I was wondering that myself - I guess it must be server space or bandwidth considerations ?
Sorry, being an anorak again
{chastises self for jumping in on 'puter related things again}
Affraid not 307,
I am pretty nifty at reducing photo file sizes down if you have the picture you can email it to me and I'll work on it for you.
If it is an absolutly huge photo then I doubt the quality will be any good.
I have adobe Illustrator 10 and Ulead Gif animator which both handle pictures and sizes very well.
Upto you though.
reducing the picture size is no problem as i use photoshop 8 and paint shop pro 8.
I just wanted to put on an animated avtar you see.
But it is ok, thanks
That is very kind of you Mark. Cheers. I suppose a lot of the images from the people who post will be cached anyway so that will reduce load time.
It may get a little distractive to say the least with everybody having little moving pictures while you're trying to read. Oh well. They will bring some giggles I'm sure.
Now lets see if I can get my two little moles to move a little
The whole avatar thing has gone mad eh? I sat down trying to create one that would reflect who I am... na, hopeless!
I'm gonna drag this one up from the vaults...
been franticly searching for a site where I can d/load,for free of course,some of these cool avtars...animated if possible....Can anyone help please ??
Ty in advance
Try a search on google images(tm Reese)