I've just seen Blue's shaggin add - (hello Sexy) and scored myself on her little questionaire. Picture this - There i was all revved up and gettin ready to score an impressive 11 out of 10 - at least !! and then to be invited over to give her the time of her life only to have the wind plucked so savegley from my sails on realising i only scored a pathetic 7. SEVEN - i ask you!! I mean it does'nt even reach my cock size!!!!
Anyway, the question is this :
I know I would give good value for a seven but how many of you out there have taken a risk on rather dubious date or a " mmm, go on then" - only to have the time of your life OR conversley, have had a date with a supposedly full 10/10 surefire ride of your life only to come out with such a feeling of despondancy and anticlimax that you fear you may never recover???
Discuss - But please, change the names to protect the innocent!!
When it comes to internet dating... the sure thing supper sexy ones always disapoint and quite often are not like u imagined.... and the slightly dodgy oh I have a bit of spare time why not ones always end up being supper interesting super attractive amazing people.
On this basis these days I give as many people as possible a spin and try not to judge too much based on pictures or profiles. I base it more on their egerness and the actuall real person to person date.
Just for fun... i took the test... and scored a measely 6.. which is great!
Because bluexxx scares me... and I'd probably run away
Hey! - I got an 8 but I'm adding 1 more point coz of my answer to question 5. I'm flexible in my working hours and own a car so the NW is only a few hours drive from me. Does this mean I can shag ya now Blue??
Hold on here....... I'm getting too many high scores...... I am fearing that my questionnaire is becoming invalid cos of the ceiling effect
I see in BSQ-R (Blue's Shag Questionnaire - Revised) that I am going to have to ask much harder questions :grin:
Hi Blue,
Do you need a 10 out of 10 to score with you?
I've recently PM you and I make it an 8 out 10 due to our brief encounter on the forums.
Great idea by the way, at least it keeps the emails down to 100 a day!
Best wishes
What does g.i.b. mean??????
Oh.... thanks Blue. :P
How does one get to know one is g.i.b? Does your lover tell you?? Couldn't they be lying??? And what about out of bed? g.o.o.b? What about g.i.t.k?? Or g.i.t.g? Not quite the same ring, eh??
:P :P