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Bi female

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Minx has terrible trouble finding bi females.
When we do play with couples with "bi" females as often as not they aint particularly bi. Indeed she's had more attention and her attention has been more welcomed by self proclaimed straight women.
Minx once amusingly said "playing with my tit whilst yer husband shags me rigid don't make you bi".
Now I have had a bit of time on my hands lately and it has set me to pondering. So i thought I would share my thinking and ask the community for theirs. The usual caveats about not worrying about how folk choose to live and only interested if their behaviour affects me and that this is no reflection on past playmates.
So I think there's a number of possible reasons for this behaviour.
Are the bi females being used as bait to attract potential playmates by straight male partners?
Is the girl on girl thing such a big fantasy that folk delude themselves into thinking they will enjoy it?
Do women think that if they pretend to be bi they will encourage their straight male partners to explore their bi side?
I don't know and I wondered what other folk thought. I would prefer it if we stuck to bi females on this thread cos the whole bi male straight male thing seems to have been done to death.
Ha ha, ben you are sooo correct ! These so called bi fem are what I call pillow princess, lye down spread legs and receive. There very much a delight to come across !
I think many men are fascinated by the idea of watching girls play together, and maybe they persuade their partners to live the fantasy for them. Those women may, or may not, enjoy the whole girl-on-girl thing. They may only be prepared to stay at the shallow end rather than get well and truly submerged. Perhaps that is the true difference between bi and bi-curious. I have to agree with Minx, the all-in bi-female is an elusive creature. If you find any in Kent, send 'em round ;).
Theres a huge difference between women who will say they're bi and tolerate contact with another woman (even going all the way) to impress or get what they or their partner want and women who genuinely enjoy sex with another woman.
Enthusiasm is a good clue usually.
There are untold reasons why people do things they're not really into.
Oooo, I never thought of it like that ben - you mean all the 1000's of bi females that the site seems to be littered with are imposters? Seriously, it almost seems the 'norm' for a female on here to be bi but it sounds like you might be saying that isn't necessarily the case.
Can the bi females help me out then and tell me what actually constitutes a 'real' bi female. Is there like a scale where they do different things at different levels that make them more bi? confused:
Hmmmm good points and simply put too:
1. Enthusiasm around the same sex in sexually charged situations?
2. Do they do 1:1 meets with the same sex?
All 'proper' bi blokes I know, are and do both so I guess that's a valid way of measuring it.
This is really interesting as I kind of assume a lot about females as in my world I don't have to think about them too much.. most of the time ;-)
Quote by brucie
is there an echo in here? didnt i just say that BIoke. Focus boy.

Yes 'dad' wink
Sorry, I was actually referring to both of your posts but couldn't be bothered doing the quotey thing lol
Quote by brucie
apology accepted.

Thanks, can I get up off my knees and close my mouth now? lol
hmmmm not sure how enthusiasm can be measured, once at a club a lady begged for ladies to join her in a public room for some girl on girl action and all men told to sod off.... me being the kind and caring sort obliged, but after a while of snogging etc i decided to nose dive only to be told 'im bi but not that bi'..... abit astounding really lol at which point a completely straight lady took pity on me and let me play with her instead.
Bi is so confuzzling!!!!
Quote by BIoke
Oooo, I never thought of it like that ben - you mean all the 1000's of bi females that the site seems to be littered with are imposters? Seriously, it almost seems the 'norm' foe a female on here to be bi but it sounds like you might be saying that isn't necessarily the case.
Can the bi females help me out then and tell me what actually constitutes a 'real' bi female. Is there like a scale where they do different things at different levels that make them more bi? confused:

