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AM i A prude ?

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I have used the F word in my ad because its a beautiful word in the right context.
Using it in an ad how I have reclaims it from the potty mouthed useage of also what I would like to do with others to be frank!
(In the nicest possible way! cool )
Quote by BiWelshMinx
Well babe,
I agree ................ I hate the use of the "nasty" words kiss
So guess I must be a prude too ! :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Blonde? A prude? No way! wink
But seriously, I follow the Maxim "There's a time and place for everthing..." meaning, that even though this IS an adult site, language should be used properly and certain words should be used when necessary, otherwise they lose their strength and meaning......
My thought exactly Plum :thumbup:
Minx x x
P.s Fucking lovely new avatar ;)
redface surprisedops: :oops:
Coming from you (the sexiest bum EVER.....), thats HIGH praise indeed...... :wink:
Quote by Flirty Fruitcake
I hate to hear words like Prick or Cunt used as insults.
Used in sexual terms they are fine.
There comes a point when its no good being bashful - this is in a sexual context - and if the acts or parts of the body so called are called that in a spirit of play,fun,desire,lust or love then its beautiful.
Afterthought:The time to use those intimate terms is more in consentual privacy than in public,true.

The words f*** is the same as intercourse, but one seems excepted more than the other. I am English and find nothing wrong with the use of English. I do use Latin-English sometimes, but as above good old Saxon-English is not offencive in it's self. It is the common (and incorrect) use that makes it offensive. There is nothing wrong with a wifman and a wepman f***ing. So why do I not print the f word here it seems to up-set some. No you are not a prude, you developed in a culture that rejects my 1500 year history, which started after 1066.
Quote by niceandgentle
I have used the F word in my ad because its a beautiful word in the right context.
Using it in an ad how I have reclaims it from the potty mouthed useage of it.
(In the nicest possible way! cool )

good for you
Quote by quimninja2003
is not swearing or course language a rich part of our history and indeed remains a diverse and ever changing part of language today........although if you dont like it don`t send em a mail smile
Right ok here goes .reading the adverts in photos ,dogging and lets meet ,i am amazed at the language and discriptions given to peoples because swingers and people who wish to involve their lifes with other members for sensual pleasures really need words like fuxking ,wanxing,up the are these ads put in by other people not realy interested in our pursuits and just getting cheap kicks .I feel that because we pursue these pleasures we are traeted like degenerates and my self cannot think of a bigger turn off or lose respect fro this what is excepted or expected nowdays ??am i the prude ??.
And anyone got any views on the ads that say we need more photos as their comp went down or a virus lost all the ones sent or maybe they are pic collectors and not really up for meets .I for one have never sent a photo until someone has asked for my phone number and ive spoken to both parties .ok i hear you shouting shut up and get off lol.
Thanks for your interest in this post

But f*** is not swearing. swearing is giving an oath. So lets put f*** back where it should be in bed and reclaim it from the drunks on a night out.
Quote by twos_company
some things turn people on or they get a kick out of what they read/say
some like polite posts
some like crude ones
some like water sports
so a post might not suit u
but suits others
if we all liked the same thing
life would be boring

Well said two's.... I do find it hard to accept anyone who looks down on something just because it doesn't conform to their own 'morals'
I'm trying not to rant here & this is not directed to any one individual ok
But If u dont like the language peeps are using don't you think you can pretty much guarantee they wont find YOU to their tastes either?
Quote by twos_company
so a post might not suit u but suits others if we all liked the same thing life would be boring

Just the same way that tosser reporter tried to disgust the free choice lifestyle that we choose to enjoy we cannot raise ourselves to the same level & poo poo anything we dont like...
yes i will include 1st time why cant i get a shag posts... we love em
I'm too posh to swing with u lot posts... ohhh the fun we have
locked posts... we all look
poll posts... we diss the one we dont like & jump on the popular ones!!!
And posts like this... :shock: that makes us sit up puff our chests out & say "Well I never!"
need i go on... blah,blah,blah...
Were all here for one thing or another & I say thanks to EVERONE on SH for NOT being boring!
Quote by gentlemanfor2
Right ok here goes .reading the adverts in photos ,dogging and lets meet ,i am amazed at the language and discriptions given to peoples because swingers and people who wish to involve their lifes with other members for sensual pleasures really need words like fuxking ,wanxing,up the are these ads put in by other people not realy interested in our pursuits and just getting cheap kicks .I feel that because we pursue these pleasures we are traeted like degenerates and my self cannot think of a bigger turn off or lose respect fro this what is excepted or expected nowdays ??am i the prude ??.
And anyone got any views on the ads that say we need more photos as their comp went down or a virus lost all the ones sent or maybe they are pic collectors and not really up for meets .I for one have never sent a photo until someone has asked for my phone number and ive spoken to both parties .ok i hear you shouting shut up and get off lol.
Thanks for your interest in this post

