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Question for the newer members - Why do you go dogging?

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61 replies
1 watcher
Don't believe everything you read in the papers, check it out for yourself! Can't help any more than that, I've never been to Blackpool!
Hey Alan, wouldn't Alan and a triple x been enough? log in must be a nightmare for you lol
Warming the Bed
Not many newbies willing to comment yet. Perhaps they go because it sounded great in NoTW?
I go because it gets me out of the house. I park up and then watch the world go by, I can sit for hours (just me and a book/radio) and be perfectly happy. If I'm really lucky then eventually I'll be joined by a couple who want to put on a show. I'm I should have picked my lottery numbers that night, they'll want more.
It doesn't bother me either way really... and I've lost count of the number of times I've had, what could be called, a wasted trip. But it's the thrill of the "chase", the not knowing if I will be lucky that keeps me going.
Quote by carparkfun
Not many newbies willing to comment yet. Perhaps they go because it sounded great in NoTW?
I go because it gets me out of the house. I park up and then watch the world go by, I can sit for hours (just me and a book/radio) and be perfectly happy. If I'm really lucky then eventually I'll be joined by a couple who want to put on a show. I'm I should have picked my lottery numbers that night, they'll want more.
It doesn't bother me either way really... and I've lost count of the number of times I've had, what could be called, a wasted trip. But it's the thrill of the "chase", the not knowing if I will be lucky that keeps me going.

hey, a real dogger wink i like the bit where you put, and i quote, "what COULD be called a wasted trip" kinda struggled with that didn't you, because it didn't sound quite like the sentiment you felt? lol think the way i do, i'm sure..the sunny days are all the more appreciated for the gloomy ones..and without the grey skies and rain, the warmth of the sun just wouldn't be special..its all relitive really ain't it? :wink: :lol:
Quote by King Arthur
:cry: I have no idea why I go dogging - I have yet to come across anything other than gay men and I believe it is all a myth- sorry but this is my experience

everything we do is the conquest of one desire over another..when your desire to go to the pub, fix your car, go out with your mates, visit your aunt's, take the dog out, go to the cinema, stay in front of the pc etc etc is greater than your desire to sit in a carpark, then you'll stop dogging..theres really no need to think about it lol
when you say that in your belief, dogging is a myth, but gay cruising is a reality..are you hoping that someone here will offer to "prove you wrong"?..because thats unlikely to either need to stake out more carparks, the same ones for longer, or at various times or become more "flexible" with your sexuality wink :lol:
Quote by upNready4u
I do understand about genuine **Doggers** it is finding them and not the pushy types. I am concerned that if we meet the wrong people it could put her off dogging completely, not just a case of leaving the car park and trying again.
One question, do couples like to hear comments etc whilst being watched, or do they prefer the dogger to be silent?? I presume that is a personal preference and will be difficult to interperet.

don't make too big an issue in front of your partner re the pushy types..laugh it off, more often than not, its not a big deal. its easy to make more of it in your mind than the situation really will encounter these people, its pretty inevitable really..its good to experience, and face various aspects, kinda puts things into perspective...there are all sorts of emotional issues which aren't usually anticipated in the context of dogging..when felt,in such a situation, they kinda freak you out, and it usually leads to an over reaction..see things as they are, not how you percieve them to be..its good fun..(usually) lol :lol:
we can cope with silence...but we've also been acustomed to positive murmered remarks of encouragement..maybe the positive comments, and actions wink have now made the silence more acceptable to us in that we know our shows are enjoyed by the majority of watchers? wether we'd be as confident without having heard those remarks is another matter?
Forum Virgin
We are new to this site and new to the more adventurous "dogging" area.
Over the last few years mrs sneaky has enjoyed being a passenger in the car and exposing her lovely breasts to mainly lorry drivers or anyone who is fortunate to be able to see. Recently full body exposure has taken place, this turns us both on and hopefully other road users.
we have now ventured into lay-bys on busy dual carriage ways to enjoy each other, if we are watched then all the better. We keep all the doors locked and windows closed. Just for our own safety and peace of mind. we are lucky to have had only good experiences so far, but these trips are not frequent as we have kids and it just excites us. It also helps Mrs sneaky realise that she still turns me on, gets turned on herself and makes us feel naughty.
Thats our reasons and hopefully it is not uncommon!!
Happy 2006 to you all and if you are a lorry driver who sees Mrs Sneaky gives us a toot of appreciation.
Thanks for the fun
Mr and Mrs Sneaky xx biggrin sillyhwoar:
we dont go all the time but have had some horny times and some bad times,bad time was the first when we saw head lights come into carpark ,mrs legs on dash toy buzzing away till we realized the bobbie car was headed our way (toy now put away faster than the time one of the rugrats came down stairs with "mr buzzi mummy" lol 2nd bad time when a car followed us at least 5 miles on our way home (had to stop car ) good times when we met a cpl and performed for each other ,and a few other simler times ,so why do we go dogging ,she likes to be watched playing with her rabbit while males or females watch ,knowing she can turn them on while turning herself on (and me) it is so horny to watch her doing this ,where if say the if a male watcher knows he cannot touch but is willing to watch her and maybe arousing himself so she is watching him .and thats dogging .we do of course love to watch cpls ,one of the most horny times we ever had was with a cpl we both done a add for a single male to come to a club where the girls put on a f2f show with all the toys ,he had a look on his face of being in heaven lol .any way hope all the newbies look in this very interesting thread and do pick up a lot of tips as you will go far. lol
Northeastcoupleuk what a fantastic post
I might just tell you a little stroy later about us and a police man, rampant rabbit and Mr NWC bending down in front of the police with no pants on wink
Quote by upNready4u
One question, do couples like to hear comments etc whilst being watched, or do they prefer the dogger to be silent?? I presume that is a personal preference and will be difficult to interperet.

