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Stamina Stories


Our lovemaking turned into a threesome

Kelly wanted to try another man

I wondered where it was going when my wife Kelly started off by saying, "It's not you it's me." Basically my sexy little bundle of a wife was telling me that she wanted one last fling before we started a family. Kelly and I had been married for nine years and at thirty one she was telling me that she felt that she had missed out on life. She had only had one other lover before me and he had only lasted a few months. I did...


Older waman

Used and taught by an older woman

I was 17 years old when this happened. P.S. the age of consent in UK is 16. I was working part time in a grocers store for pocket money before starting full time work. It was hard work, but also fun. A lot of the women shoppers and some of the daughters would flirt with me and the under manager Roger. Also one of the other staff members Eileen would also flirt with the male customers and with Roger. It was late June and t...