Right ok here goes .reading the adverts in photos ,dogging and lets meet ,i am amazed at the language and discriptions given to peoples because swingers and people who wish to involve their lifes with other members for sensual pleasures really need words like fuxking ,wanxing,up the are these ads put in by other people not realy interested in our pursuits and just getting cheap kicks .I feel that because we pursue these pleasures we are traeted like degenerates and my self cannot think of a bigger turn off or lose respect fro this what is excepted or expected nowdays ??am i the prude ??.
And anyone got any views on the ads that say we need more photos as their comp went down or a virus lost all the ones sent or maybe they are pic collectors and not really up for meets .I for one have never sent a photo until someone has asked for my phone number and ive spoken to both parties .ok i hear you shouting shut up and get off lol.
Thanks for your interest in this post
You are, of course, perfectly entitled to your opinion and your own high standards. Don't let others put you off.
I spend some considerable time trawling the ads (all part of the work you understand) and do find some lovely ads which are much more reflective of my own opinions. I have no doubt that many people find the crude use of explicit language attractive. I prefer to keep the explicit language for an initmate situation where I find it enhances my enjoyment.
Search for the lovely ads - they are out there. As are some lovely people - I always try to focus on the positives and take them with me and try to ignore the negatives.
Good luck in your search.
I hate to hear words like Prick or Cunt used as insults.
Used in sexual terms they are fine.
There comes a point when its no good being bashful - this is in a sexual context - and if the acts or parts of the body so called are called that in a spirit of play,fun,desire,lust or love then its beautiful.
Afterthought:The time to use those intimate terms is more in consentual privacy than in public,true.
thank you ,opinions are well recieved .The language isnt a issue has as been said .In our own company i agree some words and actions are sometimes used for more sensual pleasures . We are all adults and except this ,but in the written word ??? do we really need to see these in print ?.
thanks for your input and time given
:twisted: The written word? Yes, sometimes it's more than appropirate to use prophanity to convey ones emotions, motives etc.
Like right now I can't convey more clearly just how fucking pissed off I am with the fucking cunt responsible for this arse-over-end domino effect!!!!
Hungry P - your ad was/is especially well wriitten I noticed!
just wandered if any new members had any thoughts on this thread from last year.
Thanks dave for the reply ,and the in put .
Ive still been on the scene and put my 2 penneth in where needed lol
some things turn people on or they get a kick out of what they read/say
some like polite posts
some like crude ones
some like water sports
so a post might not suit u
but suits others
if we all liked the same thing
life would be boring
Thank you mdr .
in my opinion your ad is the one thats likely to seduce me and my female friend to forward a reply
Please to all others ,the thread does ask AM i A prude ?
im not asking for just for agreement its a poll to ask what others look for in ads .
many thanks to all for your contributions h
Have to agree with all said here... not all ads use such expletives and certainly not our own!
Mike x
well its seems it has caught some peoples eye.
The main word (Seduction ) i think this is the way forward ,many cpls like the SEE HOW IT GOES approach .Some cpls do prefer to be in control and if the feelings right they will allow you be part of their adult evening.
Has part of that evening ,some expressions and verbal discription of the sexual kind are used .
So i feel its a matter of choice ,as long has its your hosts choice.
I don't think you're a prude at all. I have read quite a few ads and I'm put off when reading one that's littered with sexual acts in such graphic detail. There is a time and place for this kind of talk but I don't see ads as a place to do it. Some people like to talk dirty in the bedroom and if that's what butters your muffin, then that's fine, just keep it for the bedroom ( or private chat etc )
An ad that's to the point without being crude is much more likely to get a response IMO
Reminds me of a threat used by my mum when I said 'bloody' in front of her once. I can still taste the soap now :giggle:
what an interesting thread....
U ask whether people think that you are a prude?
It seems to me that you have given yourself the label" prude" and are then seeking others to accept YOU.... as you see yourself as one.
Im not critisizing at all..... its great that you have found your levels....
as you can see, your views on this and the use of profanity are shared by some....... and to a degree by myself.........
but before i give my tuppence worth.... i think i better check your advert before i end up making a fuxxing cxnt of myself...........