If someone came to our country and did not adhere to our laws, we would expect them to be given the prescribed punishment. Wether or not, we see this as right or wrong, they have their laws too.
I just hope that common sense prevails
What would happen here in England if a school's pet rat was called Jesus?
Are there enough touchy people to invoke blaspheme laws? Would it be successful?
Just what helnheaven said.
Also if I were the school I would be a little concerned that I had a teacher educating the children about their society (amongst other things) and the fundamentals of the religion that has the most impact on the laws was not adhered to.
It isn't any different to the many young people all over the U.K. who have been told they are not allowed to wear a hijab to school or have their hair in a certain style.
In schools in England there is education around abortions. It doesn't happen in Eire.
etc etc etc etc
we should be thankful to live in a fairly secular society,but we still need to get religion less involved with our politics and especially with the brainwashing of our children which even happens in state schools as well as faith schools.
Fecking nuts and another good reason why people with extreme views should never be allowed to gain a strong foothold in our own society..
If our government does nothing to help this women we should all be ashamed to be called British!
We give aid, we help them in everyway possible and this woman makes a mistake and a genuine one at that and is being made an example of.. Shame on them I say.
It would have been enough to have a word.. a quiet one at that.. The fact this woman has spent even one night in custody makes them barbarians!
Of Course people may think different and religion is a powerful thing and in certain conditions should be respected but this! Nope...
In fact mallock its worse than extreme, and this hasn’t anything to do with laws either, it seems that peoples basics rights come second to religion?
It’s when you actually read things like this you see how we as a nation are actually lucky in a sense, what’s more annoying is the way they treat there own people for these type of crimes against their religious beliefs but on the same token think its ok to quash other religions themselves, they can burn other countries flags in a town centre and be cheered, but if they did that with there own they’d be executed.
A read at this just sums it up really
I’m just glad I’m lucky enough to have been brought up in a country where the people are more important than the religion.
I'm glad this has stayed on an even keel (so far anyway)...
I realise that every country has its own rules/laws that we must all adhere to when we visit/live there but I really do think they are going waaaaaay over the top with this one...
As has been said a friendly word would have sufficed as IMHO it was a genuine mistake/oversight on the teachers part..
Its not as if she set out to deliberately blaspheme or bring their religion into disrepute..
In edit...
I believe the IOM still has the power to use the birch as they are self govorning....
Just be careful not to organise a swinging party in a country where the death penalty is the standard for sex outside of marriage --- forty lashes ??? more like forty housebricks -- ouch !!!
Extreme, very bloody extreme. To have such extreme blasphemy laws just shows how insecure the religion of Islam and the people that run it are in certain countries.
It’s about the power the religious elite have over all the countries people. They interpret Islamic text to suit their ends and their ends seem to be oppression of the people instead of the general message of peace and love of the Koran.
Any one that speaks out is disposed of quickly and publicly as a deterrent to others. Makes me feel lucky to be living in a secular society, with the freedom that brings.
And yes it is another country and they have their own laws but come on wrong is wrong and both examples above are just wrong.
To stick up for it by saying “yes but that’s the law of that country” :shock: Wake up. You cannot stick up for opression no matter where it is and be a member on this site without the irony to be almost blinding.