Once again thank you all for your views and opinions .
The one thing that does come across very clearly is that everyone ,has different take on this .
And the choice of contacting others through this great site ,is to sort out who matches their profile and tastes.
So we have it !!!!
There is someone for someone on here but not for everyone.
Quote by twos_company
some things turn people on or they get a kick out of what they read/say
some like polite posts
some like crude ones
some like water sports
so a post might not suit u
but suits others
if we all liked the same thing
life would be boring

I agree with twos_company. The way people write their posts / adverts probably gives you as much of a clue as to whether you would be compatible as what they say.
Why did the Irish name their currency "The Punt"
A. Because it rhymes with Bank Manager.
Sometimes it just works!
Like it or not some words are part of the language now, this is an old one but a good example for feck, all of the names were chosen at random and none of the statements should be taken seriously;
feck (noun)
----(no meaning) Term can be used with the definite article as a pure expletive in sentence initial position: 'What the feck are you doing, Dave?' 'The feck you say!' It can also be used with the definite article: 'Like feck I'm going to date Dave tonight!'
----the act of fecking' (roughly) Synonymous with 'piece of ass.' 'gentlemanfor2 had a hot feck last night.'
feck (verb, intransitive)
----have intercourse See feck (transitive). Here, it must have a conjoined subject: musketeer and NLondonJohn are fecking.
feck (verb, transitive)
----to have intercourse with someone. This word was once considered the most unacceptable word in English. In the last twenty years it has become more acceptable in various contexts. Still not acceptable in parlour room contexts, in school, etc. Though banned on American TV it can be heard on Canadian TV and radio in certain limited cases.
feck around (verb, intransitive)
----do nothing imporant or nothing at all. "redpantherman's just fecking around today."
----go away Used an expletive to indicate to indicate mild annoyance: "Well, feck around!"
feck around (verb, transitive)
----To be somehwt dishonest with someone. " 's fecking PLUM around all the time." feck me harder (sentence, idiom)
----Expression in response to an unwanted and undesirable action done to the speaker.
feck off (verb, intransitive)
----go away Usually used as a command in an uncomplementary sense: "feck off, asshole!" feck oneself (verb phrase)
----get lost Outside of the literal meaning which few males can do, this expression has abouat the same meaning as 'get lost'; i.e. go away.: BiWelshMinx told DeeCee to go feck himself.
feck up (verb, intransitive)
----make a mistake See feck (transitive).
feck up (verb, transitive)
----(1) to make a mess out of something, (2) to cause someone to become psychologically unstable. See feck up (intransitive). (1) "John really fecked his assignment up." (2) "John's parents really fecked him up."
fecked (past tense of feck), (passive participle)
----(1) to be psychologically maladjusted, (2) to be a mess (of situations and certain objects) Derived from and generally synonymous with 'feck up'. "Sharif is really fecked." "Sharif's project is fecked beyond hope."
fecked up (passive participle)
----(1) to be psychologically maladjusted, (2) to be a mess (of situations and certain objects) See 'feck up'. to be using larger doses of drugs than normal such as alcohol or acid Used in the drug community for people who are tripping hard.
fecker (noun)
----a male person Derogatory term: 'The little fecker stole 10 bucks.'
----One who fecks 'lovejoy68 is a squirrely fecker.'
fecking (adjective)
----(no specific meaning) term is commonly used as an expletive with a pejorative sense: 'st3v3 is a fecking asshole.'
Hehe, St3v3 have you been having extra curricular with Freckledbird? lol
Personally, I dislike seeing forum posts littered with expletives. I quite enjoy using those words now and then but I don't enjoy seeing them in writing. They can work in ads if they're used sparingly but where people use them frequently as an alternative to other words (or just in unnecessary addition to them) I'm afraid I'd be put off by it and assume that the person concerned can't hold a decent conversation and would either be boring or an embarrassment in public.
Not enjoying seeing or hearing expletives doesn't make anyone a prude though, it's just another preference.
Well i'm no fecking prude but don't fecking like to see or fecking hear to much fecking bad language.
Yeah we all fecking use it, even the fecking prude people but there is a fecking place for every fecking thing and using fecking foul language in every other fecking sentence is fecking uncalled for smile
fecking shaz xxxx lol :lol:
soz :twisted:
Quote by Shaz_n_Tony
Well i'm no fecking prude but don't fecking like to see or fecking hear to much fecking bad language.
Yeah we all fecking use it, even the fecking prude people but there is a fecking place for every fecking thing and using fecking foul language in every other fecking sentence is fecking uncalled for smile
fecking shaz xxxx lol :lol:
soz :twisted:

Oh you're going to hell for that missy!! :giggle:
Quote by Serendipity
Well i'm no fecking prude but don't fecking like to see or fecking hear to much fecking bad language.
Yeah we all fecking use it, even the fecking prude people but there is a fecking place for every fecking thing and using fecking foul language in every other fecking sentence is fecking uncalled for smile
fecking shaz xxxx lol :lol:
soz :twisted:

Oh you're going to hell for that missy!! :giggle:
oh i'm fecked now ain't i :lol: :lol:
shaz x
'sexual intercourse'
from the Latin; meaning to feck