What's everyones opinion on this ( )?
Personally I have a few of issues with it.
1) My internet is provided by work (as I work from home) so I guess I'm going to have to invest in my own connection.
2) What constitutes "Depicting ?". You could argue that bondage and other BDSM content depicts as it can appear forced.
3) "New laws so videos streamed online in the UK will be subject to the same restrictions as those sold in shops". Does this affectively ban all hardcore content, including video's uploaded here?
All seems very draconian to me.
This seems to suggest that "normal" hardcore would be okay although there's still the grey area of BDSM.
You will not smoke in your own car/house/smoking room/garden
You will not access porn sites on the internet
What are they considering controlling next ....
How much should the government be actually entitled to restrict, there are no children in my home, why shouldn't I be able to access pornography providing that pornography does not break UK laws, ie it is not porn, child porn, etc, snuff movies etc.
Why if it is so wrong to have porn on my pc is it ok for Virgin Media and Sky to sell me access to pornography on my TV ?
You could make pornsites ask for proof of age before letting you view them, but that would do no good, if a parent gains access a child using their pc could gain access too, besides the porn that is illegal is there through sites who don't care about laws and are already breaking the laws by having their indecent images online in the first place.
IS THIS A PORNSITE it contains thousands of images of naked people, people having sex, people using sex toys, cumshots, open pussy shots, group sex and more. There are webcams openly showing people having sex or just naked.
Will this site be no more if the new regulations come into force, this and all the other swingers sites.
What about facebook and twitter that have prostitutes advertising their services online, surely there is more chance of children accessing those profiles than there is of them going on pornsites accidently.
Here is one twitter profile (contact details removed for obvious reasons) The profile contains explicit pictures and links to a personal website with more explicit pictures, videos and rates.
100% Independent british escort and web-cam girl Also Dont For Get To Check Out My Own Web-Site @ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Netgear and OpenDNS already do something that is pretty effective. You can set your own filtering system on your netgear router using OpenDNS that actually marks what website is rated as what.
The adult users can access unrestricted content by just entering a password when they connect to the internet. Adults don't give children passwords, hey presto, all devices using that router will have filtering on it.
This gives the power in the hands to the adults. However, you will need some sort of technical knowledge to set it up properly. This will be the main stumbling block for Cameron. Not everybody is technical enough to ask for an adult block to be lifted and would just think the internet is broken.
The second main stumbling point will be how will the ISPs prevent it? The same how they prevented the pirate bay? That worked for a whole 5 minutes... There are many other DNS servers out there that you're freely able to use. Unless Cameron is wanting to physically restrict the internet like they do in certain countries, I can't possibly seeing this even working for a month.
I don't see why I should have to opt out, I don't have children in my household (unless you count the parrot, who is only 12), children do not visit my home, why should I have to change my online habits to protect other people's children?
It was bad enough when I rang 3 to get the adult block taken off my phone, the phone they had provided me on contract, because I was over 18. Yet I still had to request to watch porn and visit gambling sites.
I have no qualms about asking my ISP to enable me to watch porn, I just think it should be parents that opt in, not the rest of the country that has to choose to opt out.
The default position of all adult and or censored sites being blocked should be the norm. If you require access then phone up to get it released. I don't see what the hardship is.
If the knee jerk reaction is to scream nanny state / fascists /police controlling well unfortunately we have some c***s in our society who dont care what their children are exposed to so for the good of us alllets put it in place.
It will probably mean I can not access here or many other places |I visit when away from home, but its a small price to pay in my liberties for the good of the country as a whole.
And please don't forget that a previous Home Secretary (no less) in the Labour Administration (Jaquie Smith IIRC) resigned after her husband was caught out watching porn in an hotel room which was paid for by the State....
Why should we listen to these morons and accept everything they try to throw at us to control our otherwise worthless lives?
You really couldn't make this up, could you
Aye rob...
And do I recall correctly one occasion where a tag was put on a person's prosthetic leg?
But surely its as simple as putting a mandatory filter on every ISP connection? as soon as the key words are put in then the ip number of the household is logged...a quick letter in the post to the bill-payer saying "blah blah" has been flagged through the so and so search engine...please don't do it again...
I think by proactively monitoring access to inappropriate content will soon drop in countries such as ours.
Access to the internet is a privilege not a right, and the facility to be able to remove it should be there.
We invaded Afghanistan because we said their Government and Taliban were wrong in the controls they imposed on the citizens there, to us preventing women from working or receiving an education is wrong, in some countries you cannot access sites such as this one because Governments ban it. Who is to say they are right and we are wrong, who is to say our Government is right to prevent us accessing swingers sites, BDSM sites, Swinger Clubs sites as a carte blanche policy with the restriction of accessing adult sites ?
We support an uprising in Syria because we say the Government there are wrong in how they rule, should we expect a Nation with more relaxed attitudes to invade Britain because of such policies, would they be wrong if they did.
I wonder how a case would stand up in the European Court of Human Rights ?
I have two objections, firstly there are no children in my house, I object to being punished for the irresponsibility of others, those same "others" who will still act irresponsibly no matter what register they are on.
Secondly it is the whole Nanny State thing, how many more restraints are going to be put into place, you can't smoke in public places, you can't smoke in private clubs where membership is necessary, they want to stop you smoking in your own home and car, you are hounded and threatened with court action if you have a house without a TV licence the assumption being that you are breaking the law whilst the politicians making those laws continually flaunt them. (guilty until proved innocent).
Bit of over blown panic here me thinks...
As has already been noted, mobile phone companies prevent you accessing adult sites by default. All you have to do is give them a call and ask to remove the adult content restriction.
In my opinion, it is absolutely a step in the right direction and I can remember in the early days of Internet when my then young daughter searched "Spice Girls," I was horrified as I sat next to her at the images that popped up. Not welcome, not asked for and highly inappropriate in the circumstances. As a parent, I would rather know that a child making such a search is not going to become prematurely corrupted.