ok is it me or is there a new chat bar appearing at the bottom of the sh pages? and can only log in in one page at a time:smile:
Oh yes you can chat to any friends you have on your list!!
Trying this out right now so only one conversation at a time???
Studiously avoided adding people as friends in the past but had better start adding if I want to chat :dry:
well just tried and got myself into a right mess and was logged out hmmmmmmmmm
its a shame mine has stayed at 0 friends online lol
It doesn't work for me, I wonder if its because i have a mac?
Either firefox or safari Anais.
i got mine set to friends but i bet they aint lol im gonna msg them all and tell them to pull their finger out lol
One of the guys in the office who has been working on it uses a mac, unless its a really old crap one or you are running some way out west operating system it should work ok as his is fine. Log out and log back in and then try it again. Failing that pop a ticket into support and we will take a look.
Just relogged in using safari and it works fine on there
can you use it whilst in chatrooms?
is there any way to hide the chat bar as it just makes my laptop screen even smaller than it was
<--is on bb on server 2 if any 1 needs help with it, im gettin them too sort theirs out lol
Just turn it off on your privicy page. Or follow the link in the information box on your members home page.
at least i can perv in private now instead of sending whispers to friends which end up in the room lol