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Twittersnipe dies

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It's all hearsay isn't it, the sort of stuff that keeps the tabloids employed.
how can we demonize criminals mids when the bearers of our society are probably the biggest crooks of all
bankers, politicians down to your local council contracts they're all on the take. So once we start from the top and work down we can then label a criminal as just that
Quote by Lizaleanrob
how can we demonize criminals mids when the bearers of our society are probably the biggest crooks of all
bankers, politicians down to your local council contracts they're all on the take. So once we start from the top and work down we can then label a criminal as just that

Once again I will say it, two wrongs don't make a right, oh how I would love to see the thieving politicians brought to justice, the fat cats who get fatter with tax avoidance and those that get away with crime through position, but whilst those that commit the crimes make the rules and the laws it is not going to happen, the occasional scapegoat will be charged but the majority still continue to find ways of fiddling expenses, avoiding tax, taking payments for favours rendered and so on.
I don't know how we can bring them to justice as long as MP's protect themselves and those they think are good for the party and even those that they think are good financially speaking for the Country.
But we could make a start by building lots of new prisons, I would say 10 to start with.
We are currently building 7 new Nuclear Submarines at an estimated cost of £1Billion to EACH.
The new Super Prison in Wrexham is estimated to cost £250 million pounds and will house 2000 prisoners, so 10 new prisons would cost less than 2 submarines and have a capcity to hold 20,000 criminals who are currently causing misery to law abiding people, costing a fortune to the taxpayer and should be, without doubt in prison. And look at the jobs 10 new prisons would create.
It costs around £39,000 to keep each prisoner interned per annum but I wonder what it costs to keep them out of Prison, bearing in mind that such a high percentage of crime is committed by repeat offenders, finance the prisons with the savings made from the extra work they cause the Police, the Courts, the Probation Service and all the rest of the costs of crime that would be eliminated if they were locked up for the correct length of time.
Why not just apply Chinese style justice and save a fortune.
Shoot the little scroats in the back of the head in front of their families.
Crime wave over.
Quote by GnV
Why not just apply Chinese style justice and save a fortune.
Shoot the little scroats in the back of the head in front of their families.
Crime wave over.

We could extend this to people we think might have committed a crime or people we think might be able to commit a crime. If they have children perhaps castrate them so stopping the cycle of crime! (better get em young though, the criminal classes start breeding from an early age after all, do it on there 6th birthday I say)
Then the anti gays, then the gays for making us shoot the anti gays in the back of the head.
Please, somebody tell me when I have gone too far! Little scroats they maybe but if you want a full scale civil war, carry on.
Speaking of civil war, how is Marine Le Pen and the FN party doing by the way over there? What's the latest on twitter? bet it's fascinating.
I was once accused of being too subtle in my sarcasm, just so you know, the above falls in to the category of overt sarcasm.
Well perhaps a little harsh but I would hand out sentences that in themselves would be a deterrent to crime and when the deterrent failed ensure that those brought to justice were off the streets for a very long time.
Life would be life not out after a short time, paedophiles would get life as would murderers, they would never get out, a 3 year sentence would mean 3 years minimum and no time off for good behaviour but time added on for bad behaviour. Perks like TV's in cells and access to recreational facilities would be earned not granted to everyone and removed for bad behaviour showing inmates what it is like to lose your prized possessions like their victims have learnt.
The wages for learning a trade would be increased and the wages for cleaning and catering reduced (currently the other way round to cut overheads).
At least 3 of those 10 prisons would be purpose built to house those deemed mentally unstable where better help can be given than in conventional prisons but they would still be prisons.
The US 3 strike rule would be introduced though not quite as stupidly as the Americans with their " two women and your third offence of stealing a pizza gets you life" but 1st offence a set time inside, second offence of equal or greater magnitude double the sentence and 3rd offence of the same or worse severity throw away the key.
End this plea bargaining used too much and reserve it for cases where it is in the publics interest to gain a conviction not to save money because it does not save money in the long run. The last case I was involved in had charges that carried upto 14 years and the criminals involved were "banged to rights" with 6 independent witnesses in court on the day and a pile of forensic evidence, plea bargaining brought the charges down to a simple offence that got them "time served on remand" for one (7 months) and 12 months probation for the second culprit.
Quote by GnV
Why not just apply Chinese style justice and save a fortune.
Shoot the little scroats in the back of the head in front of their families.
Crime wave over.

