If you would like to attend this social, to be held in Leeds 15th nov 7pm til late, then please leave your name. It's a nice big, private room, holds up to 250 people. There will be a cover cost of £3 per member, for room hire, disco, and some food to snack on !!! If the list fills up and there is any excess cash it will be donated to charity (a receipt will be obtained, and a copy of this can be emailed to anyone who requests to see it ).
If you make it to the invite list, you will be sent a list of hotels, and your name will appear on the list. Details of the venue itself will be sent out about 48hrs before the event, in order to protect the privacy of all attending.
In case you need to know before hand, to plan travel, it's 2 miles from leeds city centre!!
So, what you waiting for?? Get your name down, and see you there

Sassy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
LIST SO FAR.........
Sexy-bbw PAID
Flirty_bbw PAID
Twinkle_69 PAID
oneniteonly PAID
FoxyChick83 PAID
44dd_4u PAID
Jess9 PAID
rolo PAID
Ambie PAID
kissxkiss PAID
Miss_B_having PAID
Hornybitch_2008 PAID
Tigerfluff PAID
Sexy67 PAID
ScarletTheHarlot PAID
Melodyxx PAID
Sheer_Glorrrse she bringing a clorff PAID
Paintedlady PAID
HarryJones PAID
tricky-dicky PAID
telegrams PAID
Newlad4u PAID
Tank2581 PAID
fabio (TBC)
Irish2007 PAID
Gazboy22 PAID
oldergeezer PAID
Joe9028 PAID
aldersbrook PAID
Robert400 PAID
Ahabs PAID
Elephanthome PAID
Reacher359 PAID
stainless1 PAID
Upferritxxx PAID
Tj123male PAID
Sportyleeds PAID
funfunx3 PAID
jjeeff PAID
Davejw PAID
Steve_and_Blank PAID
Dave100yorks PAID
Will2955 PAID
Janmar50 PAID
Paulinyork PAID
Lonni & Sassy PAID
funkydeviant & Juicy_BBW PAID
Stevenshaz PAID
candjnwuk PAID
friskyduoyorks (TBC)
Xxbicouple PAID
Mr & MrsWadefun PAID
Wickers PAID
paddyandmimi PAID
Morknmindyyorks PAID
Mr_mrs_joy PAID
tiamariaqueen (TBC)
Coupleseekfun PAID
morethan PAID
Dollyminx & Rammyram PAID
herandhimcouple PAID
Stuart_Tanini PAID
Wirralcouple_1 PAID
Prettylip & cloud9male PAID
whoarewenow PAID
cloony123 PAID
hotlips_n_hawk PAID
Mandy & Keefy - he must have heard there was food involved- PAID
Late123123male & Tartanterror PAID
Minxfemale + 1 PAID