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does anyone who was at the munch last night.......

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not have a bad head today.....
I sooooooo need a nurse today!!!!
Cheap doubles i tell you....... they are not big and not clever!!!!! smile
"hungover" of tyneside......... lol :lol: :lol:
I'm fine thanks Sean biggrin - I don't drink spirits so I had to give my voucher to someone else. :cry: :cry:
my head is as clear as crystal
oh hum the driver and chaperone problem strikes again confused
loveley driving back home in the blizzard though lol
btw rose had cleared out the medicine cabinet before ten am
Well I thought I was hungover .... but it's gone already so I must hav been doing well .. adding up I think I only had about 5 or 6 though so that's a bit lightweight LOL
I was very, very hung over! redface sad But then I was very, very drunk! surprisedops: lol
Errr apologies to all those I snogged and groped, and to those I didn't! :shock:
I was a bit dehydrated this morning so I asked Fee to drive for a bit cool
ooooooooooooh i know lol
the bar was verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry cheap. maybe a little to cheap :lol:
i was on double gins all night woke up with a mouth like the bottom of a parrots cage :shock:
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
I think I'm still hungover now and I had to work today !! confused :? :? :?
Quote by MikeNorth
I'm fine thanks Sean biggrin - I don't drink spirits so I had to give my voucher to someone else. :cry: :cry:

Me too :smug:
leprechaun was sober last nite so my head was in the best of form this morning
sorry for u all
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
I'm fine thanks Sean biggrin - I don't drink spirits so I had to give my voucher to someone else. :cry: :cry:

Me too :smug:
Good people of SH - don't fall for that one.
Just lokk at the time she posted .............................
10:58 PM ! ! ! ! !
Almost 12 hours after getting up rolleyes
Oh yeah - She's fine NOW
Well i was pissed why on earth would i sing in public if not
howerver i have a fuuny metab.. when i stop drinking i sober up streight away and never have hangovers god im weird .. :shock: :shock:
Well i was pissed why on earth would i sing in public if not
howerver i have a fuuny metab.. when i stop drinking i sober up streight away and never have hangovers god im weird .. :shock: :shock:
Quote by debz4u
Well i was pissed why on earth would i sing in public if not
howerver i have a fuuny metab.. when i stop drinking i sober up streight away and never have hangovers god im weird .. :shock: :shock:

Quote by debz4u
Well i was pissed why on earth would i sing in public if not
howerver i have a fuuny metab.. when i stop drinking i sober up streight away and never have hangovers god im weird .. :shock: :shock:

rose was so pished she was still seeing double at
am monday
Was up at 8am to go to the airport to catch a flight.
I know you all will hate me but I have NEVER had a hangover in my life, metabolism or whatever, I drink, get drunk, go to sleep, & awaken with no bad head - SORRY.
The WHOOSH Manâ„¢
Must admit no hangover here but think i was too busy talking etc to drink lol, but they didnt go to waste my poor escort suffered the after effects instead lol
well i blame gem!
i TOLD her a bottle of red between us over a candle lit dinner was a BAD idea, but £5 a go at happy hour, she was having none of my protestations.
think it's a good job i kept losing my drink later on . . .
neil x x x ;)
No hangover for me!
I drank quite a lot (cheap doubles...not good!) and was waiting for the headache and general feeling of shittyness but it didn't come!
I was quite tired though..... does that count? lol
Thank god we booked two nights stay is all I can stay.
I was ILL when I woke up on Sun lunch time and took hours to pull myself round........Den slept through till 8pm so woke up full of beans evil
Les x
2 days later and I still have a headache rolleyes
Thanx to the 4 tops drinkies
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Head was fine, hangover wise. although going to bed at am when you have to check out of the hotel at 11 is not good for the energy levels redface
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Head was fine, hangover wise. although going to bed at am when you have to check out of the hotel at 11 is not good for the energy levels redface

Or driving abilities confused
Quote by couple_ne2000
Thank god we booked two nights stay is all I can stay.
Les x

Wish we had wink
the Laird
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Head was fine, hangover wise. although going to bed at am when you have to check out of the hotel at 11 is not good for the energy levels redface

tell me about it! by the time we got back, it was daylight and breakfast time. somehow i couldn't quite face me fried egg i can tell yer! :barf: lol
neil x x x ;)
took us till today to recover , double voddy n red bulls in large amounts
made us misbehave redface drying out then bring on wigan biggrin :D :D