Guess i must be one of the unlucky ones!!!!!
Has the event taken place yet? Did everyone turn up?
Just because you haven't been invited doesn't mean you've been had just means u weren't selected. Still trying up dates and definate numbers as will only be about a group of 5.
Some of u may get an invite if any drop outs
What do you do in this wankclub? Or cant you talk about Wankclub, or is it just wank, these are impotent questions.
Once again, as already mentioned thread is not dead as people not firmed up yet and more may get invites so applicants welcome!
Hi, susand
How is wank club coming together. Have you met yet?
Hi all, steve here
Anyone fancy kick starting this again. Basically a group of us get together and play in hotel! Let me know.
the first rule about wank club is "YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT WANK CLUB"
still open to another?, if so love an invite
Hi all
All of u interested, please send me a pm and we will start to arrange
Love to know more and join you...
Love to be a member............. however, over me PLEASE xxxxxx