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Chatroom addiction

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6 watchers
Truly hadnt realised just how addictive that chatroom is until i had to go cold turkey today
sad My pc is poorly and off being repaired on the kids pc but cant get java or mirc to cooperate oh bugger what am i gonna do!
Well could always go clean the oven i'm already depressed so it wont make me any more so.
Cant go entertain myself either because I have a child home poorly so I will go pace some more waiting for the phone to ring so i can go collect my pc.
aww poor bouncyx :therethere:
I know what you mean about the chatroom being addictive i mean if i do not go on AT LEAST ONCE a day i get bad tempered, grumpy, the shakes and down right p@@@@d off at everyone around me redface redface who dares to even talk to me duel
Anyway chin up i am sure you will soon be back to your normal self :bounce: .........time for me to get my daily fix bolt , as i am begining to get the shakes now :silly:
See you soon hun xxxx
chats room is too FAST
have a nice SLOW one here
Compared to the normal pace of my life the chatroom is sedate lol. Going to collect it soon
its all fixed, luckily thr reformat wiped all my pics so no red faces at repair shop or any other bodily responses lol
Missing u in the chatroom bouncy - see you soon and its ok, take deep breaths, relax, thats better - see you soon hun xxx
bouncyx... get yersel back in there !!!!! we are missing you !
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxx
:happy: All working again yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :happy:
chat room adictive? i dont need an early morning fix before work,,, i dont log in the minute i get in from work!!!... errr... redface
i could stop using the Chatroom tomorrow.. i have the will power! confused
given how much time I spend idle on the chatroom.. I can live without it..
besides, sometimes, I have more important things to do..
Quote by redstilletto
the chat rooms mad

only casue there are mad people in the chatroom!
Who are you lot calling m m m mad .... hic .. anyone seen my camel .... it's green.. ya can't miss it!!
Quote by Jiggle
the chat rooms mad

only casue there are mad people in the chatroom!
i changed me nick and got banned
insert large sobs............. sad
Quote by redstilletto
the chat rooms mad

only casue there are mad people in the chatroom!
i changed me nick and got banned
insert large sobs............. sad
what did you say :twisted:
tell me tell me :notes:
Quote by longhandle8
the chat rooms mad

only casue there are mad people in the chatroom!
i changed me nick and got banned
insert large sobs............. sad
what did you say :twisted:
tell me tell me :notes:
rolleyes didnt say nothing
just tried to change my nick name you bugger
and omgoooooo debbiewebbs was in there
damn annoying... damn damn annoying
Bouncy....have missed you in the Chatroom.... glad to hear you're back online.... bloody computers!!!! Yes, the Chatroom is soooo addictive.... i switch it on and join in the chat from work if i'm not too busy.... and have been known to be in the Chatroom till quite late and then put the lights out as the last one standing!!!!!!
Great to see you're back....
equi-princess xxx
Quote by equi-princess
.... and have been known to be in the Chatroom till quite late and then put the lights out as the last one standing!!!!!!
equi-princess xxx

Any excuse not to go home huh equi lol .........although it is nice seeing you in there ..... gives me someone to play with ;)
Quote by Jiggle
chat room adictive?
i could stop using the Chatroom tomorrow.. i have the will power! confused

Well that didnt last long this morning lol lol lol
Got to admit it! its just too damn fast for me been in a couple of times and start getting a bit blink blink gonna try agiain soon tho lol
Wishmaster....will chat through the night with you anytime hun....... lol
Now.... put the lights out!!!!!
equi-princess xxx
everyone is innocent until the lights go out..
Quote by Vicky_uk
chat room adictive?
i could stop using the Chatroom tomorrow.. i have the will power! confused

Well that didnt last long this morning lol lol lol
SHrrrr....... lol
Hi, my name is Sassy, and I am ......... err.............. errmmm, I'm sorry, this is really hard for me............... I am a SH chatroom addict!
OMG, that feels os much better to finally admit it........ I am an addict, and I am proud!
Quote by mistress_sassy
Hi, my name is Sassy, and I am ......... err.............. errmmm, I'm sorry, this is really hard for me............... I am a SH chatroom addict!
OMG, that feels os much better to finally admit it........ I am an addict, and I am proud!

thats it... you let it all out... how does it feel to have the wieght lifted off yuor shoulders
it feels wonderful...... say it with me....... I am an addict, I am an addict, I am an addict!
Right...... off to the chatroom for a another fix!
Definitely, absolutely, well and truly
Ooops... did i really just admit to that one?????
Mistress-Sassy..... can i come along to Chatroom Addicts Anon. with you hunni???
equi-princess xxx
Quote by mistress_sassy
Hi, my name is Sassy, and I am ......... err.............. errmmm, I'm sorry, this is really hard for me............... I am a SH chatroom addict!
OMG, that feels os much better to finally admit it........ I am an addict, and I am proud!

Admitting that you have a problem is the first step to recovery lol Well done Sassy
See you in the chatroom lol lol
Doctor Breezer here,
I see we have several people suffering from addiction to the SH chatroom (well, maybe not suffering, as such). I am here to help. Take one of these pills every day and swallow down with a visit to the chatroom on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; the rest of the time visit on Tuesday, Thursday and at the weekend while repeating to yourself "the chatroom is king" and "we must always be in the chatroom".
EVIL LAUGH mwahhhhahhhh :twisted: :twisted: worship
All hail the chatroom.
Chatroom??? :shock: :shock:
SH has a chatroom??? Where?? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
I'm not addicted... I'm not I tell you :smile2: