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bbw meet for bbw regulars :sassy lets meet up in donny

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Meeting up in doncaster for a night out for BBw room regulars and friends. Also it is my birthday- Sassy-H- yippee................ there is a travel lodge type place where rooms are £25 a night- will sleep upto 3 ppl. It is close to train station, cut back on cab fares....... and close to pubs etc...... We will look at the possibility of going to 101 club ( swingers club in donny) as well. Pls add your name if you want to join's about time we all got together................and pretended to be sociable.................even if just for one Sassy- H xxxxxxxxx oh- by the way- the night out will be on sat 18th me xxxxxxxxxxx
sounds good sassy put us as possibles depends on hubbys work
Bloody hell ! I wondered wtf I'd gotten myself into then! :giggle:
Hope you have fun :thumbup:
sounds good im in ty
well interested will love to meet you folks
i will go as long as i can where my batman mask
and superman pants
maybe, i went to Donny once. Didnt like it! cool
someone from blackpool moaning about doncaster lol the words pot, kettle & black spring to mind...
Quote by Reacher359
i will go as long as i can where my batman mask
and superman pants

Hell yeah, Reacher's coming in costume!
I cant make that date but i hope u all have a wicked time!
Jus xx
Hey sassy!!
please can myself and my hubby come to the meet in doncaste?
its pepps here my hubby is menace and never comes online coz hes always working but he wants to come with me lol
we would like the name of the travelodge as we need to book a room pls(my birthday treat too mmm )
oh getting well excited now xxxx wink lol cool :P biggrin
biggrin :D well a meets no good without a carpet to walk on is it ??
i,ll come providing i have no work or T/A commitments that w/end cool 8-)
Count us in Sassy xx
yes please we would love to come count us in

Sounds pretty good to me-and if Reachers coming in Batman mask then I'm definitely game

we have a newbie--hoping to be a reg who wants to come meet the lovely bbw ladies--be kind to him--and pencil in Rugbmark for the meet---he's shy so say hi when you see him in the room.
Do my brief visitations at unearthly hours of the morning make me a regular confused:
If so I register my interest, but am not definate yet (though looking at list so far.....)
Harry Jones
Well Well Well, a lot of familiar names on here isn't there ?
Of course me and Mrs Ask are very interested in tagging along, however we are not quite ready for the club scene just yet, we will do pubs, alcohol, tonnes of good natured veritable wit and maybe take things further back at our home of temporary residence, but getting our kit off in a club is a bit beyond us at the moment. Call us wimps if you like, but there you go...
Our one problem could be child minders for the evening. But since it is well in advance that should not be a problem. I should be able to brainwash some poor deluded fool into looking after my two monsters for the night.
Special thanks to to Biker Tony and Sassy for sorting out the time & place. Good work people... :-)
Put us down as an "interested probable" ! ;-)
Also if people are going, can I suggest possible lift shares to ease the cost of travelling. Seems daft if two people are coming up from say Birmingham, that they come separately in car and train... may as well both come in the car and share the cost of petrol. Cheaper for both parties then... just a suggestion to save folks a few penneths...
Toodles and Pips for now.
The veritable, much copied but never bettered, Mr A.
(P.S. If Reacher is coming as Superman... can I be Darth ? I promise you can all have a play with me lightsabre...)
Quote by AskariCouple
Well Well Well, a lot of familiar names on here isn't there ?
Of course me and Mrs Ask are very interested in tagging along, however we are not quite ready for the club scene just yet, we will do pubs, alcohol, tonnes of good natured veritable wit and maybe take things further back at our home of temporary residence, but getting our kit off in a club is a bit beyond us at the moment. Call us wimps if you like, but there you go...

You are not wimps at all. Everyone feels that way on their first trip to a club apart from lunatics like me with no fear (or is that no brain lol )
If it helps and I don't know this particular clubs but with a lot of them (the ones I have been to anyway) there are normally bar areas where you can remain clothed or semi-clothed.
Harry Jones
lee is on nights
#but if i can find myself a date to fetch me im up for it smile
so any 1 out there i know fancy this meet ? pm me
thanks jo xxx
How could we not come along with you, someone has to keep ask in check! lol
Col & Rayne
Quote by friskyduoyorks
How could we not come along with you, someone has to keep ask in check! lol
Col & Rayne

we will be comeing if you will have us as we do and can keep ask in check lol :lol: :twisted:
Count us in too great to put names and faces together! I do beleive i owe some one a a special treat wink and maybe we could have a group game of "match" biggrin
Nicky and russ
I wanna come, I wanna come!!!!! :happy:
Need somewhere to stay, so will have a look at the list of hotels above....
CurvierBunny and Ambie you best be coming!!! We'll all go in on a room if ya's like!
MWAH for now x
Stick our names down please sassy, no sure if we will do the club bit tho
Col & Rayne