We did have a thread going on that exact subject a while back and do you think I can find it? Will keep looking!
Quote by sneakybeaky
we have now ventured into lay-bys on busy dual carriage ways to enjoy each other, if we are watched then all the better

Ohhhh that's my favourite kind of dogging, I've had more success with that than the average car park in my limited career as a dogger! :twisted:
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Northeastcoupleuk what a fantastic post
I might just tell you a little stroy later about us and a police man, rampant rabbit and Mr NWC bending down in front of the police with no pants on wink
well thanks ,love reading your posts to all the best for the ny nwc xx
Warming the Bed
Ive never done it before.. but me and Joe have bn discussing trying it.. I like the id of being watched and admired it turns me on..
I dont think id like to b touched etc.. but who knows would depend on how comfortable I felt I suppose.
Think id like to go with a couple who had already been.. but again.. actually meeting peeps is easier said than done!
Warming the Bed
We drifted into dogging - it started with an evening of herself heavy drinking and then we decided to go to a known red light district in a local town the intention to find a kerb crawler and give him a freebee. Herself dressed really tartily and on the way there I stroked her pussy in the car; she was so wet it as actually running out of her fanny.
We tried attracting the attention of numerous men but they were not sure of us. We then went to a known gay spot and for the first time did a show for a curious guy. We do not know wheher it was me or herself that he was interested in but he certainly was aroused and enjoyed himself!
We met a nice man or two or three at Grafham when it was open and later even entertained one in a hotel - where herself made a real pig of herself.
We have progressed since then but on a very irregular and spasmodic basis but recently have been reluctant to venture out due to the closure of all the local sites and interest by the local Police. It is unlikely that we will now visit such locations on spec.
The best night we had was at Pitsford in Northants when after a lot of indecision by herself she eventually played out her fantasy of the night by laying on a picnic table with five men surrounding her. She had them playing with her tits and fanny and two of the men then me gave her the orgasms that she wanted.
Fantasies yet to be played out include herself entertaining a group of elder men in a caravan and to be entertained in the sleeping compartment of a really plush lorry. We would also be interested in meeting someone with a plush house with a pool in Milton Keynes area where she could swim naked or someone with a very nice camper van! Not asking much are we!!!!!! Herself likes quality in allways!!! wink
I frequently visit car parks - usually for lunch - and surprisingly have been witness to quite a number of couples, I suspect not doggers but over-the-side pairs - entertaining themselves! **** month at Milton Keynes I viewed from a distance a couple well at it who were aware of my presence but not seeking close attention. The earth certainly moved for her as did the car, his actions were the most powerful that I have witnessed from the jumping motion of their Ford Focus!!!
Why have we done it - up to now it has been erotic and exciting but some times a little scary with the behaviour of some over pushy players. Lets see what 2006 brings for us all - Happy New Year. smile
you cant get dogged for love or money up the chase these days, sooo quiet the deer have taken back the car parks
You might think you are not getting dogged wink :wink:
Quote by wild rose and the stag
you cant get dogged for love or money up the chase these days, sooo quiet the deer have taken back the car parks

Emm, now how can we help :idea:
I know, next time you are up North ..........
Congratulations you two, fantastic news lol
For me, dogging satisfies a number of, mainly shallow and selfish, desires.
Anticipation of sexual action combined with the adrenaline rush when it actually occurs.
The voyeur, seeing naked or partially naked women, plus people having sex.
Sexual encounters without any emotional involvement.
Outdoor sex.
I could go on but for me, dogging is a great activity spoilt by a minority, which unfortunatley has caused a number of sites near me to be closed down.
Taking everything you have said on board JesseP.......if you had the chance what would you rather do.....
stay in & have sex with someone you have great sex with or go out on the chance you might see something????
We do go dogging sometimes so not knocking it at all...............just curious
Quote by daverover
Taking everything you have said on board JesseP.......if you had the chance what would you rather do.....
stay in & have sex with someone you have great sex with or go out on the chance you might see something????
We do go dogging sometimes so not knocking it at all...............just curious

