Yes! The macam appplication allows you to use virtually any USB webcam with your Mac, if you stick to the big names suppliers like Logitech, Macally etc you sould be fine, and it works with SH and . Should also work with , and is a lot cheaper than the iSight, although it's difficult to get hold of one now.
If you want more info about the supported cameras, have a look here;
You can also use this to chat in MSN, although not with the official client, you'll need to download either Mercury Messenger or aMSN.
I use a Logitech QuickCam for Notebooks with my Powerbook and it all works fine...
we have 2 macs and i have never got a web cam to work in the chat room on them, its ok on msn and and some other sites but not on here, the new macs with the built in web cams work in the chat room tho, all because they are mac compatible it does not mean they will work in swingers heaven chat room
ive a macbook and have now got it working with integrated cam, dont ask how, think i changed it to usb setting in chatroom
Yes have no problem using a plug in isight or dv cam using applications like amsn or swing heaven on any of the macs that i have owned. If you are having probs using the SH chatroom remember you may need to change your flash video settings. Hold down your mouse button and hold ctrl while placing your mouse over your video window. then click settings. Its amazing how many peeps dont realize this. Then select the cam you have.