HuxleyPig is helping me with the admin side of things

Ok,a lot of you know its my birthday at the end of January and I promised to do a Yorkshire munch for it next year. So sLeeper has agreed that we can arrange one.
Munch rules will apply.
Yorkshire munch
Venue - tba the day before
Capacity - there are a few spaces left
Date - 27th Jan 2007
Theme - YOUR teenage years, what did you wear as a teenager? With the differant age groups on here its going to be fun so drag out those punk outfits and shell suits and lets see what you really looked like
Music - There will be a disco provided by DJ Alley
Cost - ?? due to the problems that everyone is experiencing there may have to be a small door charge to cover the cost of the DJ, I will let you know as soon as something is sorted.
EDIT - I have found a DJ now, there will be a charge of £2 pp at the door to contribute to the DJ and food. Accounts will be provided to anyone that wishes to see them and if there is anything left over it will go to charity

Hotels - Can be provided. The first hotel on the list has agreed to giving us a discount rate.
Transport - Taxi's are about £6 from most of the hotels, train and bus station.
Food - A good sized buffet will be laid on like last time.
It is also Vix and Reese's wedding anniversary so we will be celebrating that as well
So if you are still interested and want to come, put your names down on here or send me a pm.
People requesting invites must be active members of the site and be known to myself or can be vouched for.
Cut off date for new members - 15/12/06