I'm pretty sure you're not the only person with depression. Go back to your GP; he knows your history better than anyone on here is likely to, so will be able to offer you the most appropriate advice. Ask him/her about support groups.
Very sorry to hear about this, awesome.
The topic of depression has been discussed before in this forum, there are several people here with experiences which they have been willing to share, and some who have offered useful advice, e.g. here:
I'll come back later.
no your not the only one.
Im losing my home, everything in my life is coming to a big stop.I was supposed to move to a new place with someone but that has also fallen through.
I dont know what im going to do or where im going to not the only one.
trust me on that.
I've been a victim of deep depression which took years to get over, with the help of my doctor.
I still suffer from chronic depression, but I'm now able to live a relatively normal life.
If you like a chat to find out more Awesomemistress, you can PM me.
There is light at the end of the tunnel
I had a serious bout of depression a few years back and was refered to a counsellor which was the best thing that could have happened.
She helped me deal with the baggage I was carrying from my childhood,and the nasty divorce my parents went through. She also taught me the importance of exercise to help manage any future episodes. It really works for me, and it doesn't have to cost anything, a good power walk can do wonders, or if you join an class or take up a sport you get the added extra of making new friends.
I hope you find a way to manage it :therethere:
Hang on the the fact that is does pass . You won't feel this bad forever. It will come and go . Once you hit bottom theres only one direction left .
Trace x
Awesome :therethere: take that for the moment, and know that there are hundreds more like you here.
I'll come back to this when i'm not covered in orange marmalade.
You need people whom are close to you to understand fully how you feel and that it's not just a case of the blues that day. Then they can be supportive and keep your own spirits high.
Stay off the drugs - they never work sorry, you can only pull yourself out of depression but with the sustained helpa nd support of loved ones and those close to you.
It will be hard on them though and they have to realise this from the outset that you may have real down days and they may feel tired or at the end of their teather but that they've got to be permanently positive for you to begin to feel positive again.
Hope this helps - there's no quick fix sorry, but give it a few months and am sure with everyones support and help you'll be feeling positive and alive again.
PM sent - hope it helps.
I agree with Dawnie, Jaymar and Naughtynymphos1, drugs definitely do work. I had a spell a few years back, and something did trigger it. The drugs helped calm me down and clear my mind and gave me the strength to get rid of the factor in my life which was affecting me so badly.
One divorce and a few years later I`m now fine and I know when I`m getting low nowadays to be able to look out for it so it doesnt get too bad.
You`re not alone Awesomemistress, dont put off going and getting some help whatever you feel is the right path to take whether it be drugs, CBT or friends and family support. There`s no shame in having to take anti depressants, more people than you realise take them. Your world doesnt have to be a grey, horrible place, get yourself some help and brighten things up.
Depression is an illness not just a state of mind. It is impossible to "pull yourself together" or "snap out of it".I also believe it is hereditary.I think we all feel a certain amount of despair in our lives at times.
Just wanted to add..dont ever stop ur drugs without checking with a doc... going cold turkey can have some nasty side effects. Things that affect brain chemistry need to be treated with care. Took me almost a year to wean off seroxat.
I came to this site through being depressed from a long and intense relationship that ended and thought - right this place will give me what I am looking for - wrong - it didnt. In some ways it actually masked the things I needed to sort out in my life - me.
I suffer from pms - no pain, just real mood swings and I dont hide that but only my family and friends undertsand that and as I have been like this since aged 14 and still manage to hold together a successful career, I am very good at hiding it. It took me years to admit I had a problem and I can tell you its not an easy one to live with.
You are an articulate, extremely attractive and by all accounts intelligent woman Awesomemistress, but depression does not choose any one type of person. Its real and it is a disabler if you let it take over you will never be the person you are capable of being and loving.
I actually feel that I have come to terms with the fact that its here to stay and I live with it and I control it most of the time but often I feel I have weights on my shoulders. Its funny the worse I feel the better I perform in work lol. The one important thing to me is that I have grown to love me with all my quirks and can hold my head high. That only happened in the last 3 years.
I dont think there is one way to deal with depression otherwise there wouldn't be so many books about it or psycotherapists.
I hope you feel on top soon Awesome. Onwards and upwards and remember your best friend is you.
Corrie xxxxx
It strange how you think your alone, i put my post here cos i was desperate, i still am desperate and am crying most of the time at the mo. I really didnt think i would get any replys, yet the response has been wonderfull. Ive found friends and like minded ppl. The doc has changed my meds Watch this space to see if they work. I just want to say from my heart thankyou for the amazing support you have given been a loner all my life ,(not good at trusting ppl.) Since getting my pc ive found more friends than ever. not just virtual cos ive met most at socials ect. People that treat me like a decent human being that my father always said i wasnt. Without getting too soppy, thankyou for being my friends and being there for me. Much Love And Light To All. Merlleena. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx