although the dvla state its illegal to alter your spacing etc on your plate there seems to be an ever increasing amount of cars on the road that are blatently doing 've seen them, like making a 12 look like an R, etc. whats your view on this? if you have altered yours do you swap the plates for the mot?
I was bought 4 yrs ago by my kids, a plate with single letter, single number, then my initials. Correctly spaced but in a different font not too different like some.
Since then no problems until I met the Sth Yorkshire Police. Pulled over by a cop on the pavement into a parking area where the local police were checking any car, van , lorry for possible infringement.
Was told that the speed cameras in the area could not read my plate. Fined £30. No right of appeal.
Half a mile down the road, saw 2 drivers using phones , and another plate which you could not read.
Wrong place, wrong time, my luck!!!
the downside of personalised number plates...they always stand out and the ones people remember if involved in a road accident...personally i think they are tacky!
The whole thing's just so narcissistic!
(I've still got one though ;))
Driving into work this week I have been folowed by 2 cars where the driver and passenger weren't wearing seat beats. We all see people using their mobiles when they are manuoervering their cars and personalised number plates.
It seems to me that the law of the land extends from coast to coast north and south, east to west but does not include cars. It is no longer the case that an Englishman's home is his castle but his car is.
Another aspect is the number of plates on women's cars that obviously represent their names - albeit in a wierd spelling.
I saw one today that was J4KKI.
It is possible someone could pretend they knew her from a club/party and worm theor way in. We stopped putting kids names on their T-shirts for a similar reason - it doesn't seem wise to plaster your name on your car number plate.
What I have failed to inform the post on the above , is that a] I have been caught doing 34 in a 30 limit by a camera, in Northants. Given a choice of 3pts or attending speed class, took latter. No mention of reg plate. b] Was involved in a six car shunt on M1, {I was in the middle} Police etc attended. Again no mention of plate.