Whats the worst chat up line you have had the misfortune of receiving? Will you admit to using them yourself? Which chat up lines do you enjoy using or receiving?
On holiday, I had "Have you got any Italian in you?"
"Would you like some?"
I only seem to get cheesey chat up lines in the chat room, the closest I've come to being chatted up recently was a guy putting his hand on my arse while I was out dancing a few months ago - he didn't say a word, just danced with his hand there, I'm a very bad dancer, especially in heels - so unfortunate to stand on his toe with my stilleto.
But for guys dont seem to happen really its fantacy. it s probably by guys playng about that its so hard. but hey still looking hope hasnt gone to far lol
I was talking to a client to day. A retired man whoclaimed to have received the chat up line.
"Wanna come back to my place and see my etchings" He was doing his national service and was on the top deck of a bus when the man approached him!!!!!
The best one I can remember was when we were in a club, I was next to my wife who was sat on a bar stool, I was talking to the barman when a guy came up to my lady, put his arm around her shoulder and said "Hi babe, what do you call yourself ?" looking the guy up and down my lady replied "Unlucky"
Those are nice legs, what time do they open?
or here's 30p, call ur mom and tell het you won't be home tonite.
Had this in a bar once "What fucks like a tiger & winks" as the guy winked at me. it made me chuckle so i let him buy me a drink!!
or "Do i know you, cos f*ck me if your name's not Helga"