well joind here about three months ago, and read the profiles of a few, and if they were interested in single guys Id reply,
After nothing in those first few months I thought maybe im not replying to enough adds, so I set about replying to everyone within 25 miles. not cut and paste. but individual notes. took an age, but that was a couple of weeks ago now and how many reples? not one, so are the majority on here just to chat and bugger it about for genuine people or do you ever reply. I see loads of moaning about non genuine people but im genuine and cant even get a reply, while im no brad pitt I don't think im quazimodo either but then cud be wrong,
It is not a competition and stop treating it like so. We occasionally enjoy the company of single men and know that we would be able to have a choice of single men within 1 hour at our door due to the fact that there are just that many of you.
If we had a pound for every post we read like this we would be very rich. Usually the advice is to go along to socials, spend time getting to know people in the chatroom and generally be polite. There is no magic formula although the majority (not all) of your so frustrating it leave the genuine ones of you in a very difficult pool.
Just relax, enjoy and take your time to understand what people really want. After all nobody likes a moaner!!!
well as im new , well three months I dont know what's been posted in the past.I do understand that there are more than enough single guys on swinging sites, And I wasn't moaning , siply asking a question, but if single guys at ten a penny and just a commodity is it any wonder im asking this.
A simple polite no thanks or no now or chat later is easy, then couples and women would not keep getting the same guys messaging them, If I DONT GET A REPLY THEN IM NOT GOING TO PESTER THE LIFE OUT OF SOMEONE FOR EVER.
We may be single guys but we have feeling to you know.
I have met couples and single on another site , but was recomended here seem they were rong never mind only another nine months to go eh
as is always commented...happy2play.....there are loads of single guys on here..and so you have to get yourself known. Use a local chat room, and go to socials local to you. that way people know you are genuine and also get to know if you are the sort of person, personality wise they would like to meet.
Put the effort in..and you will get the rewards.
Hello and :welcome: to the forum Happy :smile:
Great advice given already, all I will say be patient :smile:
ive looke dat you profile then the ad, now i know from most couples they will say if they are loking for a single guy they will contact them, im not saying dont make contact, do, but...
it might help if you have a more info completed ad your self. even if i get messaged by people, i willlok at the message, look at their profile,then look at their ad, oh and any pics, videos and then see if they have made any posts in the forums, oh and will now alos checkout who they have left quickies on and who have left quickies on theirs.
see what i mean,its far more than what you say in your reply to a ad...oh and remember some members are free members and cant reply to your message.
all the above is in a aim to help,not pick on you.
xx fem xx
Yes its a long hard and winding road.
Good luck.
lmfao....yeah I wish!!!!!
nine years with time off for good behaviour aught to do it.
but you have to be very good.
a propper little trustie.
like BIoke said... there is a lot going on in the north east (I live just up the road from you....)
with the greatest of repsect.. you have been here a month... I have been here almost 5 years.....
I am not going to flame you.... but i will say what I say to every person who complains...
you get out what you put in......
Do you ever go to clubs.....
Do you go to any of the socials on the site...or even put your name down
Have you ever used the forums to get to know people....
Have you ever stepped inside the chatrooms....
the site is there to help you help yourself... it is more than just the ads.... if you don't use the site to sell yourself to other people then people can only help you so much......
get out there and sell yourself..... get yourselves known to people... imagine SH to be like a pub, would you expect people to be all chummy with you on your first time in? like others have said.. it does take time and it does take perserverence...
for example.. in your profile it says nothing about the person you are or the people that you are after rather than the basics....if you are only going to use one line, then I'm sorry but that smacks like a lack of effort.....
same with using winks.... complete lack of effort.. and as one lady said in your profile, it is like a cop out
SH hasn't started charging by the word, so start using them....... tell people why you are different from the others? give people a reason to say "yes, I have to meet that person"
the successful guys in the scene are not all 6ft muscle bound big dicked behemoths..... they are the guys who go the the socials, who go to the chatrooms, who go on the forums, who can have conversations with people, who made the time to get themselves known........
sorry to be so blunt..... but I hope it helps you understand a little