almost like an angry fuck their faces betrayed just how into it they both were, with Tia mouthing “don’t stop,” over and over again to Elias who shucked his knees up to her greater traction and just carried on powering into the slight-framed brunette.

  By now Titus was on his knees behind Amy slamming his dick inside her, holding her arms back as he did so, every move eliciting a loud grunt of pleasure from my red-headed wife, but the grunt was muffled as her face was attached to Marla's pussy as the two women had seemingly buried the hatchet as Amy buried her face between Marla’s legs as she devoured Marla’s twat, her mouth being forced juicily into the chestnut haired beauty’s minge.

  I held on to Emma as she ground along my length, her fulsome tits rubbing against my chest as her bean rubbed against my hips with every downward movement.  

  “You feel amazing,” I confessed as our eyes met as we momentarily pulled our gazes from the rest of the room to each other.  

  “You too,” Emma rejoined.  “Your cock feels like it’s home inside me”.

  “I think it is, Em,” I replied, as I rolled my hips up to slot tightly within her wetness, my hands resting on her shoulders, holding on and pressing her against my hips with every downward motion.  I looked over to the remaining three people to see that that Wendy was now led on her side with her head resting on Will’s lap and his prick moving in and out of her mouth as Matty was holding her leg up in the air as he slammed inside her with his legs splayed either side of her right leg that was lying on the floor, powering into her like he was trying to cum as fast as possible inside our brunette buddy, her boobs wobbling and wibbling every time Matty slammed himself in between her legs.

  “Looks like I’m not the only one who likes having a cock in more than one hole,” Emma quipped as she watched her mate suck and fuck at the same time, as she ground herself on my lap with more intensity, my rod seeming to expand in size as Emma’s movements increased in urgency.  

  The room was pounding with sound around as there seemed to be an ever-increasing sense of urgency.  Next to us Elias was powering his pole into Tia, whose slender arms and legs were wrapped around him as she held onto him for dear life.  Titus’ fingers were digging into my wife’s hips as he jacked into Amy’s Fanny whilst she slurpily gorged on Marla’s cunt, and Wendy lounged on her side with her mouth and pussy were both filled with dick.

  “Oh my!  This is…what we’re doing is…holy Christmas!” Emma cried as she slipped down my length, her body trembling as she ground against me, her hands gripping my shoulders as she drove her hips against mine, her fingernails pressing firmer against the flesh as she threw her blonde hair back as her tits bounced enthusiastically in front me as I gripped her ass tightly as she slammed herself down onto me and remained there before crayon out.  “Holy fuck!”

  Emma trembled around my prick as she gripped my neck and back, pressing herself against me, her boobs quivering against my chest hairs, her inner thighs shaking as they gripped my hips.  The amazing feeling of Emma cumming on top of me set me off and I felt my cock spurt its hot fury inside her as I stared into her big blue eyes.  


  “OH GOD, YOU’RE AMAZING!” I yelled out as Emma held me tight after surrendering her orgasm to my cock, my hardness feeling a sense of completion and satisfaction inside her.  After our senses resumed we both looked over to Elias and Tia as her hips flurried against hers a look of intense connection in their eyes as they gazed into each other, their lips moving like they were telling each other some deep guarded secrets as they grunted and moaned as they powered themselves to climax.

  “OH, TIA.  Your body is fucking heaven!” Elias proclaimed as his wife was still perched on my life with my dick still inside her.  

  “I love how you feel in me,” Tia confessed as she ran her fingers through his hair as the two of them began kissing each passionately whilst still intimately entwined.  Emma and I turned our gaze to the remaining two triads of people as Titus thrust ferociously into my wife, Amy as Marla squeezed her thighs tight around my red-headed missus’ head as the Tia’s husband and mistress came together with my wife the filler in their orgasm sandwich as Titus collapsed onto Amy and Marla slumped back.

  We looked up towards Wendy Matty and Will only to feel somewhat disappointed as Matty was on the floor, his tool subsiding as Wendy licked around Will’s end as the cum slipped out of Wendy’s mouth and down his tool.  I had no idea what was gonna happen next till a sound clattered around the room


  We all moved around the board, eager to see what the final instruction was for the game, all eyes focussed on the glassy half orb as it finally cleared and revealed its message.

Your journey is now over, a winner has been found,

But desire has transformed you, each and all around.

Decisions will ripple from whence players came,

But the game can only finish when you cry HORNMANJI’s name.

  “So is that it?  Are we done?” Amy asked, smiling, a sense of relief washing over her.

  “Hang on, what about that whole "decisions rippling" crap?” Titus asked, his head flicking nervously between Marla and Tia, unsure about what was about to happen.

  “I don’t know and I don’t care.  I just want this to be over!” Tia replied, angrily.  “Anyone else disagree?” Tia queried.  All of us shook our heads meekly as Tia placed herself as our new leader.  Tia counted us in and we all shouted…


  At first nothing happened…all of us remained motionless wondering if we should just put our clothes back on and leave, until a sudden, inexplicable, swirly breeze swept up around us.  I looked over to Amy, fearfully and could see that stare reflected my way as the wind picked up as though a mini tornado had landed in our living room, spinning the debris from the evening into the air, throwing the fur, and the skin and the other remaining bits of animal and casting them around us all in a sprawling whirling maelstrom.

  The wind was now wrapping around us at some pace and we could see the damage to the walls to the furniture start to be undone as the living room started to regain its tidy composed status, with the debris of the evening spinning above our heads lashing our faces with its power before swirling down to the orb, taking all the residue of the game with it into the semi-circular instruction-giver whose whim we had followed all evening, sucking in the evidence of the games impact and power over all of, consuming every tiny piece of proof that the game had ever happened before the orb’s foggy circumference went dark as Elias piece moved slowly, inextricably towards the square marked ‘FINISH”.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

  I looked up from the game.  We were all sat around the board staring at each other looking and feeling very confused.  In the background the only noise we could hear was that of the clock ticking, monotonously.  I looked down at the board and could see that Elias' piece was at the finish but had no recollection of the game we'd played.

  "What the Hell?" I commented to the other people in the room.  "What was that about?"

  "I have no clue," Will replied before turning to Wendy next to him.  "Do you remember what happened?"

  "Not a thing," Wendy replied.  "What about you, babe?" 

  "I can't even remember a single throw," Matty remarked.  I tried to think back to the evening, how it had started with me and the wife inviting everyone in, being proud of the item we had secured for this evening and Elias mocking us but after that it was a blur.

  "Well I think I speak for all of us when I say that this must be the lamest item that any of us has picked up thus far," Elias quipped before his wife grabbed his arm and stared at him, reproachfully.  Elias held up his hand and continued.  "I'm sorry.  That was rude of me," he apologised.

  "I should think so!" said his better half.  "You might call it being direct but I just call it being rude," Tia continued.  I forced my mind back and turned to my missus to try and regain any sense of the game we had just played but it appeared to be just an empty void in which the play and turns of this game had just tumbled into, as if it had entered an alternate reality or other dimension.

  "Can you remember anything?" I asked my gorgeous wife, Emma. 

  "My mind's-a-blank.  Is that weird?" Emma asked me with a weird knowing smile on her face.  I shook my head and began to pack the game away.  

  "Well I can only apologise for tonight's item.  I guess it was a dud," I apologised as the two other couples and Will got up to leave after maybe enjoying the game, maybe not, who knew?  As I tidied up the front room, moving the now empty glasses back into the kitchen and re-arranging the cushions on the sofa, Emma came back in and sighed heavily into the air.

  "Boy, what a weird night that was," I stated, feeling somewhat cheated out of a fun evening.  “And what the Hell was that game about?  A game for adventurous couples.  Some adventure that was”.