Is GnV your pen name Mr Clarkson? wink
I feel Mids makes a good point, in that much of our sentancing is weak in my view.
I have no problem with tax avoidance provided no laws are brocken
Quote by Bluefish2009
I feel Mids makes a good point, in that much of our sentancing is weak in my view.
I have no problem with tax avoidance provided no laws are brocken

That's fine but a bullet in the back of the head for writing something unpleasant on twitter seems a bit ott to me.
Quote by herts_darlings1
I feel Mids makes a good point, in that much of our sentancing is weak in my view.
I have no problem with tax avoidance provided no laws are brocken

That's fine but a bullet in the back of the head for writing something unpleasant on twitter seems a bit ott to me.
Exactly, the punishment should fit the crime, not the haphazard process we have at the moment where convicted paedophiles walk free with just their names on a list, car thieves are given endless warnings, a man urinating in the street gets an £80 fine (good but why more than a car thief) burglars are let loose to burgle again and again but someone who makes a one off mistake ends up with months or ears inside and drug dealers are punished less than fake goods dealers. An MP is found not guilty of drink driving because "his wife felt ill at a dinner party so he drove her home", a fraudster at JCB is heavily sentenced but MP's are told to "sharpen up and stop claiming fraudulent expenses"
Stop feeling sorry for the person who "had it rough" in their early life and protect the others that "had it rough" but made something of their lives and didn't turn to crime.
Quote by GnV
Let's not forget, if the McCann's had done the proper thing in the first place and properly arranged supervision of their children whilst going out on a 'bender' with their friends then none of this would have happened.
I subscribe to the view that Mr McCann is an arrogant b*stard and messianic in his view that he can do no bad - particularly as he is a doctor, a godlike twat of the first degree.
My conspiracy theory tendancy on here is (or should be by now) legendary.
Remember Soham? The school caretaker who thrust himself into the limelight to attempt to deflect the possibility of being identified as the culprit? The MP's and other of the arrogant political class who have been imprisoned for lying through their teeth and taking newspapers and others to court for making apparent falsehoods which turned out eventually to be true.... These all remind me of McCann. A desparate man intent of 'proving' his innocence when we all know he is as guilty as hell.
I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. A truly despicable excuse for a human being.

You surprise me.
I was a holiday Rep in Greece and Spain for most of the 1980's and the number one rule was to be prepared for your Clients do do things that we never dream of doing at home. Notwithstanding this, less than a tiny fraction of 1% of homes get broken into because of unlocked doors. An even smaller percentage of those are going to get their home broken into and a child stolen.
Your judgements appear to be based around his/their attitudes but they still have two children who are alive and the haters seem completely unconcerned that their attitudes are going to have and are having a massively negative effect on the young McCanns? Madelaine McCann is no doubt gone for ever but surely the surviving youngsters deserve half a chance to have a normal life without having to answer for their parents for the rest of their lives?
As for the woman who killed herself... This has nothing to do with Sky News and nothing to do with freedom of speech. This is a salutary lesson for all social media providers to accept that anonymity on the internet is a thing of the past and to make sure that everyone who posts is mad completely aware that they can and will be made accountable. Let's be real here, if this woman had been tweeting in her own name as her own personality she would not have said one tenth of what she had said and therefore would not have felt so humiliated on discovery that she felt the only possible would be to kill herself. Accountability on line protects those who are abused and seemingly the abusers too.