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Do you kiss?

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Sex God
I came across a situation recently and it made me think about kissing. I was meeting this very nice, polite chap with the intentions of a bit of fun and what have you. But he immediately started to kiss me... I tried ever so hard to go along with it but in truth it was horrid.
I realise it's something of a paradox - not being fussy who parks their bicycle in my rack but hating having to kiss a perfect stranger.
I know prostitutes charge extra for kissing.... but I wondered whether any other swingers out there find this not to be a problem?
Warming the Bed
Well I would think of it this way.
A harmless peck on the cheek whilst sayg hello or goodbye is polite.
A full on tongue wrestle with a complete stranger :shock:
who has and wants no emotional ties with you is a bit much.
I always believe its the woman that should initiate full on kissing but
I should start everything else :twisted:
Sex God
Yuk, kissing - Heather you are so right! When strangers try to kiss me I find this a total turn off, and an invasion of privacy. Kissing is too intimate to be even contemplated betwen strangers, it implies some form of relationship, which seems just too perverse to me. It may seem paradoxical to some, but shagging or sucking a stranger is a turn on, but kissing certainly is not! mad
Sex God
Got to give this one some thought... kissing IS more intimate (in a funny sort of way) than sex so the full on tongues snog is probably not good idea on first meeting.
Mmm - thought processes in operation...
Sex God
Well, thank God it's not just me, then.
I once came across and chap who had so much saliva and such big lips I thought I was being snogged by a camel. Errrrr!!!
Someone should publish a 'Swinger's guide to etiquette' so we should all know what the form is.
Lads, do us a favour... drop your strides by all means but keep your tongue down where it should be :twisted:
Don't kiss.
The first thing Linda reminds me to tell any guys that we are replying to is that there is no kissing allowed, no way.
Mark and Linda xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :twisted:
Warming the Bed
Whenever I meet, I always ask as a matter of course whether kissing will be allowed. I actually enjoy kissing, but it's about respecting people's limits - when I've met couples, I think the hubby may feel more jealous about a full lip-lock than anything else that goes on...
Saying that, some couples do like to kiss - or rather the women do - one enjoyed that as much as my tongue being elsewhere - however, this was the exception rather than the rule, as the other posts in this thread have demonstrated...
Forum Virgin
I had thought about this. Wether to kiss or not? rolleyes
I think kissing would be off as i think it is a bit too personal. confused
For me Mike to Kiss another man would be a big turnon for my wife Nikki not not something i would ever want to do. :cry:
For Nikki to kiss another woman however would be totally different. A big turn on for both of us and unfornately as far as she has ever gone with another woman so far. smile biggrin :P
one of the many things we have not thought about!
We agree - pegs on the cheek is a ok, pegs on tongues and other places is a no no.
(yes I did notice the typo - but it made me laugh so I left it and then got carried away)
Snogs bad!
Sex God
Now WHY is that kissing more intimate than a lick on the clit! I KNOW it is so but don't know why it is so... weird!!
Loves snogging cos it's so good to do
x xx
Warming the Bed
maybe because your lips (the one's up top.... evil ) have more nerve endings than anywhere else on your body, so they are the most sensitive part of the body (though try telling a bloke who has just been kicked in the nads that!) - or maybe I'm just reading too much into this....
Damn, Jags - why is everyone who likes doing the same things as me so far away? mad
Sex God
So mouth lips are more sensitie than clit... will need to go off now and experiment immediately. Back later with the results of the scientific trial.
*licks lips - gets someone else to lick clit*
Sex God
I'm not sure that the nerve ending theory really holds any water. Well, yes, lips might have lots of nerve endings, but when it's a gross kind of kiss these won't be stimulated anyway, will they, so it doesn't really matter how many there are? I think it's more to do with psychology rather than biology. I'll have a think about it confused
Warming the Bed
Tricky one isn't it? I kind of connect it to the difference between love and sex, in a way. Somehow kissing seems to imply a degree of the former, or at least a type of relationship that involves more than just pure (or better still, impure) lust.
Sex God
I'm still thinking about this one, but I think it's something to do with the face to face "intimacy" of kissing that just isn't appropriate with a stranger, and that makes me go YUK when I think about it
Warming the Bed
Ok, I must be odd then!
I like to kiss, it doesn't mean i'm emotionally attached!
Kissing can be very sexy and erotic and I couldn't imagine removing my clothes without it!
We are human aren't we? not just pieces of meat, sex with a another human(s) is a connection regardless of the circumstances.
Just my opinion
Love and kisses
Warming the Bed
ooooooohhhh god its been sooooo long since I had a decent kiss. wife HATES it :cry: :cry: :cry:
So, if someone tried to kiss me :shock: :shock: :shock: they would have to remove me with some kind of kiss-removing implement lol :lol: :lol: cus I ain't never letting go :!:
(Don't ask why she won't kiss - I personally think I am gorgeous!)
Warming the Bed
whenever you're ready!!!
Love and kisses
Okay - I'm doing it again! Trawling the old posts for stuff I haven't seen discussed on here THAT recently. And yes - before anyone jumps in and says there are other threads about this topic - I have read them. I just chose to bump this one - so flipa
This is a subject I thought about a lot when I first entered this world a few short months ago. I am a kisser. I love kissing - but then I find it more difficult to kiss men than I do women. At first I thought maybe it was because I felt more erotically inclined (emotional if you want to call it that) towards the woman in the couple, whereas sex with the bloke was just "sex". But recently I have changed my view and feel it is probably something to do with "comfort". As I have become more comfortable with the couple I swing with regularly I enjoy his kisses as much as hers (but then he is a nice soft kisser rather than a hard "shove my tongue down your throat" kind of kisser). I have always felt comfortable with kissing women, wheras I haven't always felt comfortable kissing men
If I was ever in a group situation I think I would find kissing a "no-no" because that level of emotional comfort wouldn't be there.
Kinda wondering what some of you guys thought?
I love kissing; so does Chris. Can't imagine being intimate without kissing, although we have played with a couple who didn't. Was a bit bizarre really, thoroughly enjoyable though (kiss me knob but not me gob). But we wouldn't dream of pushing it if that was a no-no for anyone.
Quite happy to kiss both sexes :twisted: (Bev) but I find women more gentle than men.
Sex God
Quote by Rainbows
Kinda wondering what some of you guys thought?