  “I know, right.  And we are adventurous,” Emma replied before my lovely blonde wife wrapped her arms round my shoulders and kissed me.  “I mean the other week we tried that Thai restaurant on a whim!  Thai!  My hero,” Emma responded before kissing me and pressing her fruity body against me.  I placed my hands on her backside and squeezed, letting my hands enjoy the feel of her fleshy ass-cheeks in my hand before giving one a gentle slap.  


  The year since we’d bought that stupid boring game had flown. I guess time does when you’re a certain age.  Emma and I remained as happy as a boring couple like us could be who’d been together since lord knows when and our friendship with Elias and Tia, Matty and Wendy and Will had remained, with our monthly dinner meets expanding after we met a throuple through a mutual acquaintance (who were we to judge) with the newcomers, Titus, a black guy around our age, and his mini harem of long, wavy brown haired Marla and red-headed Amy (whom I had a feeling I’d met before).

  This time it was Matty’s turn to host and bring an exotic piece of memorabilia and Emma and I showed up only slightly late to find that everyone else was already there enjoying medium-priced bottles of wine and a selection of cheeses.  Emma and I took off our coats and sat down on the poof but not before sneaking a couple of slices of Emmental before relaxing on the backless seat.  Matty and Wendy headed in looking pleased with themselves as Will held a musty, battered box in front of him, causing everyone to shuffle forward to see what special item or oddity they had obtained for the evening.

  “So what we have obtained is something we’re confident you’ve never seen before,” Matty exclaimed, excitedly before placing the item on the centre of the table.  Everyone stared at the box, wondering what bizarre and obscure object of desire they had acquired.  Wendy nodded at Matty and she stepped forward to remove the box.  


  The room gasped in unison as they saw what our two friends had managed to muster up.   It was a Buddha with arms raised but rather than the usual laughing face a naked woman had her legs around his waist, arms around his neck and was riding Buddha, the two of them naked.  The black, dusty, ancient statue drew a mixture of reactions from all of us, from aroused, to amused to simply perplexed.

  “What the Hell is that?” Elias asked as Tia’s hand moved up and down his thigh, Emma and I shared a look of acknowledgment as we both noticed Tia’s act of intimacy.

  “It’s what’s known as a Horny Buddha,” Wendy replied with a smile at Matty.  

 “Does it do anything?” Tia asked, puzzled as she moved her head side to side to get a proper gander at the randy enlightened one.

  “Well, if you touch it then supposedly it will awaken all the hidden desires you have locked away inside you,” Matty explained, sounding more like he was trying to sell it to another poor sod and get rid of it.

  “Well as I have no hidden desires then that’s me out,” Will joked, getting a few polite chuckles from a number of us.

  “Oh come on.  What’s the worst that can happen?” Wendy asked.  She had a point.  So far our nights of getting hold of mysterious objects had been completely uneventful.  We all moved our hands forward and were just about to place them on the saucy religious teacher when a thought flashed brightly through my mind.

  “WAIT!” I shouted out, causing everyone else to remain motionless, arms outstretched.

  “What is it?” asked the red-headed Amy, part of the throuple that had attached itself to our little get togethers.  I turned to face her and we shared a smile before I addressed her and everyone else in the room.

  “How do we know if our hidden desires have been activated?” I queried, feeling somewhat exposed as someone trying to cause trouble before we’d even placed our hands on the dirty deity.

  “Ah, I know this one,” Wendy replied with a smirk.  “If it’s working you’ll feel a tingling sensation down the hand that’s touching the Buddha,” Wendy informed us all.  We all looked about nodding at how fair that sounded before resuming our poses and stretching out to the foot-and-a-half fornicating statue, my eyes peering up and meeting Wendy’s, whose eyes glistened as she smirked back at me as our fingers touched the cool metal of the carved carnal zen master, a warm tingle rippling up my arm as mine and Wendy’s eyes locked on each other.


And that, as they say, is that.

Apologies for the delay in this case and I just hope by the end that you got what you wanted and/or expected from it.

Till next time…adieu.  

Written by goodafterboob

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