well im 6ft 2in and 16 stone acording to the machine in the chemist im 3st over weight but i,ve got a big build 38 in waist do you guy think thats fat.
those macines measure your BMI, which is pretty rubbish.
If you went on one and it said you were the correct weight, and then went to the gym for a year and put on a stone of muscle it would say you were a stone overweight!! so, no it doesnt mean your fat at all!
Most bodybuilders come in as grossly obese on the bmi scale with less than 5% body fat!!
well i am actually half way between you frei and DP....... and again part of the 6ft 2 club....
am i fat..... probably.... do i feel fat.... not really..... when i played american football i was only 2 stone lighter than i am now......
i feel it when i am in a club and you see all these skinny guys running around in swinging clubs... however... on saturday night i felt a million dollars.... as people said that i looked really good and felt better.....
swings and roundabouts... it really depends on how i feel......
Can someone explain Fat' because in my eyes it isnt what you look like its who your inside that counts. my Ex gf was a size 18 when i met her and i loved her for who she was not what she was.
So yeah i got a shed load of grief from passers by but F**k Them! i was with her for 4 years. Too bad we only split up the begining of this year, shes a size 12 now though. and still care for bits for her :cry:
But eh up, gotta get over it an i :idea:
fat boy :thrilled: fat boy :thrilled:
I'm probably about two stone overweight - I'm 6'0 tall and about 15 and a half stone. I don't put weight on but I find it hard to lose weight, despite eating reasonably healthily and exercising.
If you find it hard to lose weight, and you don't smoke, and drink reasonably, it might be worth asking your doctor to put you on statins, to reduce your cholesterol level. This will reduce the risk of your having heart trouble and strokes. It's worth having your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked regularly anyway.
I’m not sure I subscribe to the “if you’re happy about it then its ok” mantra. There is enough medical opinion that being overweight is not good for you to make me want to do something about it … just to make sure that I get every moment out of this life that I can, …. after all there is no heaven or afterlife (but that’s another topic eh?)
I agree, but... so often people who are overweight feel they have to conform to society's view that they must be slimmer to be beautiful. I'm sorry but beauty comes from within, personality and nice qualities are important also. I know a lot of people who are overweight but are actually happy to be so and they are so attractive. I've overheard people say "she is so pretty if she were slimmer she would be stunning..!" why??
And of course I agree, medically speaking some people do have to lose weight, but in the case of Freimation I wouldn't have thought he had anything to worry about.
can I just point out that muscle *doesn't* weigh more than fat - its just more dense.....
So a 1lb piece of fat would be three times bigger than a 1lb piece of muscle....
This is why people with a low body fat percentage can look smaller than someone who is of an equivalent height and weight... the muscle just takes up less room...
Am not patronising anyone, I just find the whole 'muscle weighs more than fat' misconception SO annoying!
Best thing to do to assess yourself in terms of 'fatness' (a term I'm not comfortable with) is to have a body fat percentage analysis done, which is sounds like you have done :-)
I think as long as you are happy and reasonably healthy its all good :-)