I thoroughly enjoy a good snog, be it with male or female. I just need to be comfortable with the individual for it to be...right. Now, I don't understand the assertion some make that kissing is more intimate than, say, oral sex. I think that having my lips and tongue on someone's gentialia is far more "personal" than merely locking lips. I do understand that some couples want to "reserve" some intimate acts exclusively for themselves, but I just don't relate to that. Gimme a snog - any day!
~Reese! surprised
We tend not to with a guy, but do with women! Hmmm... silly when you think about it really.
We've not tried a couple yet, but think we probably will when it happens.
Although we seem to feel that kissing is something more personal than sex (as opposed to making love), there is always that argument that how can touching lips together be more personal than swapping bodily fluids and entering sucking licking someone elses most hidden and least talked about(apart from on this site of course) areas !!
Quote by Rainbows
If I was ever in a group situation I think I would find kissing a "no-no" because that level of emotional comfort wouldn't be there.
Kinda wondering what some of you guys thought?

I agree with you, and with several of the others in this thread e.g.
Quote by Discreet-T
A full on tongue wrestle with a complete stranger :shock:
who has and wants no emotional ties with you is a bit much.

There has to be some sort of emotional connection, some feeling for me to kiss a woman. And I LOVE kissing.
Kissing a man? Can't imagine it.
Sex God
Whereas I am rather fussy about who I snog.
I like kissing.
It's a way to express passion and desire. passionkiss sillyassionkiss:
If I offer you my cheek that's as far as things are going.
Is it kissing on meeting or kissing while playing?
On meeting, a peck on the lips, when leaving a full-on snog. lol
When playing, a really sensuous kiss is a nice way of winding down and saying thank you for a good time. We both kiss but understand that some people don't and respect that.
I personally like kissing, whether that be an intimate kiss at a moment of passion, a peck on the cheek when meeting a friend, on over the top dramatic face suck with another guy at a munch (Don't ask. lol ) or a good old fashioned snog with someone I fancy.
For me kissing is a natural part of forming a bond and I personally want to feel a bond with someone I am going to become sexually intimate with. I find if I have had a good snog with someone they leave a much more lasting impression regardless of what other level of intimacy we have shared. (This of course may be why some people do not kiss while swinging.)
Roger the Dragon. cool
passionkiss sillyassionkiss: :passionkiss: Snogs for everyone! :lol:
Sex God
For me, a tongue wrestle is just that - a tongue wrestle. It's not a big deal for me personally. It can be done with tenderness and passion, but mostly I find it rather crude and tacky when I'm on the receiving end. Mind you, crude and tacky does have its appeal occasionally. smile
There are ways of kissing that I regard as far more intimate, and those are not for just anybody.
Would I do the tongue tango with a casual acquaintance? Yes. Would I kiss a stranger's neck or bite a stranger's lip, or allow a stranger to do those things to me. No.
Quote by Ice Pie
For me, a tongue wrestle is just that - a tongue wrestle. It's not a big deal for me personally. It can be done with tenderness and passion, but mostly I find it rather crude and tacky when I'm on the receiving end. Mind you, crude and tacky does have its appeal occasionally. smile
There are ways of kissing that I regard as far more intimate, and those are not for just anybody.
Would I do the tongue tango with a casual acquaintance? Yes. Would I kiss a stranger's neck or bite a stranger's lip, or allow a stranger to do those things to me. No.

... or that place just behind the ear???
mmmmmmmmm ice ice baby! wink
now this is one of those kinda weird paradox thingies ain't it?
for me, the single most intimate, most arousing, most personal thing i enjoy sexually is a full on passionkiss i actually find it a bit difficult to arouse or be aroused without a fairly prolonged strokey snogging session, and kinda struggle with the just dive in without it thing . . . it's the starting point for pretty much all of my sexual experiences, and my reaction to a full blown snog is fairly obvious, as one or two people know full well! redface there's no need for any kinda foreplay other than a good snogging sesh to get the whole rampant thing going for me. ;)
but . . . i can well understand how, given that, kissing is possibly a touch *too* intimate at times, in some situations, and the first thing i'd want to check re: boundaries is, is kissing allowed?.
it does seem odd that of all the permutations involved in swinging, kissing should be the most intimate, but i understand it, cos it's so intimate for me.
n x x x ;)