have never heard of load of twiddle today,the knuckle head government announced measures to tests doctors competence anually,a move where patients accounts of their GP will determine their future...i ask is this move really to weed out incompetent doctors or there a secret agenda behind it...
Surely it is important for a profession such as the medical one to have in place a set of checks and balances?
I don't know much about current appraisal requirements, but if anything were to improve the standard of patient care or weed out incompetence or, god forbid, prevent another Shipman case, then I think it can only be of benefit.
we think that this will just be another layer of bureaucracy that will serve no useful purpose,why not improve the systems we already have in all if the countrywide coverage is patchy then sort the system out not invent another one that is open to abuse by vindictive the end of the day why not give the B.M.A. more teeth for example.
Doctors have been far too omnipotent and on too many people's pedestals for far too long. They need to answer to the people they are responsible for.
As for the BMA, keep them as far away from the process as possible. The BMA is there for the doctor's benefit, not the public's.
a doctor spend nearly quarter of their lifes training for the proffession ,does every hour under the sun to achieve the knownledge and expertise of being a the red tape govt to turn around and ask the patient who some are merlingering wank stains who have never set foot in a classroom to determine doctors future ,some will grass their doctors for not issuing them with sick notes so they can work extra for cash in hand.
just what brains are behind this cabinet of children
where is the steamroom!
I think it's a brilliant idea, and long overdue.
"Patients will be asked for details on how their doctor communicates, including how well he or she explains and listens.
The degree to which patients are involved in decisions about their treatment and whether they are treated with dignity and respect will also be taken into account."
doctors have always been assesed to ensure they've not employed some butcher to work in our wards,but the govt. lost a case in the beginning of the year to immigration tribunal against deporting new doctors from outside european union after spending years poaching them from asian and poor sub saharan in revenge they introduce tougher measures to try weed them off the country....
can you point me to the facts behind what you are saying please phuckers because that sounds terrible.