Quote by flower411
Before you became a swinger or at least realised that it was ok !!
Did you keep count of the number of people you`d had sex with ? no I'd rather forget about it ty very much
Did you discuss it with other people? nope
Do you still keep count ??? !!!!! nope it's done and it's part of my past, why worry?
I used to think of myself as a bit of "lover"
And kept count for a few years !!
It doesn`t seem so important now..is it just that i`m older and more mature now ??
Personally, I think it just became less important as I got older !! Who cares how many people you`ve had sex with ??
Indeed.. who cares? I'm well into my latter 30's, if I was to start worrying now about my past, what I've done, what I haven't done, who I've slept with and how I felt afterwards (generally shite actually) I'd make myself ill.
No one respected me until I matured and respected myself and started saying 'no', but I can't keep dwelling on the past I need to look to the future.