Interesting question Dave but in my opinion the two are unrelated.
There is a completely different excitement about having sex with a stranger compared to sex with someone you have a relationship with.
The actual sexual act part of dogging is generally not that good, but it is exciting, quick, no emotional involvement, if it does not appeal you can walk away without recrimination on either side. It is the buzz you get which is the turn on. I realise that some doggers do form a relationship of sorts with other doggers but I am talking in general terms.
Sex with a partner is a different act altogether (once the initial excitement of a new relationship has won off) and is more of an enjoyable pastime (not the right word but couldn't think of the best term to describe it) involving more time and emotion. The sex is,, or should be, more pleasurable.
In answer to the question, if it was good sex I wanted I would stay in, if it was the excitement of sex with a stranger I would go out and risk getting no sex.
Ahhh but I was not talking about having sex with a stranger......
in fact i was talking about going out & 'maybe' seeing something........just watching.........then going on home to bed alone??????
when you could have snuggled up to your lover....................or had full on dirty sex with her???
dunno maybe it's a gender thing.....i'm the fem of a show couple
(but I would def rather have hot sex with my guy, rather than freezing to death in the hope of a glimpse of a tit/fanny you can't touch!)
Quote by daverover
stay in & have sex with someone you have great sex with or go out on the chance you might see something????
We do go dogging sometimes so not knocking it at all...............just curious

Oh you two are just mean, fancy asking people to make a choice!! lol
If I had to choose, it would be the first one without question because voyerism is a very separare desire and isn't tied to my own physical needs, it's a visual/mental pleasure - I could live without voyeurism but luckily I don't have to biggrin
Quote by wild rose and the stag
you cant get dogged for love or money up the chase these days, sooo quiet the deer have taken back the car parks

Nothing to do with the Stan Collymore factor then?
(wonders very quietly, can the words be made to fit the tune of "The Lunatics have taken over the asylum..."???)
Quote by daverover
...if you had the chance what would you rather do.....stay in & have sex with someone you have great sex with or go out on the chance you might see something????..just curious

Does the answer lie in the fact that in a box of liquorice all sorts, you don't always pick the blue one with the "bits" on them, but rather one have one of these, followed up by one of those, etc???
Quote by JesseP
I could go on but for me, dogging is a great activity spoilt by a minority, which unfortunatley has caused a number of sites near me to be closed down.

I'm not sure that it's a minority that has ruined the car park scene actually. On my patch there is a group of about 20 local doggers, out of which there may be half a dozen to a dozen (on a busy weekend) out at any one time. Compare that with the number of gays "on site" which is at least double that number, and the number of boy racers determined to resurface the car park with tyre rubber, car theirves who use the car parks to burn-out their nicked cars, kids who have read the NOTW / Sunday Mirror etc and think that there is simple sex that they are entitled to, kids out to do a spot of "gay-bashing" (and not caring if they nobble doggers instead) and all other people who bring attention to themselves and to the car parks (last year, one of the local dogging car parks, on Sunday Evenings became a venue for an Outdoor Reggea Disco Party) and I think that visiting car parks has become the thiing to do for many more groups than just the dogging community, and this lack of privacy and seclusion has led to the demise of many of the car parks fortunes.
Quote by partyman
I'm not sure that it's a minority that has ruined the car park scene actually. On my patch there is a group of about 20 local doggers, out of which there may be half a dozen to a dozen (on a busy weekend) out at any one time. Compare that with the number of gays "on site" which is at least double that number, and the number of boy racers determined to resurface the car park with tyre rubber, car theirves who use the car parks to burn-out their nicked cars, kids who have read the NOTW / Sunday Mirror etc and think that there is simple sex that they are entitled to, kids out to do a spot of "gay-bashing" (and not caring if they nobble doggers instead) and all other people who bring attention to themselves and to the car parks (last year, one of the local dogging car parks, on Sunday Evenings became a venue for an Outdoor Reggea Disco Party) and I think that visiting car parks has become the thiing to do for many more groups than just the dogging community, and this lack of privacy and seclusion has led to the demise of many of the car parks fortunes.

Valid point. I suppose I didn't phrase my comment correctly. The vast majority of doggers I have met have been polite, discrete and respectful. The people who have caused the sites to be closed are not true doggers but people who, by their indiscreet actions, whatever they may be, draw attention to themselves and the places they visit.
Gone off the topic a little here!
Quote by JesseP
Gone off the topic a little here!

Who cares, at least the 'genuine' doggers are actually chating to each other rather than having to read the one liner, "fancy a shag" posts wink
Warming the Bed
Erm... I ask myself that question a lot at the moment as where I live in the West Midlands is very quiet. However, the couple of times I have seen any action has been fantastic fun and although I have never been asked to join in I enjoyed the show.
One thing I would like would be to have more conversation. I guess I am shy but have only met one couple with whom I actual had a conversation which was really interesting. I certainly haven't had a conversation with any guys. Probably because the places I go are also crusing sites as well.
I still go back with those memories in my mind in the hope,rarely expectation that something will happen. If nothing else my knowledge of current affairs has improved.
I do understand what you are saying about conversation, but we always find that if we have a chat to the guys first, then thats all we end up doing, chatting confused Most of the time a nice little wave goodbye and a thank you are more than enough as we are leaving the car park wink
Warming the Bed
Yes I guess people are not looking for conversation about the political situation in Iraq. If they were you would be seriously freaked out!