Can I add a tiny bit even tho' I is a woman. ?
Urm. I like women's bits.
Boobs Boobs boobs and more bigger Boobs :shock:
did I mention Boobs..
I never knew ladies discussed mens penises!! I thought they bored them (geddit?)
I must admit there have been times when I've noted the nature of the accommodation but only in passing.
from the urban dictionary:
1. furkle
to search and fumble about for something, perhaps furtiveley
She furkled up the bishop's robe to help him find his tassles.
She furkled up his inside leg to find his leg measurement
2. furkle
To heat food at the lowest possible temperature. Below 'simmering' probably only possible by the use of gas appliances. The word FURKLE was invented by Paul Kelly (English) and mentioned first in letters home (2000) and also in his blog 'Daze Off' (whilst teaching Americans how to cook Curry).
KEITH FLOYD (The chef) once stated that he didn't think there was such a word (to describe the lowest possible gas setting whilst cooking food slowly).
To 'furkle'. Cooking on a domestic gas cooker, food would be first cooked and browned and once all ingrediants had been cooked through, the gas would be set as low as absolutley possible, so low as to just 'furkle' the food, to keep the heat sufficient to maintain a low heat, slight bubbling and nominal steam.
so, are we talking foodstuffs again, or tassles?
I cant ever recall discussing the size of a womans pussy but tits.....
Now thats a totally different matter...
Size.....shape......weight......nipple size......pendulousness (is that even a word....I doubt it) :lol2:
The above list is not exhaustive ;-)
Hairy and very wet. Very scenty in a natural juicy sort of way. Very tasty in way that highlights viscosity. And owned by someone who really, really wants you to have your face there. Indeed a place so inviting that one would want to spend a whole afternoon with ones face buried there in a celebration of mutual pleasure, tender laughter and " Did you remember to set the video?"
There was an extensive discussion in one of the SH chat rooms the other day about the rairty and desiribility of perfectly symetrical labia.
I don't know if this will reflect on me well or badly, but I don't really understand what makes a "good" pussy I've heard it said friction is good, I suppose that is true up to a point, I don't fancy trying to slide it in and it feeling like you are dragging your nob along a dry stone wall.
I am fond of the curvaceous bottom or the large boob, but as for the internal dimensions and relative fluidity, I can't say I worry too much. I tend to believe most women are very adaptable to any given... erm ...situation.
Surely though, hygiene is a given, otherwise where's the fun in messing things up?
I like all varieties of vaginas.
Some of my lovers have had issues about their labias, being big, distended and when the inner ones hang out, or about the size of their clits.
I don't mind being told that I have a 'tight' one (you know who you are) which was nice, but generally my preferance is for clean shaven / trimmed / clean / aroused.
As to the aesthetic appeal I couldn't give a flying feck. A woman has to feel comfortable with what she's got and happy with the proportions.
It's very offputting to have a lover that doesn't like her own pussy...
Most women won't admit to getting a mirror out and having a good look! It's a necessity. I even have a birthmark down there (entertaining discovery).
I like em shaved and clean and preferably in my bed :twisted:
Surely the answer for most blokes who are after all by definition exceptionally shallow is....
We aint fussy !
Personally i like the one on the end of my tongue and fingers !
Clean and fresh is a given !- we aint that shallow.
To expand on the 'look' element ...
How about taste ?
There is great variety - most are umm but some are wow tastes fantastic