Having rejoined about a week ago, I have almost nothing but hugely positive things to report about the site. I have already e-met some of the loveliest folk on here, I have giggled incessantly over the past week or so and a smile has barely left my face. As for sexy business? Let's just say there are probably few profiles left without my grubby fingerprints all over them. (Ladies of the Forum are already submitting applications for restraining orders as we speak).
I have, however, made a few beginners mistakes and I post these in the hope that fellow SH's will perhaps share their little errors so that newbie posters like me, will know we were all human once. Well most of us. I'm still not sure of a few.
To be honest, all of my mistakes have been driven by mistaking Avatars and I have committed three rather pathetic mistakes...
I really hope the people do not mind me posting this here...
First up, DeeCee's psychologically clever avatar had me fooled into believing this fine figure of a man, was a woman and I did address him as thus. However I did hastily clear that up, and in doing so, prove I have a very dirty mind. I am quite proud of this, as few would have suspected I had a mind of any kind at some point.
Secondly... I must admit to having a good ogle at Random Order (ROLP)'s avatar and thinking. "She's got a nice arse in those leathers..." And yes, he is also a fella. I am therefore happy to point out this mistake, but reassure ROLP that Mrs Res is of a similar opinion and she has the right line in bodily vegetables to make such an assertion.
Thirdly... The gorgeous Splendid who sent me a lovely welcome email. I admit to being baffled by her avatar for a little while. Of course NOW I understand exactly what it is, I've yet to stop dribbling, but for a while, I did think it was a picture of a artexed ceiling and two adjoining walls. I hasten to add, this is no failing on her luscious part. Simply evidence that perhaps I have spent too much time on here with my hands in my pants to the detriment of my eyesight and neural capabilities.
Am I alone in making such foolish errors as a beginner, or is it more commonplace than you would imagine? Have you made a similar mistake?
Incidentally, my favourite profile name so far is "Cocksnoggers" and my favourite room title this week has been "Horny in Taunton, as usual", which not only promises so much, but makes you wonder what they put in the cider down there.
If the sexy bits are as good as the smiles I've had on here this past week, then it will really have to go some...
Cheers M'dears!