Following the success of the NW Munch it has become obvious that the North of the country seem to be having a lot more fun than our Southern Counterparts!!! :shock:
In order to rectify this I am introducing an Adopt A Southerner Scheme. The plan is that everyone that lives above Birmingham Adopts someone that lives South of Birmingham and looks after them. You can bring your Southerner along to Munches, parties or just take them home to meet the parents. We can feed them on Fish, Chips, Mushy Peas and Gravy and show them the delights of the local Pidgeon Fanciers Club.
To start the ball rolling I am going to adopt Dreamer Helen. I know, I can hear you saying it already, but I didn't get where I am tody by taking the easy option (oops, sorry Easy!!). It's a crap job but someone has to do it. Helen, consider yourself adopted!!! :wink:
Any more suggestions?? Who are you going to adopt?? Southerners - who would you like to adopt you??? :? :? :? :?