I have just crawled out from behind my sofa after watching tonights Dr Who... the Daleks used to scare the bejesus out of me as a child and still do... :shock:
Tonight's episode was really good...
What is your favorite sci fi character or character from Doctor Who? Did any of them scare you?
Off for a calming cup of tea... and to watch Dr Who confidential!!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my heart is in my mouth i remember being sick as a tiddler watching the dalkis my dad used to say if i was a bad girl they would come and take me away!!! bastard. hehe worked though i was an angel!!
need a drink!
lmao! thank fook for that! and i drink jack an coke!
Loved it!!! Doctor was amazing can't wait till next week, but so gutted they are going to change 'The Doctor'
LOVE David Tennant :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
It was really scary tonight :scared:
Are we going to get a new Doctor? :rascal:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lets start a no new doctor petition! Everyone who wants David Tennant to stay.. sign below!
i luuurrrvvvvv dr who and was glued to the tv tonite
i thought david was staying for at least the next series so was a big shock when he seemed to be regenerating !!!!
i think hes a great doctor altho i liked the last one too !
i really thought it was rose the darleks was after. what a shock... i cried.
next week cant come quick enough
If anyone missed last nights.. go to there is some wicked stuff on there!!! and past episodes of the series too!!
Please don't lock this... there are so many of us closet Dr Who fans out there!!!!
Predictable but I did chuckle when the daleks said to Harriet Jones (former Prime Minister) "YES, WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE!"
I giggled at that bit too!!!
Can't wait for next week....
I was hoping for Richard Briers to leap out of a wardrobe with a golf club to save Penelope Wilton; or, even better, Howard and Hilda to disable the daleks by smothering them in identical knitwear. I really must get out more.