So you're still smarting then BIoke? ;)
I read your post the first time and felt indignant at the suggestion you might consider it strange for there to be varying degrees of bi, and yet for many of the men on this site (by your own admission) there are varying degrees of straight! If I had been in a less sunny mood I would have been offended by your inflammatory tone, but I'm in a good place today so I'll take it with the salt it deserves (I am assuming you meant to come across as ironic).
I suspect that most ladies who are prepared to entertain the idea of female contact in any form would declare themselves to be bi in the interests of honesty. The level of contact they feel happy making may be measured on a scale from touching and sucking dry skin areas, such as nipples, to all-in no-holds-barred enjoyment of the whole female genitalia. I consider myself to be bi because I enjoy all aspects of sexual contact with women and men, both 'wet' and 'dry'. Would a woman be lying if she described herself as straight, yet indulged in a little nipple play and occasional vulval massage?
Given that we all know that there are (allegedly) men on here fraudulently posing as couples, singles, or straight in order to get the sex they crave, is it beyond your comprehension that they may also describe their female partners as bi, so that there's a chance another of their fantasies might be realised? Not only men, either, I'm sure women are perfectly capable of massaging their descriptions to maximise their chances of getting laid. If it is considered 'normal' for a woman to be bi, how many have felt pressured by their other half, or the swinging community, to advertise themselves as such?
Quote by welshminx_Ben
Bi is so confuzzling!!!!

Very true - you can wrap yourself in knotts with it (queue Dungeon Master) ;)
I used to ask to avoid pissing people off but it can be a bit of a show-stopper at the point of 'action'. More and more now though, I assume if a bloke off here has chosen to be in a sexually charged situation with me, and knows me, then he also knows the scoop and will say if he doesn't want male on male contact.
I don't think you need to do 1:1 meets with the same sex to be considered bisexual. I have done in the past but I can't see me doing it again in the future. I can understand what you're saying, I dare say there are people who think that adding that particular label to themselves will broaden their opporchancities. I guess I've never needed to pretend so I don't really get the point.
I think maybe I'm going through a phase... I've had sex with both women and men since my early twenties, before I found the swinging scene, but at the moment I'm not inclined to meet women at all on a sexual level. I could kiss a woman forever but for the moment I'm not interested in doing anything else with a girl. Wonder if that makes me a pretender?! lol
Quote by fluff_n_stuff
So you're still smarting then BIoke? ;)
I read your post the first time and felt indignant at the suggestion you might consider it strange for there to be varying degrees of bi, and yet for many of the men on this site (by your own admission) there are varying degrees of straight! If I had been in a less sunny mood I would have been offended by your inflammatory tone, but I'm in a good place today so I'll take it with the salt it deserves (I am assuming you meant to come across as ironic).
I suspect that most ladies who are prepared to entertain the idea of female contact in any form would declare themselves to be bi in the interests of honesty. The level of contact they feel happy making may be measured on a scale from touching and sucking dry skin areas, such as nipples, to all-in no-holds-barred enjoyment of the whole female genitalia. I consider myself to be bi because I enjoy all aspects of sexual contact with women and men, both 'wet' and 'dry'. Would a woman be lying if she described herself as straight, yet indulged in a little nipple play and occasional vulval massage?
Given that we all know that there are (allegedly) men on here fraudulently posing as couples, singles, or straight in order to get the sex they crave, is it beyond your comprehension that they may also describe their female partners as bi, so that there's a chance another of their fantasies might be realised? Not only men, either, I'm sure women are perfectly capable of massaging their descriptions to maximise their chances of getting laid. If it is considered 'normal' for a woman to be bi, how many have felt pressured by their other half, or the swinging community, to advertise themselves as such?

I don't understand the 'smarting' comment smile
Honest, I was serious with my comments and wasn't trying to be rude, sound strange or ironic. Like I said, in 'my world' its not something I give that much thought too so it's actually good to be made to sit back and think differently :)
i would say thats it defined by how consistent you are in your sex life. i consider myself hetero but occasionally play with guys as tv's. i would consider myself bisexual if the majority of my sexual activities involed being with both male and female at the same time, alternately coming with either. also there's a good deal of commitment to one's chosen life. clearly bi's may have to fulfill more logistics to sustain their choice of life.
so to me the idea of hubby letting wifey have a play with another woman doesn't signify a real bisexual 'relationship' just a stage in sexual play thay may not change her basic sexuality or his. anyone who can have an assortment of sexual experiences on tap is just rather lucky!
I think there's also a lot of people who are 'situationally' bi.
it might have some use such an expression of translation, but then most of us are equally situationally hetero. or situationally involved in a road rage incident.
Quote by duncanlondon
it might have some use such an expression of translation, but then most of us are equally situationally hetero. or situationally involved in a road rage incident.

