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Chester Pub Crawl Saturday October 7th

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7 watchers

Hi everyone,

after much deliberation over dates we would like to welcome you along to a bit of a social event on Saturday 7th October in Chester.  The plan is to visit a few bars and have a catch up with friends old and new.

There is likely to be an afternoon/early evening start with the opportunity to grab a bite to eat followed by a relaxed wander around Chester for a few drinks.  You are welcome to join at any point during the evening so don't have to have an early start or a late finish.

If you are interested, please pop your name(s) down below and we'll confirm details nearer the time.

Hope to see a few of you then.

N & C


*** List is now closed ***

Interested/Attending :-

ChattyPair (cpl)
HnS (cpl)
DJohn (m)
BifandPit (cpl)
silenttexter (m)

Alternativetwo (cpl)
Themanwithnoname (m)
VioletCain (cpl)
whiplash *** Birthday Girl *** (f)
50shadesoffun (cpl)
Swingers73 (cpl)
BettyBoop99 (cpl)
+1 Other (f)
+1 Other2 (f)
steco1958 (m)

Already talking to Mrs Chatty about it and possible hotels



You found a date!  Count me in

Hotels in Chester are fairly booked up (or expensive) already, it turns out that Chester Marathon is on the Sunday.

There are alternatives a short train or taxi ride away so don't let it put you off as we can advise if interested.

Yes please as it stands, and thanks for organising

I'd love to attend, not sure which shift I'm on but I'll try my best to get it off. 

Eyes xxx

yes  can you put my name down chatty

smile looks like fun im in :) 

hi can you add me to the list too please xx

sadly I am working that weekend sad


This is prob better for me can you put my name down. Just Alex on her onio xxx

Hi, this will be our first meeting (suggested by The Chattypair with thanks) so count us in i guess smile 

V&C x

hi there.

love to come. can you put myself and coolnight down as we coming as couple

sounds in pop me on please +1 xxxx 

can I be a maybe's my birthday 

Of course you can Whips and happy birthday. xx

Love to come count me in

Count us in please xx

Would love to bit daunting as a newbie tho! lolx

No need to have any reservations Smoggie, A great understanding and welcoming group will be there to welcome you. Plus, worst case, you get a night out and a few beers ;)

Quote by smoggie59
Would love to bit daunting as a newbie tho! lolx

 Hardly a newbie, youve been here 11 years lol

Quote by minidavenkat

Quote by smoggie59
Would love to bit daunting as a newbie tho! lolx
 Hardly a newbie, youve been here 11 years icon_lol.gif

They could of course just be new to attending a social?

they are in good hands then Toots :P Mrs Chatty will look after them biggrin

Would be our first social event. Count us in please xx

Hi everyone who is planning to attend. 

I've started putting the locations/bars together but wondered if people would be interested in starting the night at a pub that did good food? I can book a table somewhere.

C xx

Hi guys. Sounds good to us. What sort of time are you talking? T & B xx

we were thinking around ish for food 


we are now 3 weeks away from the Chester Pub Crawl/Social.  Can everyone please confirm that you will be attending.

We've provisionally booked a couple of tables for a meal from about 6:15 so if you are interested in joining us then please also let us know so we can firm up numbers and give you details.


N & C
