It's not the typing that's the problem for me......just the fact I can't spell! Thank god for spell checker!:lol2:
no pproblmes with teposd here, the wids judt fell from my fingetops, no wirries.
proctice innit
no idea, though I zee big boobeez
I have never watched a full episode of the aforementioned light entertainment show, and should I have caught any, it would heve been accident, or incidental whilst changing channels or awaiting the next programme.
I don't know why I do it but rather than typing coke, I type cock. Luckily enough, it has only been to Ian but I am getting worried I'm going to do it at work :eeek:
I get my typos from typing quicker than my brain can work, although if I didn't stop to correct them I'd have a LOT more typos than I do normally.
People at work comment on how fast I type - for a non-trained typist.
I don't want to break it to them that at least 50% of my typing is backspacing over typos and retyping them.
Yeah, I can type things wrong really fast. :giggle:
Oh and spell checkers don't always help. For instance, eth is a real word. It is an Anlgo-Saxon letter for the 'th' sound in 'bath'.
(from Wikipedia)
I have occasional problems.
When I want to type "Have wild fulfilling sex with me you horny nymph of desire" what actually comes out is "Hello".
Oh, and hello by the way.
"Jsut" is my main typo, drives me crazy cos I can type long words no problem. I think its because I top and think about those ! Also suffer from the space thing, its always in the wrong place !
The one I always have trouble with is "regards". I don't know if it's Freudian but it tends to come out as "retards". It's caused some offence on occassions! :shock:
But tehy do say taht as lnog as the frist and lsat ltetres are in the rgiht palce you can slitl raed msot wrods. ;-)