Don't look at me... I didn't invent the expression, I've just heard it being used. :mrgreen:
Mrs Tweeky says she does not find woman attractive as in she does not get goey over them. However during sex she very often talks about womans tits and doing stuff with other woman especially during orgasm. If you ask her in the cold light of day if she wants to muff dive the answer is no. However being honest I am not sure I want to muff dive woman other than Mrs Tweeky, does that mean I am not straight lol I Think in the heat of the moment though Mrs Tweeky may muff dive other woman as would I most probably.
So what does that make her/us I dunno YOU BLOODY TELL ME :haha:
I just think with what Mrs Tweeky talks about and the little she did previous to me knowing her it might be interesting one day whenever to put her in a room with another naked female and me and maybe the other females partner and ...... see what happens. Therefore on the form I put Bi curious.
i think you have made a very relevent point. in that if other people do not acknowledge your situation, then you have a hard struggle to have an identity to fulfill.
That poll is all well and good, but on what basis does it take it's accuracy from?
Polls are like the weather...depends where you are, or more importantly who you ask.
Quote by tweeky
Mrs Tweeky says she does not find woman attractive as in she does not get goey over them. However during sex she very often talks about womans tits and doing stuff with other woman especially during orgasm. If you ask her in the cold light of day if she wants to muff dive the answer is no. However being honest I am not sure I want to muff dive woman other than Mrs Tweeky, does that mean I am not straight lol I Think in the heat of the moment though Mrs Tweeky may muff dive other woman as would I most probably.
So what does that make her/us I dunno YOU BLOODY TELL ME :haha:
I just think with what Mrs Tweeky talks about and the little she did previous to me knowing her it might be interesting one day whenever to put her in a room with another naked female and me and maybe the other females partner and ...... see what happens. Therefore on the form I put Bi curious.

sounds like mrs tweeky enjoys the fantasy, and sometimes thats the first 's basically how sam and i got started, a lot of pillow talk, then sheepish grins in the cold light of day, more pillow talk, then "lets just have a peek online, ooh, a trip to a club could be fun.....and now look at us :lol:
If you ever need help carrying out your experiment...redface
but with many titles and labels they are often created as a convenient thing to say to avoid an explanation as to their true meaning. some time later people are then found to be trying to live up to this label, none the wiser as to it implications.
Quote by Samandken
Mrs Tweeky says she does not find woman attractive as in she does not get goey over them. However during sex she very often talks about womans tits and doing stuff with other woman especially during orgasm. If you ask her in the cold light of day if she wants to muff dive the answer is no. However being honest I am not sure I want to muff dive woman other than Mrs Tweeky, does that mean I am not straight lol I Think in the heat of the moment though Mrs Tweeky may muff dive other woman as would I most probably.
So what does that make her/us I dunno YOU BLOODY TELL ME :haha:
I just think with what Mrs Tweeky talks about and the little she did previous to me knowing her it might be interesting one day whenever to put her in a room with another naked female and me and maybe the other females partner and ...... see what happens. Therefore on the form I put Bi curious.

sounds like mrs tweeky enjoys the fantasy, and sometimes thats the first 's basically how sam and i got started, a lot of pillow talk, then sheepish grins in the cold light of day, more pillow talk, then "lets just have a peek online, ooh, a trip to a club could be fun.....and now look at us :lol:
If you ever need help carrying out your experiment...redface
Help! We need lots of help :lol: Sadly combining help with life, time, kids etc is a real pain in the fecking arsehole and one thats stopped us from doing much at all over the last 3 years. Only just recently started getting back to local social events, oh and see below signature biggrin
Had to jump in here <waves to the cafe) wave. Im a single bi female and love nothing more than some one on one time with another female.... Can I fucking find it??? As you say, in here the bi females are mostly in a couple and "dont play alone" How frustrating is that, trust me VERY
Yes I also like men, yes I love sex with men, but I also adore women on a totally different level, their smell, their skin, their whole outlook on life, the way they can read your mind and know exactly what you want without saying wink Better stop now before I slide off the sofa lol
I find myself labelled and pigeon holed into "the elusive bi female" Why elusive, because I am single? Why does that make me elusive <scratches head and has pondered this often>... is it for the purposes of the couples who want to fulfill some fantasy their wife or GF has or am I not shouting it out enough :giggle:
Bi is a lifestyle choice, one that takes honesty (and dont even get me started on that one), women should, however, not make that choice to satisfy anothers needs and wants...
Im also chuckling at the thought, would a man "go bi" to satisfy his partners fantasies?
I need a fag now <PC term ciggie> :wink:
Tils xxxx
Thank you all for an interesting debate.
Quote by Tillie
Had to jump in here <waves to the cafe) wave. Im a single bi female and love nothing more than some one on one time with another female.... Can I fucking find it??? As you say, in here the bi females are mostly in a couple and "dont play alone" How frustrating is that, trust me VERY
Yes I also like men, yes I love sex with men, but I also adore women on a totally different level, their smell, their skin, their whole outlook on life, the way they can read your mind and know exactly what you want without saying wink Better stop now before I slide off the sofa lol
I find myself labelled and pigeon holed into "the elusive bi female" Why elusive, because I am single? Why does that make me elusive <scratches head and has pondered this often>... is it for the purposes of the couples who want to fulfill some fantasy their wife or GF has or am I not shouting it out enough :giggle:
Bi is a lifestyle choice, one that takes honesty (and dont even get me started on that one), women should, however, not make that choice to satisfy anothers needs and wants...
Im also chuckling at the thought, would a man "go bi" to satisfy his partners fantasies?
I need a fag now <PC term ciggie> :wink:
Tils xxxx

If i search my area for single bi females there are enough, not tons but enough. Do they ever answer a PM? No well not to us they dont. Disclaimer: I haven't sent one for a very long time. So as you cant find any are you saying the single bi fems are ignoring pm's from other single bi fems as well as everyone else :lol:
As for elusive, thats just whats applied to something thats not easy to get. Single bi fems fall right into that category.
Tillie where you been looking i have found thousands upon thousands of single bi fems !!!
after been on the scene for over hmmm 3years now....
i've come to hate the label that soooo many decide to use, its not nice knowing that when your added to someones msn they put the label Single Bi Fem.....
when i first came on to the scene it was a the w0w factor all this attention, i was in amazement soooome of these were way out of my legue and being younger and sooo much naive i racked in it.... but something inside me decided i didn't like it, the feeling after of a no phone call or a text, going weeks and weeks with nothing and Bing, fancy a f00k..... it can destroy a female.... it is agreeable i hope to a factor that men and women are wired differnt, i believe in fact that bi females have decided to not get involved in the scene anymore... because once a couple have experienced a fantasy some........... decide that it has been fullfilled and want nothing more.
Being a 'Bi Fem' i sat back long and hard and know very much the scene will always be part of me but i decided that i had to change and DO What i wanted (very selfish), but with it i have built up friendships and have the most erotic moments ;)....... but i have also seen these people compete against each other for in a hmmm word the 'holy grail!' and what for ???
It is funny that boundaries are flung out of a window with a single bi fem, why is that ???
and trailed more onto the single part as can't really comment on being a couple bi fem !
Quote by tweeky
Mrs Tweeky says she does not find woman attractive as in she does not get goey over them. However during sex she very often talks about womans tits and doing stuff with other woman especially during orgasm. If you ask her in the cold light of day if she wants to muff dive the answer is no. However being honest I am not sure I want to muff dive woman other than Mrs Tweeky, does that mean I am not straight lol I Think in the heat of the moment though Mrs Tweeky may muff dive other woman as would I most probably.
So what does that make her/us I dunno YOU BLOODY TELL ME :haha:
I just think with what Mrs Tweeky talks about and the little she did previous to me knowing her it might be interesting one day whenever to put her in a room with another naked female and me and maybe the other females partner and ...... see what happens. Therefore on the form I put Bi curious.

sounds like mrs tweeky enjoys the fantasy, and sometimes thats the first 's basically how sam and i got started, a lot of pillow talk, then sheepish grins in the cold light of day, more pillow talk, then "lets just have a peek online, ooh, a trip to a club could be fun.....and now look at us :lol:
If you ever need help carrying out your experiment...redface
Help! We need lots of help :lol: Sadly combining help with life, time, kids etc is a real pain in the fecking arsehole and one thats stopped us from doing much at all over the last 3 years. Only just recently started getting back to local social events, oh and see below signature biggrin
:lol: ah time, what a bugger, or as you so aptly describe it, what a buggerer. Will keep eyes open, would love to make it.
I think if you work through the boundaries in which I actually operate in a logical way then I'm really a bi-female or even a lesbian :cool: