I used to find it hard.
I don't any more and | think that has a lot to do with my mind shift from caring what "image" I portray to not giving a shit.
That said I can still find over use of fuck, in particular, grating and cunt puts my teeth on edge.
Makes a note to explore what does come naturally to fluffs lips.
when it comes to swearing i dont swear at home, but do swear at work, although not too 't see the need to swear in normal daily use it when extreemly provoked or messed up at work.
I hate the way 'Cunt' has become to be seen an insult when it's really a beautiful earthy word for a beautiful part of a womans body!
I hate the word cunt, it just makes me shudder and i very, very rarely say it to anyone or about anyone. I do swear at work, i work with lots of guys and it just seems to be part of the vocabulary, but i dont swear at home, i wouldnt even let my boys say "stupid", altho they are a bit older now, so who knows what they say to each other :shock:
cunt mmmmm
cunt! oh!
cunt nom
Jermaine Greer stated that the word c*nt should be used sparingly as it is the only word left in the English language left with the ability to shock.
I hate the use of it and i'm afraid the use is becoming more and more prevalent. :sad:
In fairness though Losty mate, shes a bit of a one herself
I normally don't go further than "shit" or "fuck"... mostly when I'm alone and/or upset...
almost never in the bedroom (or any other alternative location :P )
..and when I do, it's more often than not in the wrong language...lol
(in fact I can get a whole lot coarser in italian, again, when I'm alone...but it's a way to release frustration, and I'd never use it in public)
To be honest, I cannot stand the "C" word unless used privately during dirty talk in our bedroom. Other than that word, I can tolerate all other types of "language"
(I tend to use swearwords from Farscape more often than not, though I still use smeghead from Red Dwarf as well.)