Does anyone actually think there is any difference whatsoever between any of the main political parties?
Not my normal reading material but isn't there a piece in today's Daily Wail about Bliar advising Cameron on how to run the country and his Premiership?
I wonder if Cameron will start to look as shifty sometime soon...
It's no wonder that the general populace is totally disenchanted (to put it mildly) with politics in the UK. There is very little difference between any of the parties and fewer and fewer MPs have any real life experience, being career politicians.
We need to see some long term policies, not the short term vote winning policies usually introduced by the Government of the day and we also need to get away from the attritional form of opposition and have all political parties working together for the benefit of the country.
And pigs may fly!
Nope, think I read it fine.
Nope, think I read it fine.[/
You may have read it fine. You obviously did not understand what you have read.
I have recently come to the conclusion that the only reasonable solution for anyone who has a conscience is to vote Tory ......
and to keep doing it until the inevitable revolution starts
Of course there are differences between the main parties .... they differ in the way they feel the vested interests of the wealthy can best be protected
I find this subject very amusing
Do British Politics exist these days ?
Government policy is dictated by Europe, they can make all the noises they want but it has to be approved by the rest of europe when laws are passed the EU can overide them.
All I hear the government saying is how others are wrong for doing the same as they do, for example this week they are saying that the banks said they would clean up thier acts and stop the fraudulent actions and how terrible it was that they hadn't done what they said they would do, a bit like when they said they were going to clean up the MP's expenses, a bit like when they said they would make it so that all MP's declared any personal interest in businesses or companies that could be cause them to be influenced in thier voting decisions, or how much they were actually earning etc.
:shakes head more in sorrow than anger:
very little between any of the parties rob. they are all out for themselves as the expenses scandal proved. that showed that any politician from any party, can be as greedy as fuck.
can we really trust any of them now? now it seems that the bank of england was involved with fixing financial rates. the buck will stop somewhere in parliament rob i am sure, on this latest scandal.
scargill is just one of many union biggies who crave power to the detriments of the very members they are supposed to serve. if you look at the top peeple in any union you will see they earn huge wads of cash whilst then dictating that there members go out on strike for a paltry 30p a day extra. they are also like politicians rob, greedy and self centered, and certainly NOT to be trusted . :thumbup: all come from the same school of skullduggery.
Good to see that even Daily Mail readers are finally getting it. One wonders though how it feels to realise that actually, the so-called middle classes were always working class, and every bit as shitable on as the people they've been encouraged to despise for so long. Kind of ironic really, what with their actively supporting Govts wot took my local community apart, like it was a good thing, but seem not to like it so much when the same thing happnes to theirs. Difficult to sympathise sometimes, but whatever, welcome to the real world at last. What took you so long?
Joking how? That people have finally clued into the fact that their priveleges ain't so valuable all of a sudden now they're the one's being kicked, as opposed to being the ones doing the kicking? Not sure I fully understand your lack of understanding Star. Please expand.
Beloved socialist party? What socialist party was that Star? You mean Labour? Hahahahaha! No!
I think what I was driving at is that finally even Tory voters are waking up to the fact that the Govt they thought would serve their best interests do not act for them, and don't give a shit about little people like us. Pretty obvious now who they're in bed with, but we've always known that to be the case on the left. At long last even the right are getting that now that they're feeling a bit more working poor themselves.
We've had 30 odd years of neo-liberalism from Tories and Labour alike. cos that's what people said they wanted, or were 'brainwashed' into believing that's what they wanted. Turned out well for us all that one, eh? ;)